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The DA 2210 offers a complete access and home connectivity solution with a high speed connection - up to 300Mbps - and 4 10/100 Base-T/TX ports. File and printer sharing is easy, users can simply plug in a USB hard disk or a printer and share multimedia content across their home network. With an additional 3G USB dongle users can have an 'always on' internet connection through the data back-up capability. The embedded software can be customized to fit your specific requirements, including the use of third-party 3G dongles.
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Customer support costs are reduced thanks to the remote management.
Delivery If your question refers to a product displaying a 'View Offer' button, clicking on this button will direct you to the product on the associated shop's online store. Yes, delivery can be arranged as shops offer various delivery methods. All of our shops use the South African Post Office or reputable couriers to deliver goods. Unfortunately, PriceCheck can not clarify how long delivery will take, or how much delivery costs.
However, some shops do display an estimated delivery time and cost on their site. If your delivery question refers to a product displaying a 'Buy Now' button, this item can be purchased directly on PriceCheck's Marketplace. Ps3 Console Id Generator By Elite Legendary there. We are pleased to offer our customers door-to-door delivery by courier anywhere in South Africa. The delivery time is a combination of the merchants processing time and the 1-5 days allocated to the courier.
The processing time is set by the merchant and can be 1,3,5,7 (and newly added) 14 or 21 days. So if the merchant has a processing time of 3 days, we add 5 days to that for the courier and display it as 4-8 days for delivery Delivery is charged at R80 for all orders no matter what the size, weight or location of the merchant/customer. The R80 can however be split as follows: - the merchant pays R50 and the customer pays R30 - the merchant pays R30 and the customer pays R50 - the merchant pays R80 and the customer pays nothing.