010818by admin

S10 V8 Motor Mount Template

If you follow the link I posted above, there are.pdf templates for the (Hooker) TransDapt 4689 motor mount adapters, which work with the regular V8 style motor mounts, and long tubes. (if you can't find it, P.M. Me and I'll email them to you) The shorty (69520) header require the use of 2.8 V6 mounts and a crazy looking (adjustable???) mount adapter that isn't very strong. Fn Belgian Mauser Serial Numbers there. TransDapt also makes adapters to use the stock 4.3 mounts, which I strongly advise against, those mounts don't even hold up to v6 power very well. My 93 shortbed S10 has a Vortec head hydraulic roller 363ci small block in it, I daily drive it, tow my Vega race car with it, and it goes 8.0s in the 1/8, on street tires. Oh yeah, it can get up to 20 mpg out on the road too, One of these days, after I swap out the stock 3.42 geared 7.5 rear for a 3.73 posi Exploder 8.8, I'm gonna put a 100 shot on it and see if it will get in the 6s.

S10 V8 Motor Mount Template

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