The Compleat Distiller Free
THE COMPLEAT DISTILLER 5 THE COMPLEAT DISTILLER 5 FOREWORD Worldwide, there is a growing interest in distillation by those who enjoy making alcoholic beverages, essential oils, botanical extracts and perfumes. We have read books that purport to describe how distillation works, but got it wrong in whole or in part, and some that detail how to build a particular type of still and operate it, but which are based more on myth than sound scientific and engineering knowledge. We came to the conclusion that there was a crying need for a book that gives a detailed account of the entire subject, avoiding old wives’ tales and dealing entirely in verifiable facts. Our book describes the science and the principles behind distillation, the practice of small scale distillation, and several designs for different kinds of stills, all thoroughly tested. We fervently hope that our readers develop a thorough understanding of the process, which can only broaden and deepen their enjoyment of this activity. Following this philosophy, every subject introduced begins with “how does this work?” and progresses to “how can I do this?”. We must stress that this book is NOT an incitement to those who live in countries where distillation of alcohol is illegal to rush out and break the law.
Home distillation of alcohol is an ancient and honored tradition in many parts of the world, and is completely illegal in others. The wisdom (or lack of wisdom) of the laws prohibiting small scale distillation are not a subject for this book. If you live where this enjoyable activity is prohibited, you are free to read about it, but not to actually do it. If you feel that these laws are misguided, contact your representatives and make the case for changing the laws, do not break them.
Even where distilling alcohol is prohibited, it is legal to distill with water. However, some countries regulate the size of water stills! You must check carefully on your local regulations before engaging in this activity. Using water to steam distill the essential oils and fragrances from herbs, spices and other botanical materials is a fast growing hobby in its own right, and we devote a whole chapter to this subject. These techniques are as interesting and useful to cooks and perfumiers as they are to people who want to make liqueurs.
We have also included a chapter on workshop techniques, tips, and tricks that can be useful in building stills and many other kinds of equipment. This is not like a book that teaches you how to fly -- it's like a book that also tells you how to make your own airplane – and not just the airplane design of our choosing, but one that you yourself can learn to design, and which may well fly better! In this vein, we also describe distillation techniques and designs that we have only recently developed and which have never before been published, and encourage readers to carry the torch further by using their own ingenuity.
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One of the authors used an old industrial vacuum cleaner as his first boiler, and later investigated the possibilities of using jam jars to make a glass column. This provoked much mirth and not a little scorn from those who considered themselves 'experts', who considered anything new to be heresy. However, a great deal was learned about the properties of materials and techniques to handle them, knowledge that later proved invaluable. When you read this book, you will see what can be accomplished if you dare to step outside the frame and question preconceived notions of what can be done, and how.
All you need is a good understanding of basic principles and a willingness to challenge old, ossified ideas. Home distillation is a fascinating hobby, and one which is fertile ground for those who enjoy exercising their ingenuity. It's challenging, and it's fun! In Chapter 8, we draw back the curtain on the science behind distillation, a fascinating subject in itself. No half-baked notions of what we 'think' may be going on. Facts proven by centuries of hard work and discovery by skilled artisans, scientists and engineers. Paraphrasing the words of Isaak Walton, the author of ' The Compleat Angler', and from whom we have respectfully borrowed for the title of this book: 'Doubt not, therefore, sir, but that distilling is an art, and an art worth your learning.'
THE COMPLEAT DISTILLER 6 CHAPTER 1 FERMENTATION How alcohol is created This book is primarily about distillation, the purification and concentration of impure or weak substances. We recognize that the majority of our readers are interested in the purification of ethyl alcohol solutions, and have included this chapter to describe the necessary first steps – the generation of the impure, weak solution to purify! We will not go deeply into the chemistry or biochemistry of the processes, nor will we try to give expert-level advice or directions on any of the traditional processes – very good books already exist on each of these subjects. A list of suggested further reading may be found in Appendix 8.
Synthetic alcohol One route to an ethanol solution is the production of synthetic ethanol. This is often done industrially, and may or may not be economical in various parts of the world. Synthetic ethyl alcohol is produced by treating Ethyl Acetate with a strong alkali, or 'base' (e.g. Lye, Sodium Hydroxide). Ethyl acetate, a common industrial solvent, is an ester, a chemical combination of ethyl alcohol (ethanol) and acetic acid (vinegar). Treating it with a strong base breaks the ester bond, liberating ethyl alcohol and acetic acid. Procite 5.0 Download here. The acid immediately reacts with the base to form the salt sodium acetate.
After the pH of the solution is adjusted to near 7 (neutral), the pure alcohol may be distilled from this mixture. This procedure is NOT recommended unless you have experience handling strong chemicals, and they can be obtained cheaply in your locale. It is really included for completeness – if it wasn't, someone would write us and ask “Why didn’t you mention the ethyl acetate method?” If the term “pH” is unfamiliar, don’t worry! The pH of a solution is a measure of how acidic or how alkaline it is, with 0 being the most acidic, 7 being neutral (neither acidic nor alkaline) and 14 the most alkaline. The scale is logarithmic, which means that each number on the scale is TEN TIMES the previous one. Thus, pH 5 is ten times as acidic as pH 6, and pH 11 is ten times as alkaline as pH 10. For a few real-world examples, Lemon juice is about pH 2.5 (very acidic), Human skin is about pH 5.5 (very mildly acidic), and liquid soap (the clear kind found in public bathrooms) is about pH 10.
For a more complete explanation, please see Appendix 1. Fermentation Basic biochemistry All living things require energy to continue living, and many different ways of obtaining that energy are found in nature. Plants convert the energy in sunlight into chemical energy their cells can use and store. Sugars, starches and fats are the most common energy storage products.
Animals, fungi, and most bacteria break down the chemicals that are stored by plants to extract the energy they contain. There are two fundamental methods of extracting this energy – with and without the assistance of oxygen. Energy production assisted by oxygen is six times more efficient than without it, so cells preferentially use oxidative metabolism whenever possible.
The Compleat Distiller by Michael Nixon & Michael McCaw Second Edition - An Amphora Society Publication, New Zealand There has never before been a book published on the subject of home distillation as comprehensive as this. Every aspect is covered, from first principles to a clear explanation of the science behind it all. High yield fermentation techniques are described in detail, offering flexibility with efficiency. The design of every type of small still is examined, revealing many ways in which they may be improved. Precise details of how to extract essential oils and scents from plant materials are given, and methods compared. No myths, no guesswork.
Just tested and proven facts and designs.