Sof2 Widescreen Patch
Eyefinity / Surround Screenshot Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix (Gold Edition). Solutions & Issues. Baseline (Widescreen) Solution & Issues. The Game has only 4:3 Resolutions - you need to INI & Hex edit to get HOR+. Make sure that you have run singleplayer and multiplayer at least once.
Having problems running SoF2 properly? Game crashing when starting? Or do you want functionality not included in the default client? We're here to help! Why this page?
We are sceptical about 'fixed' SoF2MP executable files offered on the web. You don't know who has tampered with them and what they exactly changed. That's why we host most known fixes on here for all the major game versions. And we're not trying to be secretive about it. On this page you'll find downloads to patched SoF2 executables where we will tell you exactly what we changed and how we did it. If you want, you can create the exact same executable yourself with our instructions using your own copy of the SoF2MP executable.
Are any of the patches necessary? No, not really. But we can really recommend you to use most of them. They mostly enhance your experience one way or another, using the r_mode patch (widescreen support) for example. The GL_EXTENSIONS patch (fixes crash at game startup) is a good example of a problem that using a patched executable also gets rid of, which seems to happen more often nowadays. Will there be more patches? We cannot say, if there's reason for us, or simply a high demand for it, to add another patch: we will!
This is the page where a new patch would appear. Keep in mind we only release patches on this page for client-side only, server-side patches are included in 1fx. Patches explained We offer support for the following patches: Patch name Symptoms Applies to Manual action required after patch Download executables - all patches applied This is the easiest way to get you up and running within no-time. Just download package, unzip it, and put the extracted files in your SoF2 directory. Replace the existing SoF2MP.exe file and put the SoF2MP.1fxmaster.exe next to it.
In a nutshell: • All patches on this page are applied to the SoF2MP. Linotype Arabic Fonts Free Download. exe (if applicable for the SoF2 version), except the 1fx. Master patch, • All patches on this page are applied to the SoF2MP.1fxmaster.exe (if applicable for the SoF2 version), including the 1fx.
Master patch. The SoF2MP.1fxmaster.exe is used to remain playing when the official master server is down, so it's recommended that you save the copy of it in your SoF2 directory. You can easily verify the SoF2MP executables using the Patch customizer below (selecting all applied patches). They will match the md5sum of the executables in the archive. Patch customizer Select SoF2 version SoF2MP v1.00 (Full) SoF2MP v1.03 (Gold) SoF2MP v1.02t (MP Test / Demo) Select patches to apply GL_EXTENSIONS patch - Fixes crash at startup. Masterserver patch - Changes master server to the 1fx.
R_mode CVAR patch - Adds support for more resolutions, including custom ones. Download output executable Technical details The in-depth patch explanations are, as promised, also on this page. With these instructions you may re-create the exact same executable as ours.
We tried to keep this table as clean as possible, so please bear with us while making your way through all the data. I'm sure most of you already guessed: the explanations/instructions are aimed at power users only.