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Full text of ' y SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS An Alphabetical List of Words in Common Use, Grouped with Others of Similar and Opposite Meaning BY EDITH B. ORDWAY Author of 'Tht Etiqutttt of To-Day' 'Handbook of Quotation*,' Eto. NEW YORK GEORGE SULLY AND COMPANY Copyright, 1913 BT SULLY AND KLEINTEIC^ All rights reserved IN U. PREFACE THE aim in compiling this book has been to make the list of words in common use concise yet full, and authoritative yet suggestive. Above five thousand leading words are given, and the synonyms and antonyms comprise several thousand more different words. Actual references may be multiplied by looking up a synonym or antonym, as well as by consulting cognate words, such as the corresponding noun, verb, or adjective.
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In some cases common words have been omitted, because they were composed of a root word and a prefix, intensive or privative. Their synonyms and antonyms may be found under the root word.
Occasionally within the lists words closely synonymous or antonymic have been grouped within semicolons. The part of speech of a word is designated by an abbrevi- ation in such cases as are necessary to save confusion. Synonyms appear immediately after the leading word; an- tonyms, after the abbreviation 'Ant.'
This order is invariable. In the effort to make this list authoritative, the standard dictionaries and the acknowledged authorities on the sub- ject have been consulted.. [v ] 2502621 ABBREVIATIONS a.
Antonym or Antonyms. Past Participle. Synonym or Synonyms. I Til 1 SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS Abandon. Desert, leave, for- sake, depart from, quit, give up, relinquish, discontinue, ab- dicate, renounce, repudiate, for- swear, withdraw from, vacate, surrender, retract, recant, re- tire from, cast off, abjure, cede, cease, resign, forego, yield, waive, part with, let go, lay down, evacuate, drop, deliver up. Claim, cherish, defend, keep, hold, maintain, protect, adopt, uphold, advocate, vindi- cate, occupy, undertake, prose- cute, pursue, follow, seek, guard, favor, retain, support, assert, haunt.
Discarded, re- jected and the p.p. Of 'abandon'; depraved, corrupt, profligate, wicked, unprincipled, shameless, sinful, hardened, im- penitent, lost, demoralized, vicious, dissolute, reprobate, graceless, obdurate, licentious, incorrigible, irreclaimable, bad. Of 'abandon'; visited, frequented, sociable; virtuous, good, de- serving, worthy, commendable, excellent, laudable; reclaim- able, penitent; conscientiou-s, correct, upright, righteous, self- controlled, high-principled, steady. Desertion, re- nunciation, surrender, rejection, abandoning, relinquishment, dereliction; cession, resigna- tion, abnegation, demission, ab- juration, abdication, defection, abrogation. Solicitude, care, heed, watchfulness, vigilance; hospi- tality, entertainment, convivial- ity, welcome, reception; reten- tion, completion, reclamation, support, help, correction, cus- tody, tenacity. Degrade, reduce, lower, discredit, disgrace, dishonor, humble, sink, humiliate, bring low, cast down, stoop, debase, depress, drop, take down, demean. Elevate, exalt, honor, promote, raise, dignify, uplift, aggrandise.
Degradation, hu- miliation, dishonor, degeneracy, shame, depression, reduction, lowering, fall, deterioration, de- basement, degeneration, vitia- tion, perversion, depravation, abjection, disrepute, discredit, subserviency. Promotion, exaltation, honor, elevation, aggrandize- ment, dignity, repute, reputa- tion, standing, supremacy. Bewilder, confound, dis- concert, discompose, confuse, daunt, humble, dishearten, mor- tify, shame, humiliate, snub, discountenance. 1 1 aba] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS tabe ANT. Embolden, cheer, en- courage, animate, uphold, rally, countenance, inspirit, abet, in- cite, buoy. Lessen, lower, reduce, diminish, moderate, decrease, decline, ebb, mitigate, subside, suppress, terminate, remove; temper, assuage, alleviate, ap- pease, pacify; remit, allow; re- lax, slacken; bate, deduct; soothe, soften, qualify, allay, mollify, compose, tranquil ize, quiet, quell, calm, dull, blunt; batter down, beat down, demol- ish, raze.
Increase, prolong, mag- nify, foment, enlarge, extend, aggravate, continue, develop, re- vive, raise, enhance, amplify. Subsidence, decline, lowering, reduction, decrease; allowance, discount, rebate, de- preciation, drawback; modera- tion, lessening, mitigation, as- suagement, remission, sinking, settling, waning, fading, ebb, evanishment, declension, deduc- tion, diminution. Increase, augmenta- tion, enlargement, increment, accretion, development, growth, aggrandizement, dilation, acces- sion. Shorten, contract, curtail, reduce, abridge, con- dense, epitomize, compress.
Lengthen, extend,, elon- gate, dilate, expand, amplify, enlarge, produce, stretch, pro- long, expatiate. Abridgment, contraction, condensation, com- pend, abstract, epitome, reduc- tion, summaiy, curtailment, compression. Expansion, amplifica- tion, expatiation, extension, pro- duction, enlargement, dilation. Resign, relinquish of- fice (especially of the throne), surrender, abandon, vacate, forego, renounce, give up, cede.
Retain, claim, ocoupy, maintain, usurp, seize, grasp. Belly, paunch, ven- tral region, visceral cavity. Take away (surrepti- tiously or forcibly ), kidnap, run away with, carry off, spirit away, drag away. Restore, reinstate, adduct. Withdrawal, draw- ing away, abstraction, kidnap- ping, seizure, appropriation.
Adduction, replace- ment, restitution, restoration, surrender, reinstatement. Wandering, ram- bling, divergent, deviating, de- vious, erratic; irregular, abnor- mal, unusual, exceptional. Regular, true, consis- tent, uniform, consecutive, nor- mal, natural, continuous.
Wandering, diver- gence, irregularity, rambling, disconnectedness, hallucination, illusion, delusion, eccentricity, singularity, peculiarity. Uniformity, consecu- tiveness, regularity, progres- sion, continuity, order, type, norm. Aid, assist, promote, sup- port, sanction, uphold, counte- nance, encourage, advocate, in- cite, instigate, embolden, favor, foment, connive at, cooperate with.
Hinder, impede, ob- struct, frustrate, baffle, con- found, counteract, deter, dis- courage, thwart, contradict, dis- concert, disapprove, denounce, dissuade, expose. Assistant, helper, aid, ally, cooperator, advocate, con- federate, accomplice, accessory, Abe] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [abl adviser, promoter, instigator, associate, coadjutor.
Opponent, foe, adver- sary, antagonist, rival, dissua- der, detector, baffler, discon- certer. Suspense, suspen- sion, expectancy, waiting, an- ticipation, dormancy, intermis- sion, quiescence, suppression, expectation. Renewal, revival, re- suscitation, action, operation, exercise, force, possession. Hate, detest, loathe, shrink from, recoil from, shud- der at, abominate, despise, dis- like, eschew, nauseate, revolt. Crave, desire, enjoy, covet, esteem, like, love, relish, admire, approve, affect. Odious, offensive, shocking, repugnant, loath- some, revolting, horrible, repel- lent, repulsive, nauseating.
Admirable, enjoyable, lovely, estimable, desirable. Wait for, await, attend; endure, tolerate, bear, suffer; anticipate, watch for, expect; bide, continue, reside, dwell, so- journ, tarry, lodge, rest, stay, inhabit, remain.
Abandon, shun; resist, reject, avoid; deport, migrate, move, journey, continue, pro- ceed, progress. Lasting, continuing, permanent, durable, constant, stable, immutable, changeless, unchanging. Ephemeral, fickle, changeable, unsubstantial, per- ishable. Power, force, might, efficiency, vigor, skill, energy, dexterity, adroitness, skilful- ness, cleverness, ingenuity, tal- ent, aptitude, facility, knack, expertness, readiness, quick- ness, strength, capacity, quali- fication, competency, genius, ca- liber, capability, capableness, faculty, gift, parts.
Incapacity, weakness, inability, unreadiness, mala- droitness, imbecility, impotence, disability, inaptitude, ineffi- ciency, incompetence, disquali- fication, helplessness, stupidity, folly. Base, vile, mean, low, despicable, contemptible, worth- less, groveling, fawning, beg- garly, servile, cringing, miser- able, degraded, menial, ignoble. Dignified, honorable, ex- alted, worthy, venerable, illus- trious, independent, princely, self-assertive, self-reliant, vain, arrogant, insolent, haughty. Renounce, relinquish, reject, forswear, forego, repudi- ate, disown, give up, retract, re- voke, recant, disavow, disclaim, withdraw, take back, deny, apostatize, discard.
Claim, advocate, ac- knowledge, profess, vindicate, assert, demand, retain, appro- priate, avow. Accomplished, adroit, tal- ented, clever, ingenious, apt, skilful, efficient, capable, fitted, learned, gifted, masterly, tell- ing, vigorous, strong, proficient, competent, versed, practical, en- dowed, powerful, mighty. Incapable, ineffective, unqualified, stupid, inept, weak, inefficient, unskilful, silly, in- competent.
Washing, bathing, cleansing, lavation, purifica- tion, baptism. Pollution, defilement, dirt, soilure, contamination, taint, stain, abomination, im- purity. [ 3 ] abn] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [abo Abnegation. Denial, abjuration, renunciation, rejection, surren- der, abandonment, disallow- ance, abstinence. Assertion, vindication, license, claim, indulgence, con- cession; affirmation, allegation, statement, declaration, word, averment, deposition; proposal, proffer. Singular, unnatural, unusual, irregular, peculiar, ex- ceptional, aberrant, erratic, monstrous, preternatural. Normal, regular, usual, natural, typical, customary, or- dinary, common.
On board, on the ship, afloat, inside, within. Ashore, aground.
Home, house, place, resi- dence, domicile, habitation, dwelling, lodging, quarters, seat. Halt, tent, 'bivouac, perch. Abrogate, annul, de- stroy, repeal, revoke, suppress, terminate, rescind, cancel, nul- lify, suppress, overthrow, ex- tirpate, remove, prohibit, set aside, end, stamp out. Establish, support, sus- tain, cherish, confirm, continue, restore, revive, reinstate, insti- tute, promote, legalize. Hateful, horrible, loathsome, abhorrent, foul, odi- ous, offensive, detestable, im- pure, execrable. Desirable, admirable, enjoyable, pleasing, pure, delec- table. Offense, horror, shame, wickedness, abhorrence, aversion, disgust, curse, pollu- tion, iniquity, defilement, cor- ruption, nuisance, annoyance.
Acquisition, enjoyment, gratification, blessing, desire, longing, delight, benefit, pleas- ure, satisfaction. Primitive, prime- val, primary, pristine, native, original, indigenous, autoch- thonous. Subsequent, imported, exotic, recent, modern, late, novel, fresh, immigrant, adven- titious.
Failure, miscarriage, disappointment, non-success, vain effort, defect, frustration, blunder. Success, consummation, completion, realization, perfec- tion, achievement, development, exploit, feat. Team, swarm, multi- ply, swell, increase, flow, luxu- riate, flourish, prevail, wanton, revel, exuberate. Waste, lack, wane, van- ish, lessen, decrease, die, decay, fall. Concerning, regarding, touching, relative to, with ref- erence to, in regard to; near, surrounding, around; almost, nearly, well-nigh; ready, on the point of, on the eve of; around, hind part before. Afar, distant, remote; precisely, exactly. Overhead, aloft, on high; before, previously; higher, hav- ing precedence; over, exceed- ing, beyond, superior, exces- sive.
Below, beneath, within; later, subsequently; lower; less, diminished. Openly, candidly, frankly, sincerely, fairly, in- genuously, unreservedly, guile- lessly. Secretly, elusively, un- derhand, deceitfully, wiliJy.
Named before, aforesaid, above-mentioned, abr] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [abs above-cited, above-described, mentioned above. Named below, described below, hereinafter named. Rubbing, friction, wearing away or off, disinte- gration, attrition. Accretion, augmenta- tion, increment; supplement, reinforcement. Alongside, side by side, aligned; against, off, op- posite to. Ahead, astern; behind.
Abbreviate, shorten, condense, diminish, reduce, con- tract, cut down, deprive of, di- vest of, epitomize, compress. Amplify, expand, spread out, extend, dilate. Summary, synop- sis, compend, analysis, abstract, abbreviation, epitome, outline, compendium, digest.
Amplification, expati- ation, exposition, annotation, paraphrase, expansion, com- ment. Far away, distant, apart, dispersed, aloof, adrift; dis- tracted, confused, dazed, con- founded; forth, out of doors. Near, close, collected, fast, housed; composed, poised, self-contained; loithin.
Abolish, cancel, set aside, annul, make void, over- rule, invalidate, nullify, re- peal. Enact, confirm, enforce, establish, continue, revive.
Repeal, rescind- ing, annulment, abolition, rev- ocation, voidance, cancelation, setting aside; discontinuance, disestablishment. Enactment, institu- tion, establishment; sanction, continuance, confirmation.
Sudden, unexpected, hasty, ill-timed, precipitate; steep, precipitous, craggy, rough, rugged, jngged; short, blunt, curt, unceremonious; stiff, cramped, harsh, discon- nected. Torrent Safecracker Wii Iso more. Easy, gliding; pol- ished, smooth, undulating; ex- pected, courteous, elegant, com- plaisant, suave. Depart, steal away, decamp, bolt, disappear, run off, hide, withdraw, retreat, es- cape, elope, slink or sneak off, absent one's self. Show, appear, emerge, issue, present one's self.
Non-attendance, non- appearance, non-existence, ab- senteeism; inattention, ab- straction, preoccupation, mus- ing; want, lack, privation, de- fect, deficiency. Presence, existence, manifestation, evidence, sup- ply; attention, consideration; immanence, inherency. Away, gone; ab- stracted, preoccupied, inatten- tive, dreaming. Present, here; atten- tive, alert. Perfect, complete, su- preme, autocratic, authorita- tive, commanding, independent, unrestricted, unqualified, un- limited, unconditioned, self- existent, self-determined, ideal; despotic, arbitrary, exacting, domineering, tyrannical, impe- rious, dictatorial, irresponsi- ble; positive, actual, real, veri- table, genuine, certain, categori- cal, unquestionable. Related, responsible, conditioned, limited, qualified, restricted, accountable; ductile, humble, lenient, meek, mild, yielding, compliant, complai- sant; dubious, contingent, de- abs] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [ab fective, deficient, wanting, lack- ing, mutilated, incomplete, Absolution.
Acquittal, remis- sion, release, deliverance, for- giveness, pardon, shriving, shrift; indulgence, justification. Charge, accusation, con- demnation, censure, conviction; penance, purgation, fasting, flagellation. Acquit, clear, exoner- ate, forgive, free, liberate, re- lease, pardon, set free, dis- charge, exempt, exculpate. Accuse, condemn, con- vict, impeach, charge, compel; obligate, oblige, bind.
Take in, consume, im- bibe, swallow, suck up, ex- haust; engross, engage, im- merse, occupy, arrest, rivet (of attention). Give up, disgorge, send out, radiate, throw off, eject; dissipate, distract, disperse. Absorbing, imbib- ing, assimilation, destruction, consumption, exhaustion; en- grossment, engagement, occu- pation, immersion. Ejection, rejection, ex- pulsion, discharge; inadver- tency, inattention, oversight, disregard. Refrain, resist, for- bear, desist, deny one's self, avoid, cease, stop, withhold, give up, relinquish.
Indulge, wanton, revel, yield to, gratify. Abstinent, sober, moderate, temperate, sparing, frugal, self-denying, continent. Sensual, self-indulgent, intemperate, greedy. Wipe off, purge, cleanse, purify, scrub, sponge, scour. Soil, pollute, begrime, contaminate, bespatter, bedaub. Cleansing, purging, purifying, scouring; detergent, cathartic. Corruptive, cont ami- native, offensive.
Temperance, abste- miousness, self-control, self- restraint, self-denial, sobriety, fasting, continence, moderation, frugality. Excess, intoxication, self-indulgence, sensuality, wantonness, intemperance, greed, gluttony, revelry, dissi- pation. Abstaining, fasting; abstemious, sober, temperate, self-restraining, self-denying, continent, austere. Sensual, self-indulgent, intemperate, epicurean, dissi- pated, incontinent, debauched. Epitome, summary, abridgment, compend, synopsis, syllabus, outline, digest, brief, compendium, gist, drift, con- tents.
Amplification, disqui- sition, exposition, eatpansion, ex- patiation. Appropriate, with- draw, remove, separate, take away, detach, purloin, part, eliminate, distract, discrimi- nate, abridge. A dd, complete, increase, restore, unite, conjoin, fill up, strengthen, combine. Separated, with- drawn, removed; subtle, refined, abstruse; inattentive, preoccu* pied, dreaming, absent-minded, oblivious, thoughtless, negli- gent, indifferent, heedless, ab- sorbed, absent. Intelligible, lucid, trans- parent; attentive, intent, ob- servant, alert, prompt, ready, thoughtful, wide-awake.
Disconnection, di* 6 abs] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [ac* junction, removal, isolation, separation; preoccupation, rev- ery, inattention, absorption, ab- sence; taking, abduction, seiz- ure, stealing, appropriation, purloining; classification, gen- eralization. Addition, conjunction, union, restitution, importation, restoration; enumeration, anal- ysis; attention, specification, observation, individkialization. Hidden, difficult, rec- ondite, profound, deep, curi- ous, occult, dark, obscure, mys- tical, hard,. Vague, indefinite, mysterious, abstract, tran- scendental. Patent, simple, obvi- ous, trite, intelligible, manifest, lucid, clear, easy, plain, popu- lar, superficial. Ludicrous, monstrous, nonsensical, preposterous, sense- less, ridiculous, foolish, irra- tional, wild, unreasonable.
Sensible, rational, rea- sonable, logical, wise, sagacious, sound, substantial, philosophi- cal, reflective, consistent, true. Unreasonableness, irrationality, foolishness, folly, fatuity, idiocy, extravagance, drivel.
Reason, possibility; truism, axiom, maxim, adage. Profusion, wealth, affluence; flow, flood, overflow; copiousness, fertility, richness, largeness, store, plenty, exuber- ance, plenteousness. Scarcity, deficiency, rarity, scantiness, dearth, fail- ure, poverty. Abounding, flowing, plentiful, liberal, bountiful, suf- ficient, lavish, plenteous, much, copious, replete, full, teeming.
Rare, scarce, scant, de- ficient, insufficient, short, nig- gardly, sparing, impoverished, dry, drained. Misuse, dishonor, mal- treatment, outrage, reviling, ob- loquy, defamation, insult, dis- paragement, reproach, ill usage.
Kindness, praise, def- erence, respect, honor, good treatment, good usage. Harm, ill-treat, ill-use, injure, wrong, maltreat, op- press, molest, malign, impose on, ruin, victimize, slander, vio- late, ravish, defile, disparage, damage, defame, misuse. Cherish, protect, re- gard, shield, respect, care for, tend, benefit; laud, favor, ap- plaud, extol, eulogize, praise; uphold, sustain, vindicate, con- serve. Insulting, rude, de- nunciatory, reproachful, injuri- ous, offensive, reviling, inso- lent, scurrilous, opprobrious. Respectful, attentive, laudatory, kind, flattering, courteous, complimentary, ob- sequious. Be adjacent, extend, im- pinge, project, approximate, be contiguous, adjoin; end, border. Diverge, recede, re- turn, retreat, recurve.
Terminal support, buttress. Adjacency, contiguity, nearness, juxtaposition; boun- dary, terminus, limit, termina- tion. Interval, separation, gap, chasm, interspace, fissure, breach.
Gulf, gorge, deep, chasm, profound, abysm; the pit. Surface, abutment, ad- hesion, contact, contiguity; heaven.
Scholastic, learned, literary, collegiate, classical. Aca] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [ace ANT. Illiterate, ignorant, unschooled.
School, seminary, in- stitute, college, gymnasium, high school; scientific body, association of artists. Consent, assent, acqui- esce, comply, agree, accept, con- cur, approve, coincide. Decline, unthdraw, re- fuse, demur, protest, dissent, reject. Hasten, quicken, speed, precipitate, despatch, ex- pedite, hurry, urge, push for- ward, press on; forward, ad- vance, further. Delay, impede, clog, hinder, retard, drag, obstruct.
Stress, beat, emphasis, rhythm, pulsation, intonation, cadence, tone, modulation, ictus. Monotony, equable- ness, babble, floiv, smoothness. Accentuate, Accent, v. Lay stress upon, put the ictus on; emphasize, mark, make promi- nent. Make light of, make insignificant, underestimate', ig- nore.
Take, receive; admit, agree to, approve, acknowledge, avow; estimate, regard, value, construe. Refuse, decline, reject, ignore, disown, repudiate. Welcome, pleasing, grateful, gratifying, pleasant, agreeable, pleasurable, season- able, desirable, expedient.
Unpleasant, disagree- able, annoying, grievous, un- grateful, unwelcome. Reception, taking; acknowledgment, approbation, approval, satisfaction, gratifi- cation. Rejection, refusal, re- pudiation, exclusion. Meaning, signifi- cance, sense, import, interpre- tation, construction, under- standing; approval, adoption, acceptance.
Entrance, approach, passage, avenue, entry; admis- sion, admittance, audience, in- terview; addition, increase, gain; accession; attack, onset, fit, paroxysm. Exit, egress, depart- ure; exclusion; repulse, recoil; retirement, retreat; quiescence, inertia, languor, torpor.
Accessary, see Accessory. Easy of access, ap- proachable, affable, conversible. Distant, cold, unap- proachable, difficult. Addition, increase, enlargement, extension, aug- mentation; arrival, influx; at- tainment (of power). Abandonment, de- crease, ebb, drain, subsidence, departure, resignation, diminu- tion.' Accessory, n. Confederate, as- sistant, helper, associate, ac- complice; detail, accompani- ment, subordinate element; companion, partner.
Foe, rival, adversary, antagonist, opponent, enemy; principal, instigator. Accessory, a.
Assisting, aiding, abetting, helping, acceding, ad- ditional; supplemental, subser- vient, subsidiary, subordinate, conducive; accompanying, con- tributory, auxiliary. Essential, inherent; superfluous, irrelevant. Chance, disaster, hap- pening, hazard, incident, mis- fortune, calamity, adventure, casualty, mishap, possibility.
Certainty, provision, plan, intention, appointment, t 8 ] ace] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [ace calculation, law, necessity, pur- pose, preparation. Casual, unintended, fortuitous, chance; incidental, immaterial, non-essential; oc- casional, contingent, adventi- tious. Intended, purposed, prepared, appointed, certain. Applause, cheer, outcry, homage, gratulation, salutation.
Censure, execration, denunciation, obloquy, sibila- tion. Rise, incline, ascent, steep, hill, height. Decline, declivity, hol- loic, descent, depth. Oblige, serve, fur- nish, supply, contain, hold, con- venience; adapt, reconcile, ad- just, harmonize, suit, conform, arrange. Deprive, aggravate, in- convenience, disturb, disoblige; misfit, incommode. Kind, oblig- ing, considerate, unselfish, po- lite, yielding, conciliatory.
Rude, churlish, dis- obliging, inconsiderate, exact- ing. Follow, attend, consort with, go with, escort, convoy. Abandon, leave, quit, avoid, discard, desert. Confederate, ac- cessory, abettor, associate, ally, aid, assistant, promoter, coad- jutor. Rival, enemy, foe, ad- versary. Complete, finish, achieve, effect, perform, carry out, attain, realize, consum- mate, execute, perfect, fulfil, do; equip, furnish.
Fail, mar, spoil, frus- trate, defeat, disconcert, de- stroy. Educated, ex- perienced, practiced, finished, versed, consummate, adroit, ex- pert, apt, skilful, talented, fine, qualified, proficient, polite, ele- gant; completed, effected, estab- lished. Unskilled, unfettered, ignorant, unpolished, uncouth, inefficient, incapable, inexpert, incompetent. Execution, achievement, performance, com- pletion; acquirement, attain- ment, proficiency, ornament, grace. Failure, blunder, folly, stupidity, incompetency, mis- management, bungling.
Agree, correspond, har- monize; grant, concede, give, yield, deign, vouchsafe, consent, answer. Differ, disagree; with- hold, deny, refuse.
Agreeable, suitable, consonant, harmonious, congru- ous, agreeing, corresponding, conformable. Adverse, inconsistent, discordant. Suitably, conform- ably, agreeably; consequently, therefore, hence, wherefore. Conversely, inconsis- tently, impertinently. Approach, address, sa- lute, greet, confront, speak to. Depart, rebuff, check, repulse, shun, elude, pass, ig- nore. Record, register, in- ventory; bill, charge; count, calculation, enumeration; state- ment, description, narration, re- lation, narrative, recital, chron- icle, history; explanation, expo- ace] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [ach sition; consideration, regard, motive, reason; importance, worth, dignity, profit, advan- tage, benefit.
Suppression, silence; attempt, project; misannounce- ment. Esteem, regard, deem, judge, think, hold, be- lieve, consider, view; estimate, reckon, rate; explain, solve. Underrate, undervalue; disesteem, misestimate; mys- tify, perplex, darken. Responsible, pun- ishable, answerable, liable, amenable; accredited, dele- gated.
Independent, absolute, supreme, despotic, autocratic. Equip, furnish, dress, fit out, arm, array. Despoil, impoverish, denude, strip, bare. Credit, authorize, trust, empower, commission, de- pute.
Recall, supersede, dis- miss, discard; disbelieve, dis- trust, suspect. Authorized, com- missioned, sanctioned; confiden- tial, trusted, believed. Unauthorized, dis- trusted, discredited. Growth, accumula- tion, adhesion, coherence, in- crease. Abrasion, disintegra- tion, diminution. Result, arise, issue, en- sue, follow, proceed, come, in- crease, augment.
Cause, occasion; re- duce, weaken, abate. Pile, collect, gather up, bring together; store, amass, garner, treasure, husband, lay by, hoard; aggre- gate. Separate, dissipate, disperse, scatter, waste, expend. Collection, heap, mass, accretion, hoard, store. Separation, segrega- tion; unit, individual; prodi- gality, leakage, expenditure.
Exactness, precision, nicety, truth, carefulness, cor- rectness, exactitude, fidelity. Looseness, slovenli- ness, incorrectness, error, fal- lacy, misconception, misstate- ment. Careful, exact, faith- ful, precise, truthful, correct, rigorous, close, severe, just, unerring. Inexact, faulty, inac- curate, defective, loose, careless.
Charge, indict- ment, arraignment, impeach- ment, imputation, crimination, censure. Discharge, acquittal, vindication, absolution, ap- proval. Charge, indict, arraign, incriminate, impeach, cite, sum- mon, tax, censure, taunt, blame, reproach. Discharge, acquit, de- fend, vindicate, exonerate, par- don, absolve, condone, release. Habituate, use, be wonted, harden, familiarize, train, addict, drill, break in, discipline. Estrange, wean, alien- ate, dishabituate. Sourness, acidity, tartness, bitterness, roughness, harshness, acrimony.
Sweetness, mildness, softness, gentleness, smooth- ness. Pain, dull or continued pain, anguish, suffering, agony. Pleasure, relief, ease, refreshment, dlight. [ 10 ] ach] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [acu>Achieve. Accomplish, perform, complete, finish, realize, bring to pass, work out, conclude; ob- tain, acquire, gain, win, get. Neglect, undo, mar, omit; fail of, lose. Accomplishment, performance, attainment, com- pletion, consummation; exploit, deed, feat.
Forfeit, failure, negli- gence, frustration, blunder. Recognize, be aware of; admit, concede, al- low, accept; confess, avow; ex- press thanks for; own. Or pro- fess. Disclaim, disown, deny, repudiate, ignore, dis- avow. Summit, zenith, climax, top, apex, vertex, pinnacle, cul- mination. Base, nadir, depth, ground, foundation, foot, root. Association, fa- miliarity; friend; intimacy, companionship, experience, knowledge, friendship, fellow- ship.
Ignorance, inexperi- ence, unfamiliarity, ignoring. Assent, concur, yield, comply, submit, agree, con- sent. Object, demur, dissent. Gain, earn, win, reap, obtain, attain, achieve, get, se- cure; master, learn thoroughly. Lose, surrender, miss, forego, forfeit. Discharge, exonerate, release, absolve, excuse, par- don, exculpate.
Charge, condemn, sen- tence, compel, indict, imprison. Discharge, release, deliverance, liberation, abso- lution. Judgment, punish- ment, penalty, trial, retribu- tion, correction, castigation.
Bitterness, sharp- ness, sourness, tartness, sever- ity, asperity, hardness, rancor, ill-temper, spite, unkindness. Gentleness, good na- ture, kindness, sweetness, cour- tesy.
Deed, performance, ex- ploit, accomplishment, achieve- ment, effect, movement, trans- action, work. Cessation, inertia, qui- escence, inaction, rest, repose r quiet, deliberation. Work, do, perform, exe- cute; behave; play, feign, pre- tend, dissemble; operate, have effect; be, realize, actualize. Rest, cease, stop, stay; neglect, omit, mar, undo; ex- pose, reveal, vaunt; be quiescent or latent; fancy; endure, suffer. Exercise, motion, move- ment, deed, performance; agency, force, operation; battle, conflict; gesture; representa- tion, play; subject, plot; law- suit, case.
Inertia, torpor, lan- guor; quiescence, rest, passive- ness; harmony, truce, peace. Agile, brisk, alert, lively, quick, prompt, ready, spry; in- dustrious, energetic, busy, dili- gent. Dull, idle, indolent, lazy, quiet, slow, stupid. Real, true, genuine, cer- tain, absolute, positive, veri- table, substantial; present, sen- sible, perceptible. Possible, fictitious, sup- posititious, virtual, theoretical, hypothetical, conjectural.
Discernment, penetra- tion, keenness, shrewdness, in- sight, sharpness, sagacity, acuteness. [ 11 ] acu] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [adj ANT. Dulness, obtuseness, stupidity, bluntness. Sharp, pointed, keen, shrewd; violent, intense; high, sudden, severe, distressing; subtile, ingenious, sagacious, discerning.
Dull, blunt, obtuse, stupid, heavy; chronic; stolid. Adjustment, fitness, conformity, suitableness, apt- ness, harmony. Incompatibility, in- congruity, misfit, discord. Sum up, increase, adjoin, append, attach, augment, en- large, amplify, annex, affix. Deduct, subtract, les- sen, reduce, remove, diminish. Habituated, disposed to, inclined, prone, attached to, devoted, given over to, wedded to.
Averse, disinclined, un- accustomed, indisposed, di- vorced from. Accession, enlarge- ment, increase, extension, ac- cretion, augmentation, adjunct. Subtraction, decrease, diminution. Courtesy, manners, politeness, tact, ingenuity, dex- terity, discretion, adroitness; discourse, harangue, oration, lecture, speech, appeal, request, suit, solicitation. Clumsiness, rudeness, stupidity, unmannerliness, folly; refusal. Accost, approach, court, greet, hail, salute, speak to.
Avoid, elude, ignore, shun, cut, pass, overlook. Offer, present, advance; cite, quote, introduce, name, mention; allege. Withdraw, except, de- duct, suppress, retract.
Expert, master, profi- cient, genius, veteran, professor. Novice, tyro, blun- derer, inexpert. Equal, competent, fitted, qualified, suitable, suffi- cient, capable, adapted, satis- factory; proportionate, com- mensurate. Inferior, poor, useless, worthless, unfit, incompetent. Stick, cling, cohere, hold, cleave; belong, pertain; be attached, fixed, or devoted. Part, separate, sunder, sever, give way.
Tenacity, attach- ment, constancy, fidelity, devo- tion, partisanship; adhesion. Desertion, separation, disunion, unfaithfulness. Near, close, border- ing, adjoining, contiguous, be- side.
Separate, distant, re- mote, detached, disconnected. Postpone, delay, de- fer; suspend, interrupt, close, end, dissolve. ANT Despatch, hasten, con- clude, complete, terminate, con- summate. Addition, appendage, accessory, aid, advantage, help; colleague, associate. Detriment, impedi- ment, hindrance, obstruction, detraction.
Entreat, beseech, pray, supplicate, implore, beg; swear. Defy, deprecate, re- monstrate, dare, expostulate, warn. Arrangement, dis- posal; settlement, agreement, understanding; fitting, adapta- tion, conformity; regulation, rectification, accommodation. Disturbance, disorder, adm] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [adv confusion; dissension, diver- gence; non-conformity. Dispense, distrib- ute, supply; direct, manage, control, superintend; offer, proffer, tender. Withhold, refuse, re- tain; betray, mismanage; re- pulse, rebuff.
Wonder, approval, love, surprise, astonishment, appreciation, reverence, high regard. Disapproval, contempt, dislike. Honor, esteem, ap- prove, adore, wonder at, vener- ate, extol, marvel at, applaud, revere, respect.
Despise, dislike, exe- crate, hate, abhor, scorn, de- test. Allowable, lawful, permissible, possible, probable. Absurd, preposterous, improper, wrong, unlawful. Admittance, en- trance, access; avowal, acknowl- edgment, concession, concur- rence, allowance. Denial, contradiction, rejection, negation. Receive; accept, acknowl- edge, own, confess; permit, al- low, suffer. Exclude, debar; dis- oion, deny; dismiss, reject, re- pudiate.
Advise, warn, cau- tion, counsel, censure, rebuke, reprove; forewarn, remind, dis- suade; instruct, teach, apprise, acquaint. Encourage, urge, coun- tenance, applaud, abet, insti- gate. Caution, warning, advice, counsel, instruction, re- minder, hint, reproof, reprehen- sion. Applause, encourage- ment, incitement, urging, insti- gation. Trouble, toil, labor, pains; bustle, stir, fuss, noise, tur- moil. Quiet, calm, compos- ure, tranquillity. Appropriate, assume; approve, accept, support, main- tain; affiliate, father.
Reject, discard; re- nounce, abandon, disclaim; dis- own, repudiate. Worship, devotion, homage, reverence, veneration, idolatry. Execration, disesteem, abomination, abhorrence, hatred, detestation. Beautify, decorate, em- bellish, ornament, garnish, il- lustrate, gild, bedeck, grace, dignify, honor, exalt. Mar, spoil, deface, dis- figure, deform, denude, strip. Dexterous, expert, skil- ful, apt, handy, quick, clever, ready, deft, ingenious, cunning. Clumsy, unskilful?
Awkward, bungling, unliandy, maladroit. Flattery, extrava- gant compliment, fulsome praise, fawning, sycophancy, blandishment, obsequiousness.
Defamation, obloquy, ridicule, satire, sarcasm, de- traction, aspersion, libel. Shadow, outline,, indicate, hint, trace, delineate; typify, represent, symbolize; darken, obscure, hide, conceal. Fulfil, realize, em- body; misrepresent; reveal, il- lumine.
Progress, improve- ment, growth; offer, proposal, overture, tender, proposition; rise, appreciation. Adv] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [adv ANT. Regress, return, retro- gression; diminution; depreci- ation. Push or send for- ward, propel; promote, ele- vate, dignify, exalt; improve, strengthen, benefit; propose, offer; furnish, lend, loan; in- crease, augment, raise; pro- ceed, progress; thrive, prosper; accelerate.
Retard, hinder, with- hold, withdraw; suppress, de- grade, depress; oppose, recall, weaken, retreat; lessen, dimin- ish. Benefit, profit, ex- pediency, favorable opportunity, blessing; behalf, account, in- terest; privilege, convenience, assistance, utility, service.
Loss, disappointment, frustration, difficulty, dilem- ma. Approach, coming, ar- rival, accession. Departure, exit, exo- dus, retirement. Accidental, inci- dental, extrinsic, non-essential, foreign, casual; redundant, su- perfluous. Intrinsic, pertinent, regular, proper, necessary, ap- propriate. Chance, hazard, risk, venture, experiment, trial; event, incident, occurrence, con- tingency, crisis. Matter-of-fact, matter- of-course; prospect; monotony, routine.
Bold, daring, ven- turesome, rash, reckless, head- long; dangerous, perilous, un- certain; fearless, enterprising. Timid, nervous, hesi- tating, cautious, cowardly.
Foe, enemy, antago- nist, opponent, rival, assailant. Ally, helper, assistant, accomplice, aider, abettor, ac- cessory.
Opposite, contrary, conflicting; hostile, injurious, harmful; unlucky, unfortunate, disastrous. Favorable, friendly, propitious, fortunate, lucky. Calamity, affliction, trouble, disaster, woe, distress, suffering. Success, prosperity, ad- vancement, good luck.
Consider, notice, re- mark, heed, attend, refer, al- lude, mention, touch upon; re- gard. Ignore, pass, drop, overlook, omit. Mindful, regardful, attentive, watchful, observant, thoughtful, considerate, heed- ful. Thoughtless, heedless, inconsiderate, inattentive. Announce, publish, proclaim, declare, circulate, noise abroad; offer for sale; in- form, notify, apprise; promul- gate. Suppress, ignore, hush, conceal; mislead, misinform. Counsel, suggestion, ad- monition, instruction, caution; tidings, intelligence, notice; de- liberation, care, forethought; recommendation, exhortation, information.
Remonstrance, re- straint, expostulation, prohibi- tion; deception, delusion. Judicious, expedi- ent, politic, prudent, desirable, beneficial, profitable; proper, fitting. Imprudent, undesir- able, inexpedient, improper, det- rimental. Counsel, lawyer, at- 14 ] aff] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [aft torney; defender, promoter, friend, patron, supporter, pleader, maintainer. Accuser, impugner, gainsayer, adversary, opponent.
Open, free, frank, un- reserved; accessible, familiar; cordial, social, courteous, polite, obliging, urbane, benign, gra- cious, mild, well-bred; conde- cending. Distant, unapproach- able, inaccessible, haughty, con- temptuous, supercilious.
Business, concern, func- tion, matter, circumstance, question, subject; event, inci- dent, occurrence, performance; battle, combat, engagement, skirmish, collision, brush, en- counter. Detail, item, feature, point. Influence, change, trans- form, modify, alter; concern, interest, touch, move, impress; crave, yearn, desire, like; as- sume, adopt, feign, pretend; operate, act on; melt, soften, subdue, overcome. Shun, repel, repudiate, spurn, dislike, eschew.
Airs, mannerism, pretension, pretense, foppery, display. Simplicity, artlessness, naturalness, genuineness. Feeling, passion, at- tachment, fondness, tenderness, love; propensity, disposition; endearment, devotion, partial- ity; attribute, quality, charac- teristic, mark.
Indifference, repul- sion, disaffection, repugnance. Trust, confidence, hom- age, reliance, betrothal, fealty, faith, plighting. Disloyalty, distrust, treason, suspicion, infidelity. Associate, adopt, join, connect, incorporate, annex. Sever, transplant, sep- arate, disjoin, dissociate. Relationship, kin, con- sanguinity, propinquity; like- ness, resemblance, relation, an- alogy, connection, correspon- dence; sympathy, attraction.
Repugnance, discord- ance, antipathy, antagonism. Assert, swear, state, de- clare, maintain, allege, protest, confirm, ratify, approve, en- dorse, aver, asseverate, assure, avouch, establish.
Deny, doubt, demur, contradict, negative, gainsay, impugn, oppose, dispute. Avowal, declara- tion, statement, assertion, tes- timony, deposition, confirma- tion, ratification, approval, en- dorsement. Doubt, denial, contra- diction, disputation, disap- proval. Join, annex, attach, fasten, connect to, unite to, ap- pend.
Remove, detach, sepa- rate, unfasten. Adversity, misfor- tune, grief, sorrow, distress, tribulation, disaster, trial, mis- ery, calamity, pain, anguish, trouble, hardship. Consolation, relief, blessing, gratification, pleasure. Wealth, fortune, riches, opulence, abundance, plenty, profusion. Want, scarcity, pov- erty, penury, lack, indigence.
Supply, furnish, con- tribute, bestow, offer, confer, bear, endure, support, yield, im- part, administer. Withhold, deny, re- tain, stint, grudge, withdraw. [ 15 ] ffj SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS Affray. Quarrel, tussle, scuffle, scrimmage, collision, brawl, dis- turbance, fight, rumpus, strug- gle, contest, strife, encounter, feud, tumult. Peace, amity, friend- ship, good will. Outrage, insult, abuse, annoyance, displeasure, offense, provocation, wrong, vexation, wound, exasperation, irrita- tion. Courtesy, homage, amends, compliment, apology.
Ablaze, burning, ignited, aflame. Out, quenched, extin- guished.
Adrift, at sea, abroad, loose; happening, betiding, brewing. Moored, anchored, aground, stranded, fixed, stead- fast, firm. Afloat, preparing, forth- coming, ready, brewing, on hand, astir.
Unprepared, unpro- vided for, inactive, sluggish, latent. Above-mentioned, foregoing, preceding, above- named. Folloicing, subsequent, subjoined, forthcoming, after- cited. Fearful, timid, appre- hensive, anxious, alarmed, terri- fied, frightened. Fearless, bold, confi- dent, reckless, venturesome, in- different, secure, hopeful, auda- cious.
Anew, again, newly, fre- quently, repeatedly, once more. Uniformly, connect- edly, continuously/. Subsequent, later; fol- lowing, behind, rear, back, pos- terior; concerning, about, for, in relation to; in imitation, of, in the pattern of.
Before, preceding, in- troducing; in front of; oppo- site; facing; previous or prior to, afore; in advance; previ- ously, already. Anew, afresh, repeatedly; further, moreover, besides; on the contrary; back, in answer or restitution, in return; once more. Once, continuously, un- interruptedly, uniformly. Opposite, across, ad- verse to, counter to, athwart; facing, fronting, close up to, in contact with; for, in prepara- tion for, in expectation of; in compensation for, in requital of, to match. With, for, beside, ac- companying, aiding, promoting. Yawning, open-mouthed; wondering, gazing, dazed, amazed; curious, inquisitive, agog, astare, eager.
Listless, lukewarm, in- curious, indifferent. Duration; period, date, epoch, time; maturity, genera- tion; era, century. Infancy, youth, boy- hood, childhood; moment, in- stant. Actor, doer, operator, promoter, performer; cause, force, power; deputy, factor, attorney, representative, substi- tute; means, instrument. Counteragent, counter- actor, opponent, neutralizer; chief, principal; originator, in- ventor.
Accumulation, heap, pile, mass, conglomera- tion, cluster. Disprrsion, division, separation, sifting, dissipation. Exalt, honor, ele- gg] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [aid vate, dignify, promote, advance, enrich, augment. Degrade, impoverish, debase, humiliate, dishonor, lower. Exasperate, pro- voke, wound, make worse, inten- sify, embitter, heighten.
Soothe, assuage, palli- ate, diminish, conciliate, allevi- ate. Collection, accu- mulation, mass, heap, pile, amount, total, sum, result, whole, agglomeration. Dispersion, dissipation, separation, division; u n i t; element, individual, ingredient, item. Attack, invasion, encroachment, assault, injury, offense, onslaught, provocation, intrusion. Retaliation, repulsion, retreat, resistance, evacuation.
Dismayed, horrified, terrified, frightened; amazed, astounded, startled, astonished, dumfounded. Cool, fearless, indiffer- ent, unmoved, unaffected, un- excited.
Nimble, active, lively, smart, prompt, alert, supple, brisk, quick, ready, sprightly, spry. Sloio, heavy, clumsy, bulky, awkward, inert, ponder- ous. Disturb, trouble, shake, jar, convulse; excite, rouse, fer- ment; fluster, hurry, discon- cert; discuss, controvert, de- bate, examine, ventilate, inves- tigate; deliberate, contrive, de- vise, plan.
Calm, allay, pacify, smooth, compose, quiet / solve, determine, settle. Past, gone, since. Future, coming, here- after, hence. Anguish, torture, tor- ment, distress, throe, panga, pain, suffering, woe, excrucia- tion. Assuagement, comfort, relief, composure, ease, enjoy- ment.
Accept, assent, approve comply, consent, concur, admit, accede. Contend, disagree, deny; dissent, dispute, protest, oppose, demur, differ; decline. Suitable, proper, ap- propriate, befitting, accordant, conformable, consonant, wel- come, amiable, pleasing, grati- fying.
Unpleasant, disoblig- ing, obnoxious, disagreeable, un- w^jcome, offensive, inharmoni- ous, unaccommodating. Contract, compact, bond, Bargain, covenant, har- mony, ixison, obligation, under- taking, treaty. Promise, understand- ing, parole; discord, dissen- sion.
Farming, hus- bandry, cultivation of the soil, tillage. Falloumess, sterility, unproductiveness, waste. Ashore, stranded, not afloat; exhausted in resources. Afloat, loose, abroad, adrift; flush. In front, forwavi, on- ward, in advance.
Abaft, astern, back, be- hind, aft. Help, support, assist, serve, befriend, minister to, relieve, succor; supply, give alms to; foster, protect, encourage, favor. Oppose, discourage, t7iicart, baffle, deter, confront. [ 17 ] all] SYNONYMS ANL ANTONYMS [all Ailing. Sick, ill, indisposed, un- well, feeble, infirm, weakly, delicate, unhealthy, pining. Well, healthy, ener- getic, strong, vigorous. Disease, malady, in- disposition, distemper, com- plaint.
Health, sanity, conva- lescence, vigor, recovery. Direction, course, tendency, bent, proclivity, bearing; inten- tion, purpose, design, scheme; reason; view, scope, drift, mark, goal, point; endeavor, attempt, aspiration, determination. Deviation, divergence, deflection, digression, aberra- tion; tangent; venture, leap, fluke, chance, hazard, specula- tion; neglect, avoidance, care- lessness, oversight. Atmosphere, gas; breeze, vapor, zephyr, wind; weather; appearance, aspect, manner, sort, style, way, behavior, car- riage, bearing, expression, look, demeanor, mien, fashion; tune. Aerial, thin, rare, ethe- real; light, subtle, sublimated; sprightly, buoyant, vivacious, volatile, jolly, jovial, light- hearted; graceful, lithe, pliant, flexible, showy, jaunty, flaunt- ing, garish; windy, empty. Thick, ponderous, heavy, inert, clumsy, dull, sluggish, wooden, slow, cheerless, sullen, doleful, leaden, lugubrious.
Related, allied, homogene- ous, cognate, similar, congenial, sympathetic. Foreign, alien, hostile, heterogeneous, dissimilar. Readiness, briskness, activity, quickness, willingness, promptness, compliance, cheer- fulness, eagerness, gaiety, agil- ity.
Sloumess, reluctance, repugnance, aversion, refusal, shrinking, recoil, disinclination. Summons, tocsin, dis- tress signal, war-cry; fear, ter- ror, apprehension, consterna- tion, dismay, dread, affright. Lullaby; confidence, quiet, composure, assurance, courage. Lively, prompt, ready, prepared, vigilant, wide-awake, bustling, active, brisk, nimble, watchful, sprightly, agile. Slow, lazy, absent, ob- livious, sluggish, dilatory, drowsy. Foreigner, stranger.
Citizen, countryman, native, naturalized person. Strange, foreign, hos- tile, remote, distant, contrasted, contrary, unlike, unconnected. Pertinent, essential; domesticated, naturalized; ger- mane, akin, appropriate. Estrangement, trans- fer, conveyance, disaffection, variance, rupture, breach; (re- lating to the mind) insanity, aberration, delusion, lunacy, de- lirium, mania, imbecility. Confederacy, coalition, alliance, league, union; sanity, soundness, sobriety, rationality.
Perch, settle, drop, lodge; dismount, descend. Soar, spring, ascend, start, mount. Similar, kindred, same, resembling, equivalent, homoge- neous, identical, analogous, uni- form, akin, allied. Different, unequal, dis- similar, unlike, heterogeneous, distinct, various. Food, nourishment, subsistence, fare, diet, regimen, nutriment, viands, meat, suste* nance. Poison, bane; starva* all] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [all tion, exhaustion; venom, scourge. Living, quick, subsist- ing, animate, alert, active, breathing; sensitive, suscep- tible; operative; cheerful, joy- ous; brisk.
Dead, defunct, lifeless, deceased; inanimate, dull; de- parted, cold; dispirited. Whole, totality. P art, piece, share, por- tion. Whole, entire, complete, total; each, every. Repress, restrain, check, subdue, silence, still, hush, soothe, compose, calm, appease, lull, alleviate, mitigate, solace, abate, relieve, palliate. Aggravate, arouse, ex- cite, stir, kindle, fan, provoke.
Declare, afiirm, claim, maintain, state, asseverate; advance, aver, introduce; pro- fess, cite. Contradict, gainsay, refute, deny, disprove, quash.
Fealty, loyalty, de- votion, homage, faithfulness, obedience. Treason, rebellion, se- dition, disloyalty, disaffection.
Parable, fable, myth, story, tale, apologue, metaphor, illustration, simile. History, fact, narra- tive, chronicle, record. Abate, mitigate, re- duce, relieve, lessen, assuage, re- move, soften, moderate, lighten.
Augment, increase, heighten, intensify, magnify, ag- gravate, enhance, embitter. Connection, relation- ship, affinity; confederacy, league, union, treaty, copartner- ship, coalition; affiliation, simi- larity. Separation, estrange- ment, divorce; antagonism, dis- ruption, enmity, hostility, schism, secession. Divide, apportion, dis- tribute, deal out, dispense; as- sign, grant, give, appoint, des- tine. Refuse, retain, misdeal, deny, confiscate, appropriate, seize, withhold.
Grant, own, confess, ad- mit; permit, let, authorize; suffer, tolerate, endure; yield, give, grant; approve, sanction, abate, remit. Protest, refuse, deny, disapprove, forbid, disallow, reject, withstand, resist. Leave, permission, sanction, approval; admission, acknowledgment, assent; com- mission; qualification, excep- tion; ration. Refusal, disapproval, denial; ratification, confirma- tion. Admixture, adultera- tion, deterioration, debasement, disparagement, drawback. Genuineness, enhance- ment, purity, integrity. Intimate, insinuate, point, refer, suggest, signify, hint, imply, indicate, mention.
Demonstrate, specify, declare. Decoy, entice, coax, at- tract, tempt, inveigle, seduce. Dissuade, repel, warn, chill, damp, drive away, deter, alarm, terrify. Hint, suggestion, inti- mation, reference, implication, innuendo. Mention, demonstra- tion, specification.
Assistant, helper, aider, friend, associate, colleague, partner, accessory, accomplice. [ 19 alo] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [am* ANT. Opponent, adversary, foe, enemy, antagonist. Above, skyward, heaven- ward, overhead, in the air.
Beneath, earthward, below. Solitary, sole, single, isolated. Accompanied, associ- ated. Lengthwise, onward, for- ward; together, beside, simul- taneously. Across, sidewise or sideways, lateral; apart, tan- dem. Apart, distant, away, off. Close, near, together, unitedly.
Distinctly, audibly, vo- ciferously, clamorously, sonor- ously. Softly, silently, inau- dibly.
As well, likewise, too, sim- ilarly, withal, besides, in addi- tion, in like manner. Nevertheless, notwith- standing, on the contrary, but, yet, in spite of, on the other hand. Change, turn, vary, mod- ify, shift, substitute, remodel, transform, convert.
Conserve, perpetuate, preserve, arrest, solidify, retain. Change, variation, modification, shifting, muta- tion. Changelessness, iden- tity, fixity, permanence.
Dispute, conten- tion, controversy, difference, quarrel, wrangle, dissension. Concord, agreement, compromise, reconciliation, unanimity, harmony, conso- nance.
Reciprocal, every other one, one after another, in turn, interchangeable, mutual. Continuous, successive, consequent, proximate, sequent. Choice, option, preference, election, pick, re- source. Compulsion, quandary, necessity; fixity, changeless- ness.
Albeit, even if, sup- posing, grant that. Yet, notwithstanding. Height, elevation, lof- tiness, ascent, eminence. Depth, declivity, de- scent, abasement. Collectively, con- jointly, wholly, quite, com- pletely, totally, utterly, en- tirely, thoroughly, fully, in the mass. Partially, piecemeal, by instalments, partly, incom- pletely, by halves, wanting; in- dividually, separately. Philanthropy, unself- ishness, public spirit, devotion to others, self-sacrifice, self-for- getfulness, generosity.
Selfishness, self-indul- gence, worldliness, meanness; egoism. Ever, forever, eter teh] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [beu ANT. Enlighten, advise; weary, Lore. Conduct, deportment, manners, breeding, carriage, bearing, action, demeanor, life. Misconduct, misde- meanor.
Command, injunction, charge, precept. Option, liberty. Back, astern, rear- ward. Before, in front of.
See, look, discern, gaze, scan, observe, contemplate. Ignore, miss, wink, overlook, disregard, connive. Advantage, profit. Loss, detriment, disad- vantage. Reality, existence, actu- ality; essence, inmost nature, substance, life, vital principle, root, heart. Nonentity, nullity, non- existence. Besiege, beset, block- ade, invest; compass, block up, surround, obstruct, environ.
Abandon; conquer, sub- due. Trust, confidence, con- viction, credence, persuasion, reliance, assurance; dogma, creed, tenets, opinion, view; credit, acceptance, assent, cur- rency. Distrust, denial, dis- credit, dissent, rejection, dis- avowal. Warlike, contend- ing, conflicting, hostile, rival, opposed, adverse, antagonistic, pugnacious, contentious, quar- relsome. Peaceful, friendly, for- bearing, pacific, neutral.
Belonging, n. Quality, gift, en- dowment, attribute; property, goods, estate, chattel, posses- sion; appendage, appurtenance, accessory. Belonging, a. Related, connected, appertaining, congenial, cog- nate, accompanying. Alien, optional, inde- pendent, irrelevant. Under, beneath, under- neath, hereinafter.
Above, beforementioned, previously. Curve, twist, crook, bow, deflect, deviate, diverge, twine; influence, persuade, incline, submit. Straighten, stiffen, di- rect; resist, break, crush. Below, under, under- neath; unworthy of, unbefit- ting.
Above, superior to; over, aloft. Benison, blessing, beatitude; gratitude, thanks, praise; benefit, grace, boon. Curse, censure, execra- tion, ingratitude.
Patron, supporter, upholder, friend, contributor. Destroyer, enemy, op- pressor, brute.
Charity, bounty, liberality, benevolence. Malevolence, hatred f stinginess, miserliness, niggard- liness. Boon, service, advan- tage, profit, favor, blessing. Evil, loss, damage, ca- lamity, injury, privation. Kindness, humane- ness, charitableness, good will, altruism, beneficence, liberality, philanthropy, benignity, bounty, humanity, sympathy, munifi- cence, generosity, unselfishness, kind-heartedness. Malevolence, malig- nity, selfishness, stinginess, unkindness, brutality, churlish- [ 36 ] ben] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS tbey ness, barbarity, illiberality, self- seeking, niggardliness, harsh- ness. Kind, gracious, amiable, gentle, friendly, benevolent, hu- mane, obliging, good.
Hateful, harsh, brutal, churlish. Will, leave, devise; hand down, transmit, impart. Withhold, alienate, dis- inherit. Deprivation, loss, destitution, affliction, forlorn condition, desolation. Blessing, compensation, reparation, consolation, resti- tution, restoration, substitu- tion. Stripped, despoiled, de- prived.
Endowed, blessed, en- ricJied, compensated. Beg, implore, pray, ask, solicit, entreat, petition, impor- tune. Grant, requite, confer; disdain, defy. Surround, circle, hem in, besiege, beleaguer; embarrass. Defend, defy, repel. Near, close together; aside from; out of.
Far, distant. Besides or Beside. Except, save, distinct from; moreover, fur- thermore, else, beyond that. Apart, separate from; exclusively; finally.
Give, present, award, grant, confer; place, stow, store. Receive; seize, appro- priate, usurp; disperse, throw away. Stake, wager, pledge. Plan, calculate, dispose. Happen, bechance, befall, come to pass, occur, take place.
Result, be destined or doomed. Seasonably, in good time or season. Inopportune, late, tardy, unseasonable. Signify, denote, indi- cate, represent, imply, prove, show, augur; presage, prefigure, foretell, portend. Mask, hide, mislead, be- lie, misrepresent.
Reveal, expose, divulge, deliver up, deceive; manifest, show, indicate; lure, ensnare, entrap, beguile; seduce, ruin, corrupt. Protect, preserve, fos- ter, cherish, conceal, suppress, guard. Engagement, plight- ing, affiancing. Amend, ameliorate, im- prove, correct, advance, reform. Make worse, degrade, wreck, weaken, cripple, impair, injure.
Amid, among, be- twixt. Outside, beyond, with- out. Bemoan, lament, sor- row, grieve. Rejoice, joy, exult. Take care, be cautious, be wary, look out, mind.
Be reckless, careless; neglect, ignore. Confusion, em- barrassment, daze, maze, per- plexity, mystification. Enlightenment, self- possession, calmness, discern- ment, perspicacity.
Charm, enchant, fasci- nate, captivate. Repulse, avoid, recoil, annoy, harass. Over, across, remote, farther than, before; yonder, above, exceeding. Beside, near, at hand, [ 37 ] bla] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [bla close; behind, back; below, less than. Bent, inclination, tendency, leaning, proneness, proclivity, propensity, partiality, predilec- tion. Repulsion, reaction, repugnance.
Wrangle, quarrel, dis- pute, squabble. Agree, sympathize, un- derstand, harmonize. Command, order, di- rection, appointment, mandate; offer, bid, proposal. Request, solicitation; refusal, rebuff. Dwell, stay, reside, wait, tarry, remain; endure, bear. Depart, go, move, mi- grate; resist, rebel, protest.
Large, great, wide, bulky, huge, gross, fat; proud, arro- gant, haughty, pompous. Small, little, least, thin, narroio; humble, subservi- ent, unassuming.
Zealot, fanatic, dogma- tist, devotee. Skeptic, liberal, apos- tate, proselyte, doubter, agnos- tic. Intolerant, opinion- ated, prejudiced, dogmatical, narrow-minded, one-sided. Liberal, broad-minded, open to conviction. Account, charge, score, amount due, reckoning; draft of law; poster, placard, advertise- ment. Fetter, tie, fasten, shackle, restrict, restrain, secure; com- pel, oblige, engage. Free, loose, set free, untie.
Family, parentage, origin, source, lineage, nativity, de- scent, extraction, race; rise. Death, extinction. Part, piece, fragment, morsel.
Whole, mass, aggrega- tion. Gnawing, sharp, severe, sardonic, censorious, piercing, sarcastic, trenchant. Pleasant, gentle, sooth- ing, genial, flattering.
Harsh, caustic, cutting, savage, acidulous, acrimonious, irate, sharp, sour, stinging, pungent, virulent. Sweet, honeyed, nee- tared, luscious, dulcet, saccha- rine. Slander, malign, de- fame, daub, bespatter, befoul, asperse, traduce, vilify, decry, calumniate. Clear, eulogize, vindi- cate, whiten, whitewash. Rascal, scoundrel, villain. Censure, rebuke, chide, reprove, reproach, condemn, vi- tuperate, reprobate, reprehend, dispraise.
Approve, praise, exon- erate, acquit, exculpate. Pure, innocent, irre- sponsible, without fault. Guilty, implicated, blameworthy, faulty. Bleach, whiten, white- wash. Blacken, stain, dye, darken, color. Soft, gentle, mild, af- fable, gracious, tender, benign, courteous, complaisant.
Harsh, abrupt, rough, biting, savage, severe, impolite. Flattery, coax- ing, fascination, wheedling, at- traction, charm, fawning, cajol- ery. Bluntness, unmanner- liness, roughness, scolding, se- verity, sternness. [ 38 bla] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [bio Blank. Bare, drear, bleak, void, empty; utter, pure, simple, mere, unqualified, unmitigated; amazed, astonished, confused, disconcerted. Full, replete; complex; modified, qualified; composed, controlled, self-possessed, cog- nizant, intelligent. Profanity, sacri- lege, impiety, swearing.
Reverence, godliness, veneration. Shrivel, destroy, blight, kill, ruin, wither, annihilate; explode, rend, burst.
Restore, expand, swell. Exhibit, show off, blaze, blare, trumpet, proclaim, publish. Conceal, hush, cover, hide, suppress, shroud, bury. Blanch, whiten. Blacken, darken, soil, stain.
Windy, exposed, bare; cold, chill, raw, desolate, com- fortless, cheerless. Sheltered, protected, warm, balmy, cheerful, com- fortable. Blot, spot, flaw, fault, imperfection, stain; deface- ment, tarnish, disfigurement, disgrace, defect, dishonor, stigma, taint. Purity, unsulliedness, honor, integrity, wholeness. Mix, unite, fuse, merge, mingle, amalgamate, combine, coalesce, harmonize. Separate, run, dissoci- ate, divide. Delight, gladden, make happy, thank, glorify, exalt, praise, extol, felicitate, cheer.
Curse, anathematize, sadden, grieve. Benediction, benison; good, benefit, happiness, profit, boon, gain; glory, praise, grati- tude.
Malediction, curse; be- reavement, impoverishment, ca- lamity, deprivation, disaster, damage, detriment. Pestilence, withering, blast, destruction, ANT. Development, matur- ity. Sightless, unseeing, eye- less, undiscerning, ignorant, un- conscious, uninformed.
Clear-sighted, far-see- ing, discerning, penetrating, conscious, keen, aware, sensi- tive. Wink, ignore, connive, overlook. Notice, note, mark.
Blessedness, happiness, joy, ecstasy, rapture, felicity, beatitude. Torment, woe, suffer- ing, misery, accursedness. Merry, joyous, cheer- ful, gay, lively, airy, sportive, blithesome, mirthful, jocund, elated, vivacious, joyful. Dejected, heavy, dull, sullen. Obstruct, arrest, stop, fill. Free, open, clear.
Dunce, dolt, stupid fellow, numskull, ninny, simple- ton, ignoramus, dullard, booby. Sage, adept, savant, philosopher, schoolman, lumi- nary. Cruel, savage, ferocious, murderous, bloody, bloody-minded, gory, barbarous, inhuman, ruthless, sanguinary. Humane, kind, merci- ful, mild, tender, compassionate. Blossom, flower, flowering, efflorescence; flush, freshness, prime, vigor, glow; delicacy, innocence.
[ 39 ] bio] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [boi ANT. Decay, decadence, blight, blast, roughness, tough- ness, ghastliness, superannua- tion, cadaver ousness, coarse- ness. Blossom, bud, flower, germinate, sprout, blow, de- velop.
Blight, be blasted, wither. Flourishing, flower- ing; young, beautiful, fair, fresh. Fading, waning, old, unsightly, deformed, blasted, withered. Sully, spot, tarnish, spoil, discolor, pollute, stain, erase, blur, blotch, smear, smutch, obliterate.
Cleanse, clear, whiten, blanch: perpetuate, preserve. Erase, cancel, ex- punge, obliterate, efface, de- stroy, wipe out. Restore, replace. Knock, thump, stroke, box, buffet, calamity, cuff, cut, concussion, disaster, lash, mis- fortune, rap.
Shock, stroke, wound, affliction, blast, gale, gust; disappointment. Kelief, comfort, bless- ing, consolation, assuagement.
Abrupt, blunt, inconsid- erate, open, rough, unmannerly, uncivil, blustering, bold, brusque, coarse, discourteous, frank, impolite, plain-spoken, rude. Bland, courteous, ge- nial, polite, refined, reserved, urbane, polished. Error, mistake, mis- understanding, fault, slip, over- sight, inaccuracy, delusion. Accuracy, correctness, truthfulness, exactness, ratifi- cation, foresight, achievement, success, correction. Obtuse, dull, pointless, edgeless, brusk, abrupt, plain, informal, stupid, stolid. Sharp, keen, acute, sensitive, polished, courteous, refined.
Subdue, numb, hard- en, dull, make dull, deaden, paralyze, stupefy; moderate, allay, mitigate, assuage. Quicken, sharpen, in- stigate, excite, stimulate, ani- mate, vitalize. Bloom, color, redden- ing, carnation, complexion; shame, confusion, guiltiness. Pallor; innocence, pu- rity, unconsciousness; boldness, effrontery.
Storm, rage, insult, roar, swagger, vaunt, boast. Cringe, whine, ivhim- per. Vaunt, brag, swagger, magnify, make much of, swell, bluster, triumph, glory, vapor. Whine, cringe; mini- mize, apologize. Corporeally; completely, wholly, altogether, entirely, col- lectively, unitedly.
Spiritually, ghostly; piecemeal, partially, gradually, fragmcntarili/. Material or physical sub- stance; carcass, corpse; trunk, stem, bulk, main part; person, individual, mortal, creature, being; company, society, cor- poration; system; consistency, substance; ashes, form, dust, frame, remains, clay. Intellect, intelligence, soul, spirit, mind; branch, limb; world, iiniverse; mass, conglomeration. Bubble, rage, effervesce, explode, fume. Calm, subside, cool, re- cover. I 40 ] boi] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [hot Boisterous. Loud, unrestrained, stormy, noisy, furious, violent, clamorous.
Quiet, silent, unosten- tatious, mild, gentle, peaceful, calm, serene, self-possessed. Courageous, fearless, ad- venturous, brave, intrepid, dauntless, audacious, daring, valiant. Timorous, fearful, re- tiring, shy, bashful.
Support, prop, help, sustain, aid, buoy, patch, de- fend, maintain. Depress, fail, relax. Bluster, pomposity, fustian, braggadocio, rhodo- montade. Modesty, humility, ve- racity, moderation, temperance. Tie, fastening, manacle, fetter; compact, obligation, se- curity.
Option, freedom, pa- role, honor, discretion. Servitude, slavery, imprisonment, captivity, incar- ceration, subjection, serfdom, confinement, thraldom. Liberty, freedom, man- umission, independence. Slave, serf, captive, vassal, prisoner. Freeman, gentleman, master, lord. Fair, pretty, pleasant, handsome, shapely, buxom. Homely, ufjly, un- seemly, deformed, ill-favored.
Premium, douceur, boon, benefit. Fine, penalty, dis- count, mulct. Dunce, idiot, numskull. Wiseacre, solon, oracle. Pedantic, studious, learned, erudite, educated.
Illiterate, ignorant. Rustic, clown, lout, peas- ant, countryman, plowman, swain, bumpkin.
Gentleman, courtier. Rude, rustic, clownish,, loutish, ungainly, awkward, coarse, rough, gawky. Polite, civil, polished, urbane, courtly, affable, gra- cious. Useless, unavailing,, unprofitable, profitless, vain. Effectual, profitable, useful, effective. Plunder, prey, spoil, pil- lage, loot. Restitution, fine, for- feiture, confiscation, penalty.
Edge, limit, boundary, brink, rim, verge, enclosure, confine, band. Land, tract, interior, center, space, substance. Pierce, perforate, pene- trate, drill; weary, plague, trouble, vex, worry, annoy. Delight, gratify, please.
Breast, heart, affection; hollow, depths, midst, inmost recesses; retreat, retirement, quiet, privacy. Surface, exterior, ex- panse; manner, deportment, de- meanor. Either, each, every, neither, none, not any, no one. Worry, pester, perplex, harass, plague, tease, vex, mo- lest, annoy, excite. Aid, assist, calm, quiet, compose.
Deep, profound, base,, foot; foundation, basis, ground- work; valley, meadow; ship, vessel; seat; grounds, lees, sedi- ments; stamina, power of en- durance. Top, height, acme r apex, summit, crown, brow; sur- face. Bou] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [bre Bound, v. Skip, leap, frisk, jump, spring; confine, limit, circum- scribe, terminate, restrict, re- strain. Hobble, limp, crawl, creep, shamble; enlarge, open, extend, spread out. Margin, limit, con- fines, border, bound, frontier, line, marge, verge, termination, term, barrier, bourn, edge, en- closure, landmark; circumfer- ence. Land, region, estate, interior, territory; center, cita- del; inside.
Unlimited, illimit- able, unbounded, measureless, infinite. 'Narrow, restricted, confined, circumscribed. Liberal, generous, benevolent, unselfish, munifi- cent. Miserly, selfish, stingy, niggardly.
Liberality, gift, gener- osity, charity, benefaction, be- nignity, benevolence, munifi- cence, donation; premium, re- ward, bonus. Closeness, stinginess, niggardliness, miserliness. Recess, arbor, retreat, alcove, summerhouse.
Boast, vaunt, bully, swag- ger. Cringe, whine, whim- per. Bind, weave, plait, tie. Unbind, dishevel.
Member, bough, limb, shoot, arm, twig, scion, offshoot, ramification; section, depart- ment, division; article, part, portion; tributary; derivative line, cognate stock. Trunk, stock, stem; race, family, house. Denounce, mark, stig- matize, disgrace. Honor, decorate, dis- tinguish. Flourish, wield, whisk, shake, wave. Suspend, stay, arrest. Boasting, bragging, bluster.
Diffidence, reserve, con- cealment, modesty. Fearless, heroic, un- daunted, undismayed, adventur- ous, bold, courageous, daring, dauntless, gallant, intrepid, valiant, venturesome, doughty, chivalrous, chivalric, splendid, courteous. Afraid, cringing, fear- ful, shrinking, timid, timorous, frightened, cowardly, faint- hearted, pusillanimous, churl- ish, discourteous, fearsome. Muscular, strong, powerful, athletic, sinewy, her- culean, robust, stout.
Weak, fragile, deli- cate, feeble, effeminate, lean. Break, rupture, open- ing, fracture, flaw, fissure, rent; violation, infringement, non- observance; quarrel, difference, variance, dissension, schism, ali- enation.
Integrity, wholeness, fiawlessness, completeness; rec- onciliation, healing; conserva- tion, observance; inviolat eness; union, fidelity, amalgamation. Fracture, rend, part, sever, shatter, smash, shiver; weaken, impair, enfeeble, ener- vate; tame; make bankrupt; dismiss, discard, degrade, cash- ier; mitigate, assuage; inter- rupt, stop, cut short; open, un- fold; destroy, sunder, burst, rive, crack, crush, demolish, rupture, split, transgress. Fasten, join, mend, se- [ 42 ] Tire] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [bri cure, unite, weld, attach, bind, solder, heal, piece, conjoin, re- join; protect, conserve; en- courage, strengthen, preserve; observe, obey.
Bosom, heart, affection, conscience. Out of breath; life- less, dead; exhausted, eager, ab- sorbed, attentive, fascinated; astonished, astounded, bewil- dered. Calm, collected, cool, composed; indifferent, uninter- ested. Lineage, race, pedigree, progeny, stock, line, family, ex- traction, strain. Ancestor, source, orig- inal, origin. Bring forth, bear, be- get, produce; nurture, foster, nourish; discipline, educate, in- struct, train, teach, school; oc- casion, originate, generate, pro- create, propagate, cause, evolve.
Destroy, extirpate, stifle, extinguish. Discipline, instruc- tion, education, nurture, train- ing, schooling; manners, de- portment. Ill manners, misbe- havior; ignorance, illiteracy. Shortness, terseness, conciseness, compression, pithi- ness, succinctness, pointedness; abbreviation, abridgment. Prolixity, diffuseness, verbosity, length, protraction, elongation, extension, tedious- ness. Concoct, compound, mix, hatch, foment, excite; prepare, collect, gather, grow; threaten, impend; form.
Disperse, break, spoil, mar, miscompound. Restrain, curb, control, govern, check; bristle, ruffle; master, moderate, compress, re- press. Relax, loosen, give vent, liberate, discharge; soothe, calm.
Short, concise, succinct. Long, tedious, diffuse. Bright, Shining, resplendent, lu- minous, glowing, lustrous, beaming, gleaming, glistening, blazing, naming, flashing, radi- ant, ruddy, refulgent, brilliant, dazzling, sparkling, scintillat- ing, burnished; lucid, clear, transparent, pellucid, lambent, cloudless, limpid; glorious, fa- mous, illustrious; intelligent, acute, discerning, keen, ingeni- ous; auspicious, promising, pro- pitious, favorable, inspiring; cheerful, merry, lively, happy, animated. Opaque, dull, dark, gloomy, black, ebon, shadoioy-, rayless, sunless, murky, cloudy, overcast, pitchy, lurid; obscure, mysterious, enigmatical, mystic, unintelligible, occult, recondite, abstruse, cabalistic, transcen- dental; disheartening, discour~ aging, dismal, cheerless; igno- rant, unlettered, untaught, im- becile, rude, benighted; foul, infamous, horrible, damnable, vile, infernal, wicked, sullen, atrocious, dejected. Bright, radiant, flash- ing, lustrous, glorious, lumi- nous, effulgent, beaming, spark- ling; illustrious, distinguished, celebrated, famous, renowned, eminent. Dark, dull, stupid, gloomy; notorious, infamous; obscure, insignificant.
Bear, fetch, convey; con- duct, guide, lead, attend, ac- company, convoy; obtain, gain, procure, produce; induce, pre- vail upon. [ 43 ] fcri] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [bul ANT.
Remove, export, send, exclude, debar, transport, ab- stract, subtract. Lively, quick, vivacious, active, alert, animated, prompt, sprightly, nimble, spry, agile. Slow, heavy, dull, slug- gish, indolent, inactive, unener- getic, stagnant. Full, crowded, swarming, stocked, multifari- ous, multitudinous; bristly, standing on end like bristles; ruffled, roughened, corrugated, bespined; bridled, angered, of- fended. Smooth, soothed, al- layed; prone; bare, nude, scant, devoid, vacant. Fragile, crumbling, shivery, frail, easily broken.
Tough, stout, strong, hardy. Open, pierce, tap; sug- gest, hint, approach, break; utter, publish, proclaim, give out; originate, propound. Repress, cork, bottle, secrete, conceal, hide.
Wide; large, ample, ex- tensive, vast, spacious, capa- cious; liberal, tolerant, free, hospitable; spread, diffused, open; gross, vulgar, indecent, coarse. Narrow; contracted, restricted, confined, limited; prejudiced, illiberal, bigoted, re- served; veiled, enigmatical, shrouded, shaded; refined, deli- cate, sketchy; specific, pointed. Affray, quarrel, conten- tion. Tolerate, bear, suffer, en- dure, abide, submit to, undergo, permit.
Resist, resent, reject. Fraternity, fel- lowship, association, sodality, society. Bully, intimidate, bulldoze, overawe. Rally, support. Pommel, crush, squeeze, break, pound, batter, deface.
Heal, soothe. Shock, attack, impulse, onslaught, onset, assault. Repulse, resistance, en- durance. Brutish, animal, beastly, bestial; savage, ferocious, cruel, harsh, uncivil, rude, rough, gruff, impolite, brusque j sen- sual, carnal. Humane, self-con~ trolled, civilized, enlightened, elevated, noble, refined, intelli- gent, grand. Toy, trifle, fancy, con- ceit, dream, vision, froth, trash. Prize, treasure, real- ity, substance, jewel, good, ad- vantage.
Wag, clown, jester, mountebank, harlequin, droll, punch, fool. Wit, genius, pedant, philosopher. Make, form, shape, figure, model; construct, erect, raise.
Demolish, overthrow, destroy. Architecture, edifice, structure, fabric, pile, erection.
Ruin, demolition, di- lapidation, dismantlement. Magnitude, size, volume, mass; greatness, amplitude, massiveness; majority, major part, most, principal part; di- mension.
Portion, section, atom, particle; diminution, tenuity, contraction, dismemberment, disintegration. Rampart, fortress, fortification, stronghold, in- trench ment, bastion, parapet, citadel.
[ 44 ] bun] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [by ANT. Siefe, bombardment, cannonade, boarding, storm- ing. Botcher, clown, fum- bler, clumsy workman, novice. Adept, adroit, master, artist, proficient workman, pro- fessor. Float, support, sus- tain; elevate, inspire, assure, animate, cheer. Kink, droicn, depress, swamp; crush, betray, fail, de- ject, overcome. Light; cheerful, hope- ful, sprightly, vivacious, joyous, blithesome, jocund, sportive, jubilant, elastic, floating.
Heavy, defected, de- pressed, moody, joyless, cheer- less, desponding. Load, weight; cargo, freight; capacity, tonnage: im- pediment, incubus, grievance, trial, trouble, affliction, sor- row; chorus, refrain; topic, drift, tenor, point, substance. Ease, lightness; facil- ity, airiness, light-heartedness; consolation, assuagement, alle- rin.
Rustic, agricul- turist, farmer, swain, yeoman, laborer, peasant, husbandman; clown, boor. Citizen, townsman; alien. Link, unite, connect, join, clasp, tie, yoke, buckle, pair, splice, button; marry, wed. Loose, part, separate, detach, isolate, unclasp; di- vorce. Bravery, valor, fear- lessness, spirit, heroism, forti- tude, hardihood, boldness, dar- ing, mettle, pluck, resolution, intrepidity.
Cowardice, timidity, fear, dread, terror, dismay, con- sternation. Route, way, road, track, race; direction, bearing, prog- ress, process; career; succes- sion, order, regularity; deport- ment, conduct; series, system. Deviation; disorder, discursion; hindrance, error. Woo, flatter, seek, in- vite, solicit. R 67 ] eou] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS ANT. Avoid, shun, repudiate, repel, antagonize. Politeness, affability, urbanity, civility, complaisance. Lyon Text Font Download Free.
Rudeness, incivility, churlishness, ungraciousness. Polished, elegant, JXH. Lite, ceremonious, formal, re- spectful. Undignified, unrefined, coarse, awkward, boorish, ple- beian. Agreement, stipula- tion, bond, compact, contract, bargain, arrangement, concor- dant, pact, treaty. Promise, understand- ing, assurance, parole. Hide, conceal, over- spread, overlay, secrete, cloak, veil, screen, mask, shroud, dis- guise; invest, clothe, wrap; protect, shelter, shield, guard, defend; comprehend, comprise, embrace; balance, compensate, countervail.
Expose, reveal, pro- duce, exhibit; betray, divulge; omit, exclude. Desire, long for, wish for, aim after, aspire to. Dislike, despise; un- dervalue, Covetous. Eager, avaricious, desirous, greedy, grasping, ac- quisitive, rapacious. Liberal, unselfish, gen- erous, bountiful. Craven, recreant, das- tard.
Hero, champion; dare- devil, desperado. Bashful, shy, modest, re- served, retreating, shrinking. Bold, forward, imper- tinent, pert, brazen, flippant. Split, break, chop, rend, cleave, snap; craze, madden. Mend, unite, repair; restore, heal. Skill, ability, power, tal- ent, dexterity, aptitude, tact; artifice, shrewdness, guile, de- ception, cunning, deceit; ai% trade, employment, vocation, calling; vessel.
Inaptitude, tactless- ness; fairness, openness, can- dor, sincerity, frankness, in- genuousness, straightforward' ness. Restrain, hinder, check, confine, hamper, clog, fetter, cripple. Free, liberate, loose, expand, ease, relieve, extricate.
Jar, uproar, clash, rend- ing, noise, clang, resonance. Murmur, whisper; si- lence. Crossness, thick- ness, density, corpulence, obes- ity. Tenuity, agility, oo tivity; spareness, slightness. Intreat, beg, beseech, im- plore, supplicate, desire, long for, hunger for, yearn. Demand, insist, re- quire.
Shattered, broken, tot- tering; distracted, mad, luna- tic, insane, delirious, cracked, demented, deranged. Sound, robust, vigor- ous, sane, whole. Form, produce, make, originate, cause, occasion, ap- point, constitute; beget, engen- der, generate; imagine, com- pose, fashion, design.
Destroy, demolish, an- nihilate. Created being, being, animal, man, person; depend- ent, vassal, parasite; wretch, miscreant. Chimera, ghost, hallu- cination, fantasy, phantom, con- ceit, crotchet.
68 ere] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [cro Credence. Belief, trust, faith, acceptance, confidence, reliance. Denial, distrust, dis- belief, doubt, skepticism. Diploma, missive, title, warrant, vouchers, certi- ficates, testimonials.
Probable, possible, re- liable, trustworthy, likely. Improbable, unlikely, incredible, unreliable, untrust- worthy.
Trust, belief, faith, con- fidence, credence, reliance; rep- utation, influence, power; es- teem, regard; loan, securities. Insecurity; distrust; shame, disgrace, censure. Gullibility, credu- lousness, simplicity. Skepticism, suspicious- ness, incredulity, shrewdness. Belief, catechism, con- fession, articles of faith, tenets, dogmas, doctrines. Protest, abjuration, disbelief, recantation, retrac- tion. Downcast, dispir- ited, dejected, disheartened, de- pressed, desponding, low-spir- ited, down-hearted.
Exuberant, elated, con- fident, inspirited. Gang, set, band, horde, crowd, mob, throng. Supercargo; bevy, ga- laxy, cream, elite. Offense, misdeed, wrong, felony, sin, iniquity, misde- meanor, enormity, transgres- sion, wickedness, delinquency. Good deed, well-doing, exploit, achievement, duty, ser- vice, Benefit, benefaction, hero- ism. Immoral, iniqui- tous, sinful, unlawful, wicked, wrong, vile, nefarious, culpable, abominable, illegal, vicious. Virtuous, moral, inno- cent, just, honorable, praise- worthy, lawful, legal, right, meritorious.
Criminate.^ Charge, accuse, ar- raign, impeach. Acquit, absolve, extri- cate. Weaken, disable, im- pair, break down, cramp, cur- tail. Renovate, strengthen, augment, liberate, ease, expe- dite.
Standard, test, rule, touchstone, measure, canon, proof. Eye, glance; intention, conjecture. Judge, censor, reviewer, connoisseur; caviller, carper; arbiter, savant. Artist, author, writer, performer, maker, poet, com- poser. Accurate, nice, exact; decisive, crucial, determining, important; dangerous, hazard- ous, imminent, momentous, du- bious, precarious.
Inexact, loose, und>is- criminating; unimportant, in- conclusive; safe, sure, settled, decided, retrieved, redressed. Censure, stricture, animadversion, review, critique. Approbation, praise, approval. Examine, estimate, judge, discuss, analyze, anato- mize, scan, animadvert. Survey, overlook, slur, skim, slight, neglect. Bent, curved, bowed; distorted, twisted, wry, askew, deformed, disfigured; perverse, contumacious, capricious; dis- honest, unfair, unscrupulous, knavish, deceitful, tricky. Straight, linear, wp~ [ 69 cro] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [cur right, direct, honest, straight- forward.
Fretful, petulant, peev- ish, snappish, touchy, morose, ill-natured, sullen, snarling, cynical, sour, out of humor, captious, crabbed, sulky. Amiable, genial, good- tempered, good-natured, blithe- some, charming, winsome, at- tractive, benign. Throng, multitude, con- course, press, horde, herd, host, rabble, mob, populace.
Cream, elite, bevy, con- stellation, galaxy; solitude, solitariness. Diadem, coronet, gar- land, chaplet, wreath, laurel, bays; reward, honor, distinc- tion, dignity; summit, crest, top, head, brow, apex. Base, bottom, floor, foot, pedestal, foundation, sole; infamy, shame.
Complete, consum- mate, conclude, seal, achieve, accomplish. Mar, spoil, frustrate, fail. Severe, trying, search- ing, decisive, critical, momen- tous, strategic.
Superficial, indifferent, mild, lenient, lax, unimpor- tant. Raw, immature, unripe; coarse, unrefined; undigested, unconsidered, unpolished, un- couth, awkward. Mature; refined, sensi- tive; well-considered, finished, classical, highly wrought, elab- orate. Inhuman, merciless, un- feeling, dire, ruthless, pitiless, relentless, savage, brutal, fero- cious, blood-thirsty, sangui- nary; severe, sharp, bitter, hard. Gentle, mild, merciful, Jiumane, forbearing, generous. Pound, crumble, demol- ish, overpower, squeeze, com- press, bruise, shatter, raze, pul- verize. Consolidate, compact, amalgamate, solidify, stabili- tate.
Zenith, success, consummation, acme, comple- tion, apex. Failure, downfall, de~ feat, descent, decline.
Blameworthy, blam- able, censurable, reprehensible, faulty, wrong. Innocent, blameless, laudable, praiseworthy. Criminal, delinquent, felon, malefactor, offender. Hero, example, pat- tern, model, saint, upright man. Till; fertilize; im- prove, refine, train, discipline, develop; study, pursue, inves- tigate; nourish, foster, cherish, promote. Neglect, blight, blast; uproot, eradicate, extirpate; stifle, abandon, prevent, dis- courage.
Craft, artifice, deceit, intrigue, subtlety, chicane. Candor, guilelessness, sincerity. Longing, greed, lust; covetousness, avarice, acquisi- tiveness, stinginess. Prodigality, liberality, generosity, extravagance. Restrain, check, control, repress, bridle. Indulge, emancipate, loose, release, free, liberate. Remedy, antidote, re- storative, corrective, help, spe- cific; healing, restoration, con- valescence, alleviation, renova- tion.
[ 70 ] cur] [dar ANT. Complaint, contagion, disease, ailment; aggravation, confirmation; inoculation. Inquisitiveness, won- der, marvel, rarity, celebrity; inquiry, investigation, scrutiny, research. Indifference, heedless- ness, disregard, abstraction; apathy.
Prying, meddling, in- quisitive, searching, scrutiniz- ing; rare, singular, strange; elegant, finished. Indifferent, uninter- ested; trite, common, usual. Common, general, prev- alent, present, floating, popular, ordinary, vulgar.
Obsolete, rejected, ex- ploded; private, secret; con- fined. Execration, maledic- tion, anathema, denunciation; scourge, plague, torment, afflic- tion, trouble; imprecation, ban, oath. Blessing, benediction, joy, crown; prosperity, welfare, luck, success. Hasty, superficial, de- sultory, careless, slight, rapid.
Elaborate, searching, nte, profound. Care, keeping, protec- tion; confinement, duress, im- prisonment.
Neglect, betrayal, ex- posure, desertion; liberation, discharge. Usage, habit, fashion, practice, rule; form, formality, observance; patronage; duty, tax. Law, regulation, com- mand; disuse, non-observance, desuetude.
Sharp, keen; sarcas- tic, severe, satirical, wounding, piercing, trenchant, stinging, sardonic, cruel. Mild, soothing, flatter- ing, indulgent, consoling, grati- fying. Censorious, churlish, carping, cross, peevish; deri- sive, contemptuous, scornful, pessimistic, misanthropic. Genial, lenient; opti- mistic, philanthropic. Exquisite, choice, rare, refined; savory, palatable, de- licious, toothsome, tasty, epi- curean; fastidious, luxurious.
Common, dirty, vul- gar, coarse, defiled, nasty, foul, filthy. Hurt, injury, detri- ment, loss, mischief, impair- ment. Benefit, compensation, advantage, blessing, reparation. Peril, risk, hazard, ven- ture, insecurity, liability, jeop- ardy.
Safety, security, pre- caution, defense. Adventurous, fearless, risky, brave, courageous, daunt- less, intrepid, valorous. Cautious, timid, wary, fearful. Black, swarthy, opaque, obscure, shadowy, lurid, sun- less, murky, cloudy, overcast, ebon, pitchy, secret; mysteri- ous, enigmatical, unintelligible, occult, abstruse; gloomy, dis- heartening, cheerless, dismal; ignorant, rude, untaught, be- t 71 ] dar] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [deb flighted; wicked, foul, horrible, damnable, vile, artocious, infer- nal; joyless, mournful, sad, sor- rowful.
White, fair, light, ra- diant, bright, clear, buoyant, plain, brilliant, glaring, crys- talline, transparent, dazzling, luminous, illumed; happy, joy- ful, festive. Sweetheart, love, pet, favorite, idol, dear. Strike, hurl, cast, throw, drive, send, speed, dart; alloy, adulterate; suffuse, overspread, color; disappoint, ruin, frus- trate; surprise, abash. Raise, erect, reinstate; creep, crawl; fulfil, realize, ef- fect. Coward, craven, recre- ant. Hero, champion; dare- devil.
Facts, basis, grounds, pos- tulates, premises, given condi- tions. Conjectures, assump- tions, inferences, deductions. Time, era, epoch, period, age. Non-duration; eternity.
Smear, plaster, sully, be- grime, soil, deface, defile. Embellish, decorate; cleanse, whiten.
Terrify, alarm, intimi- date, appal, frighten off, tame. Rally, inspirit, encour- age. Valiant, fearless, in- trepid, bold, indomitable, un- conquerable, valorous, chival- rous, heroic, brave, daring. Cowardly, timid, cau- tious, fearful, afraid, faint- hearted, shrinking. Appear, begin, open; break, grow light, rise. Wane, set, *tnfc, close. Daze, blind; astonish, surprise, overpower, bewilder, confuse.
Enlighten, illumine, il- luminate; make clear, instruct. Lifeless, breathless, inan- imate; deceased, defunct, de- parted; dull, cold, frigid, inert, indifferent; tasteless, insipid, flat; insensible, heavy, uncon- scious, spiritless, still, torpid.
Quick, live, living, ani- mate, alive, stirring, vivacious. Mortal, fatal, destruc- tive, noxious, murderous, malig- nant, pernicious, baneful, ven- omous. Vital, wholesome, life- giving. Hard of hearing; dull, in- sensible, heedless; inexorable, averse, disinclined; inaudible.
Acute, listening, atten- tive, willing, susceptible. Bargain, chaffer, trade, traffic, do business; distribute, allot, divide, share, mete out. Close, stop, fail; col- lect, gather, glean, muster. Costly, high-priced, expen- sive, precious; beloved, valued.
Cheap, common, inex- pensive; hated, abhorred. Lack, want, scarcity, poverty. Plenty, abundance, lux- ury. Decease, dying, dissolu- tion, departure, exit, expiration.
Life, birth, rise, vital- ity, growth, activity. Exclude, bar out, stop, prevent, prohibit, restrain, hin- der. Admit, enclose, em- brace; allow, indulge, permit, entitle. Degrade, deprave, cor- rupt, alloy, deteriorate, lower, imcair. I 72 J deb] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [dee ANT.
Raise, enhance, exalt, honor, purify, improve, amelio- rate. Discussion, dispute, controversy, contention, alter- cation, contest.
Compliance, surrender, withdrawal of opposition. Dubious, doubtful, uncertain, disputable, proble- matical.
Sure, certain, incon- testable, self-evident. Seduce, corrupt, viti- ate, defile. Purify, elevate. Infirmity, weakness, languor, exhaustion, feebleness. Vigor, strength, nerve, energy, tone, vitality.
Liability, obligation, de- fault, claim, score. Liquidation, assets, ac- commodation, credit. Borrower, mortgagor. Creditor, lender, mort- gagee. Corrupt, putrefy, de- compose, rot, spoil, molder, wither, perish. Flourish, luxuriate, ex- pand, vegetate, grow, increase.
Fraud, deception, cheat- ing, artifice, imposition, guile. Honesty, openness, fair dealing, frankness, truth, ver- ity. Cheat, dupe, delude, be- guile, fool, trick, impose upon, disappoint, mislead, circum- vent, entrap. Enlighten, guide, dis- abuse, deliver. Craft, cunning, ly- ing, fraud, hypocrisy, trickery, delusion, duplicity, deceitful- ness, falsehood, prevarication.
Candor, honesty, sin- cerity, truth, veracity, guile- lesmtss, frankness, simplicity. Determine, settle, con- clude, close, terminate, end, re- solve. Waver, hesitate, vacil- late, fluctuate, be irresolute.
Reveal, explain, un- ravel, unfold. Puzzle, mystify. Determination, sen* tence, conclusion, judgment; firmness, resolution. Vacillation, vaguene89 t uncertainty. Conclusive, positive, final, definitive, indisputable.
Vague, hypothetical^ indeterminate, dubious, prob- lematical. Adorn, dress, ornament.
Btrip, despoil; deform, deface. Recite, speak, debate, harangue. Study, compose, elab- orate.
Harangue, effu- sion, debate, oratory, elocution. Hesitation, stammer' ing. Assertion, affir- mation, avowal; publication, proclamation, official announce- ment. Denial; concealment; recantation, disavowal, retrao- tion.
Announce, publish, ad- vertise, reveal, proclaim. Suppress, unthhold, conceal. Fall, decay, decadence, degeneration; refusal, rejeo- tion, repudiation. Rise, advancement, im- provement; acceptance. Fall, slope, descent. Ascent, rise.
Concoction, mixture, mess. Rawness, crudity. [ 73 ] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [def Decompose. Analyze, dissolve, resolve; decay, putrefy, become corrupt. Compound, mix, organ- ise, compose. Adorn, embellish, im- prove. Spoil, mar, denude, de- face.
Dignity, order, pro- priety, seemliness. Disorder, disturbance, unseemliness. Lessen, diminish, sub- side, want, dwindle, curtail, re- trench, reduce, loAver. Increase, grow, aug- ment, expand. Decision, determination, law, edict, mandate, manifesto. Suggestion, request, hint.
Weak, infirm, totter- ing, aged. Strong, youthful. Disparage, detract, de- preciate, denounce, abase, tra- duce. Extol, praise, eulogize, laud. Devote, hallow, sanc- tify, consecrate; address, in- scribe; assign, apply, set apart. Desecrate, misuse, ali- enate. Infer, draw, derive, con- clude.
Induce, state, conjec- ture, guess, anticipate, fore- see. Performance, act, action, exploit; reality, fact, truth; document, instrument.
Omission, failure, in- validation, reversal, recall; un- doing. Profound; difficult, mys- terious, hard, intricate; pene- trating, sagacious, astute, in- telligent, discerning, shrewd; heartfelt, intense, thorough. Shallow; superficial, artless, undcsigning; indiffer- ent. Neglect, failure, omis- sion; want, destitution, lack; lapse, forfeit, delinquency, ab- sence. Satisfaction; appear- ance, plea; maintenance, sup- ply; presence. Overthrow, frustration, discomfiture.
Success, triumph, vic- tory. Fault, flaw, imperfec- tion; omission, want, shortcom- ing.
Emendation, perfec- tion; supply, sufficiency. Apology, justification, vindication; shelter, shield, protection, guard, resistance, rampart, fortress, safeguard, bulwark. Surrender, betrayal, ex- posure, hazard; challenge. Delay, postpone, procras- tinate, adjourn, put off; yield to, respect. Hasten, hurry, expe- dite, quicken, overdrive; slight, disregard.
Respect, considera- tion, esteem, veneration, hom- age. Disrespect, contumely, impudence, defiance, disobedi- ence. Contaminate, spoil, pol- lute, vitiate, infect, taint, be- foul. Purify, cleanse, disin- fect, uxish, hallow, sanctify.
Description, exposi- tion, comment, explanation, in- terpretation, rendering, trans- lation. Ugliness, malforma- [ 74 def] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [del tion, distortion, disfigurement, abnormity, hideousness. Grace, beauty, regu- larity, symmetry.
Payment, settle- ment, liquidation, discharge. Failure, insolvency, re- pudiation, embezzlement, non- payment.
Challenge, dare, provoke, scorn, brave. Dread, cower, shrink, shun. Degradation, dete- rioration, growing worse, decay, decline; inferiority, meanness. Improvement, advance- ment. Grade, rank, step, sta- tion, stage, quality, standing; measure, interval, space.
Mass, magnitude, size, numbers. Disheartened, discour- aged, depressed, downcast, des- pondent, gloomy, melancholy, low-spirited. Cheerful, elated, gay, blithe, inspirited, joyous, jovial, merry. Postponement, procrasti- nation; hindrance, impediment. Hurry, despatch, quick- ening, urgency; assistance, fur- therance.
Substitute, proxy, representative, legate, deputy. Depute, commis- sion, appoint, empower, consti- tute, ordain. Relegate, recall, super- sede, remove. Destructive, nox- ious, deadly, poisonous; hurt- ful, harmful, injurious, perni- cious, unwholesome. Wholesome, healthy, beneficial, sanitary, salubrious, nutritious. Deliberate, v. Meditate, ponder, debate, confer, consider, reflect, consult, weigh, cogitate.
Shelve, dismiss, dis- card, put aside; hazard, cluince, risk. Deliberate, a.
Cautious, care- ful, wary; well-advised, pur- posed, studied; slow, leisurely; intentional, earnest, unbiased. Facetious, playful; ir- resolute, hesitant, faltering, va- cillating;impulsive,rash,hasty; prejudiced. Dainty, morsel, tid- bit, relish; refinement, luxury, nicety, elegance; frailty, weak- ness; fastidiousness, scrupu- lousness; purity, sensibility. 'Necessaries, commons, fare; coarseness, roughness, rudeness; vigor, strength; gross- ness.
Dainty, savory, de- lightful, luscious, exquisite. Nauseous, repulsive, bitter, loathsome, unpalatable, acrid. Joy, gladness, charm, rapture, transport, satisfaction, pleasure, ecstasy, happiness, en- joyment, bliss. Pain, suffering, sorrow, misery, discomfort, dejection, melancholy, discontent, trouble, distress, depression. Agreeable, congen- ial, grateful, pleasant, refresh- ing, welcome, satisfying, deli- cious, acceptable, pleasurable.
Miserable, depressing, disappointing, horrible, melan- choly, painful, woful, wretched, mournful, saddening. Describe, figure, rep- resent, sketch, draw, portray, depict, paint. Caricature, misrepre- sent, exaggerate. Offender, culprit, criminal, miscreant, malefactor. [ 75 ] del] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [dep ANT. Worthy, model, para- gon, pattern, beau ideal.
Free, liberate, release; save, rescue; give, hand over, transfer; yield, grant, resign, surrender; pronounce, declare, speak; discharge, deal. Confine, capture; sup- press, retain; withdraio, be- tray; appropriate. Inundation, flood, over- flow, rush, cataclysm. Drought, dearth, arid- ity; mist, moisture; subsidence, ebb, abatement. Error, fallacy, illu- sion, hallucination, trick, snare, fraud, deception, imposture.
Fact, certainty, verity, actuality, truth, reality. Require, ask, call for, insist, exact, challenge. Request, petition, sup- plicate; disclaim, forego, waive. Outline, sketch, limit, boundary, division, en- closure, separation, distinc- tion. Openness, space, ex- panse, extent.
Behave, comport, act, conduct one's self. Fault, delinquency, misdeed, failure. Credit, merit, worth, excellence, desert. Popular, representa- tive, republican, radical. Imperial, aristocratic, regal, oligarchical, autocratic, despotic, tyrannical, constitu- tional, conservative.
Overthrow, destroy, overturn, raze, ruin. Restore, repair; build, construct, make. Exhibition, ex- emplification; manifestation, il- lustration; evidence, proof, cer- tainty, conclusion, consequence, induction, inference, deduction. Concealment, secrecy; theory, supposition. Corrupt, deprave, vitiate, undermine, subvert. Stimulate, impel, pro- mote, incite, reassure, animate, uplift. Sedate, staid, modest, prudish, discreet.
Lively, vivacious, face- tious, wanton, wild. Refusal; contradiction, negation, disavowal. Affirmation, avowal, admission, concession. Citizen, subject, in- habitant, dweller, sojourner. Foreigner, alien, trav- eler, stranger, transient. Name, designa- tion, description, appellation, class, sect, school.
Brand, defame, stig- matize, decry; accuse; menace, threaten; proscribe, vituperate. Eulogize, applaud, up- hold, vindicate. Thick, slow, compact, solid, close, thickset. Sparse, thin, scattered; quick, intelligent, clever, alert, ready. Censure, ar- raignment; threat, menace; ex- posure. Vindication, defense, apology, plea, excuse.
Refuse, withhold; contra- dict, gainsay; renounce, abjure, disown. Affirm, grant, accept, concede; indulge, yield, admit. Leave, go, start, sally, retire, disappear, vanish, bid farewell; die, decease. Arrive, alight; stay, re* main, cling. I 76 dep] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [dM Department. Division, section, portion; function, office, duty, station; province, branch, line. Organization, whole, tody.
Hanging, resting, contingent, conditioned, relying, subject, relative. Independent, free, ab- solute, irrespective.
Portray, draw, paint, delineate. Caricature, parody. Lamentable, piti- able, sad, mournful, disastrous, calamitous, grievous, distress- ing, melancholy.
Acceptable, felicitous, happy, welcome, glad, joyous, beneficent, pleasing. Conduct, carriage, behavior, demeanor, character.
Misbehavior, miscon- duct. Dethrone, debase, de- grade, dismiss, oust, displace. Enthrone, install, initi- ate, elevate, exalt, invest with power. Regret, disapprove, lament; intercede, expostulate. Rejoice in, approve; in- voke, imprecate, curse. Disparage, decry, undervalue, detract, underesti- mate.
Appreciate, value, es- teem. Robbery, pillage, plunder, spoliation, theft, inva- sion, trespass, havoc, encroach- ment. Restitution, compensa- tion, restoration, amends, repa- ration. Lowering, degrada- tion, abasement, perversion, de- preciation, dejection, discour- agement; hollow, valley, de- cline. Elevation, raising, eto- altation, promotion, ameliora- tion, preferment, prominenoe t eminence. Bereave, rob, divest, strip, despoil, dispossess, de- pose; prevent, hinder. EKdow, enrich, invest, compensate, present, indem- nify.
Lieutenant, agent, rep- resentative, envoy, legate, sub- stitute, vicegerent, proxy, dele- gate. Master, principal, gov- ernor, chief, sovereign, ruler. Disorder, confu- sion, disarrangement; disturb- ance, discomposure; madness, lunacy, insanity, mania, delir- ium, alienation, aberration. Order, arrangement, regulation; calmness; sanity, poise, rationality. Scorn, contempt, ridi- cule, mockery, contumely, scoff- ing. Admiration, respect, reverence, regard, esteem, ven- eration.
Source, origin, gen- esis, fountain, descent, root, etymology. Result, issue, termina- tion, effect, application, use.
Detract, depreciate, disparage, compromise, lessen. Esteem, value, over~ estimate, enhance, extol. Offspring, poster- ity, progeny, stock, family, lin- eage, scion, branch, issue. Ancestry, progenitor, origin, root, source, founder, parent. Trace, draw, portray, mark out, represent, depict, re- count, narrate, illustrate, de- fine, explain, characterize. ANT, Caricature, misrepre* [ 77 ] des] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [des sent, distort; mystify, perplex, confuse. Perceive, discern, recog- nize, discover, espy, see, behold, detect, find out.
Overlook, miss, neglect. Profane, pollute, per- vert, abuse, secularize, prosti- tute. Hallow, sanctify, re- spect, esteem, dedicate, devote.
Solitude, wild, wilder- ness, waste. Oasis, pasture, meadow. Renegade, turncoat, re-. Canter, backslider, abjurer, trai- tor, apostate. Adherent, devotee, sup- porter, bigot, disciple, ally.
Merit, earn, win, be entitled to. Forfeit, lose, miss, fail of. Very desirable thing, requisite, want, essential. Superfluity, surplus, perquisite. Intention, purpose, aim, end, scheme, proposal, pro- ject, object, plan, device, pur- port, meaning, drift, scope, mark; delineation, sketch, arti- fice, drawing, draft; invention, contrivance; cunning, guile.
Execution, perform- ance, structure, construction, is- sue, result; candor, openness, sincerity; chance, accident. Intend, plan, prepare, project, contrive, scheme, pur- pose, mean, propose; draw, de- lineate, sketch; contemplate, outline, plot. Risk, guess, conjecture, chance; misconceive, misinter- pret, misrepresent. Specify, particular- ize; describe, define, denomi- nate, name, call, style, christen, dub; appoint, allot. Misname, miscall; gen- eralize; misrepresent. Eligible, expedient, advantageous, beneficial, advis- able, valuable, profitable, envi- able, proper, judicious. Inexpedient, disadvan- tageous, harmful, inadvisable, evil.
Appetite, inclination, longing, proclivity, craving, im- pulse, hankering, coveting, pro- pensity, wish; aspiration, wilL ANT. Loathing, disgust, aver- sion, hate, repugnance, horror. Bereaved, comfort- less, forlorn, cheerless, lonely, solitary; uninhabited, forsaken, unfrequented, waste, dreary, wild. Peopled, colonized, de- veloped, cultivated; populous, crowded, frequented.
Desperation, discour- agement, hopelessness, despon- dency. Courage, hope, expecta- tion, anticipation, assurance, confidence, elation, cheer, trust, hopefulness, encouragement.
Expedite, speed, ac- celerate, quicken, hasten; kill, slay. Delay, retard, impede, obstruct; preserve, save, spare.
Wild, reckless, des- pondent, hopeless, wretched, forlorn, lost; heroic, extreme, defiant; precipitate, headlong, frantic. Cautious, timid, shy; hopeful, promising, propitious. Contemn, scorn, slight, disdain, spurn. Respect, esteem, ven- erate, regard, revere. Strip, denude, ravage; rob, plunder, pillage, devastate. Adorn, enrich, rehabili- tate. [ 78 ] des] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [dev Despotic.
Tyrannical, absolute, imperious, autocratic, arrogant. Conciliatory, humane, merciful; constitutional, demo- cratic, representative. Aim, end, object, purpose, design; goal, harbor. Action, movement; ini- tiation, project, effort. Fate, lot, doom, star, fortune, necessity, end, predes- tination. Choice, will, freedom, volition, free will.
Ruinous, injurious, pernicious, deleterious, bane- ful, detrimental, hurtful, nox- ious. Constructive, restora- tive, beneficial, wholesome, pre- servative. Disuse, non-observ- ance, obsolescence. Use, custom, practice, exercise, operation. Rambling, irregu- lar, capricious, wandering, rov- ing, discursive, cursory, erratic, spasmodic, unsystematic. Methodical, continuous, periodical, diligent, exact, un- tiring, persevering, earnest, se- rious, settled, consecutive. Account, narrative, re- cital; detachment; individual, particular, item, specialty, ele- ment, point, component.
Totality, whole, gener- ality, aggregation, mass, bulk. Hindrance, retain- ing, restraint, stopping.
Relinquishment, aban- donment, letting go, release, lib- eration. Hinder, discourage, pre- vent, restrain, withhold, terrify, scare, dishearten, dissuade. Incite, provoke, allure, tem.pt, seduce, prompt, per- suade. Impair, degrade,, debase; decline, degenerate. Ameliorate, promote, advance, rectify.
Settle, adjust, de- cide; ascertain, verify; influ- ence, lead, incl ine; resolve. Vacillate, waver, un- settle, doubt. Abominate, abhor, exe- crate, loathe, shrink from. Like, approve, appre- ciate, praise, love.
Depose, uncrown, drive out of power, cause to abdicate. Crown, enthrone, ex- alt. Depreciate, disparage, lessen, derogate, calumniate, slander, defame, decry, vilify. Enhance, augment, in- crease, flatter, compliment.
Loss, damage, in- jury, harm, evil, prejudice, dis- advantage, impairment, incon- venience. Enhancement, rem- edy, augmentation, improve- ment, repair, reinstatement. Evolve, unfold, educe, disclose, unravel, exhibit, ex- pand, enlarge; open, grow, ma- ture. Envelop, wrap, con- ceal, contract, compress; stunt T duvtrf, hinder, prevent. Digress, wander, de- flect, veer, diverge; depart, err, stray, swerve; differ, vary. Cohere, coincide; ac- company, continue, remain; ad- vance; converge; agree, assimi- late.
Contrivance, invention, design, project, plan, scheme, expedient, resource; wile, arti- fice, stratagem, evasion, fraud; emblem, symbol, type. Fortune, luck, hazard? T 79 ] dev] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [die hit; openness, frankness, can- dor. Erratic, wandering, deviating, crooked, circuitous, misleading, treacherous, round- about. Direct, plain, straight- forward, frequented. Plan, design, contrive, imagine, scheme, project, con- coct; bequeath, leave.
Mismanage, miscon- trive; inherit. Void, wanting, empty, destitute, vacant, unprovided for. Full, supplied, pro- vided, replete, furnished, abun- dant, plentiful, sufficient.
Transfer, consign, con- vey, demise, devise, deliver; impose, place, attach, commis- sion, charge, depute; fall, pass, be transferred. Deprive, vnthhold, re- call, cancel, alienate, skip, pass, miss. Dedication, consecra- tion, piety, religion, sanctity, holiness, worship, adoration; attachment, affection, love; ar- dor, earnestness, zeal, eager- ness, self-sacrifice. Impiety, profanity, sacrilege, irreverence; aversion, alienation, antipathy, indiffer- ence, apathy. Consume, gorge, eat ravenously, swallow; destroy, annihilate, waste, swallow up, expend. Disgorge, vomit; save, conserve.
Aptitude, skill, ex- pertness, readiness, adroitness. Ineptitude, inability, weakness, awkwardness, clum- siness. Crown, chaplet, fillet, wreath, tiara, circlet. Investigation, de- termination, analysis. Misjudgment, error. Symptom, feature, sign, cue, indication, mark, in- dex.
Development, consum- mation, crisis, head, formation. Language, phraseology, tongue, speech, provincialism, idiom, accent. Conversation between two people, colloquy, discourse, tete-a-tete. Monologue, soliloquy, apostrophe, oration.
Direct, ordain, com- mand, prescribe, order, bid, re- quire, decree; utter; prompt, suggest, enjoin, instruct. Follow, repeat, obey, answer; accept. Injunction, precept, command, rule, maxim, direc- tion, utterance. Consultation, confer- ence, council; advice, recom- mendation. Imperious, imper tive, domineering, arbitrary, absolute, unlimited, authori- tative, unrestricted, overbear- ing.
Condescending, suppli- catory, affable, suppliant, un- assuming, persuasive. Expression, language, phrase, phraseology, style, ver- biage, vocabulary, wording. Provincialism, barba- rism, solecifim. Lexicon, word-book, glossary, vocabulary. Instructive, percep- tive, moral, directive, educative. Unsound, misleading, erroneous, uninstructive, perni- cious. Expire, decease, depart; wither, perish, decay, decline, [ 80 SYNONYMS AND ANTON i MS [dim fade; cease, vanish, disappear; sink, faint, fall; subside.
Live, recover, be born; survive, exist; originate, de- velop, grow, strengthen, flour- ish, luxuriate, vegetate. Food, victuals, nourish- ment, aliment, nutriment, pro- vision, viands, rations, fare, subsistence; assembly, parlia- ment, congress. Starvation, fasting, abstinence, fast; gluttony, om- nivorousness. Contrast, diversity, variation, variety, discrepancy, disagreement, disparity, dis- tinction, divergence, unlikenesa. Agreement, uniform- ity, unity, consonance, identity, likeness, resemblance, harmony, sameness, similarity. Discriminate, in- dividualize, distinguish, par- ticularize, specify, segregate, identify. Generalize, classify, confuse, amalgamate.
Arduous, exhausting, severe, onerous, trying, toil- some, hard, laborious; intri- cate, involved, obscure, enig- matical; unmanageable, re- served, opposed, unamenable. Easy, facile, trifling, slight, trivial, pleasant, light; simple, plain, clear, manifest; approachable, amcn-nble, pliant.
Modest, doubtful, re- luctant, hesitating; bashful, timid, shy, self-distrustful. Bold, aggressive, for- irord, arrogant, self-conceited.
Prolix, loose, copi- ous, rambling, verbose, long- winded, diluted. Epigrammatic, laconic, terse, condensed.
Methodize, systematize, arrange, classify, cod'ify; study, ponder, consider, contemplate, meditate, con; master, assimi- late. Confound, complicate, disorder, derange, disturb; re- ject, refuse.
Stately, noble, grand, majestic, self-respecting, impos- ing, decorous, august, lofty, ex- alted, pompous. Stunted, low, mean, un- imposing, depressed, ordinary, self-accusing. Advance, promote, ex- alt, ennoble, prefer; grace, honor, adorn; elevate, aggran- dize. Humiliate, debase, de- grade.
Deviate, ramble, wan- der; differ. Proceed, advance; har- monize, agree. Ruin, decay, dis- integration, downfall, demoli- tion. Construction, repara- tion; soundness, solidity; fab- rication, building. Stretch wide, expand, enlarge, widen, distend. Compress, compact, re- strict, narrow, condense, con- centrate. Slow, loitering, tardy, procrastinating, dawdling, lag- ging, lingering, sluggish.
Prompt, vigilant, alert, eager, earnest. Industry, assiduity, activity, perseverance, applica- tion, attention, care, heed. Neglect, carelessness, idleness, inertness, inattention, desultoriness. Obscure, dark, covered, hidden, dusky, indistinct, un- certain. Bright, clear, mani- fest, light. [ 81 ] dim] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [dis Dimension.
Measurement, bulk, mass, extent; ( pi. ) size, ca- pacity, amplitude, massiveness, greatness. Segment, section, por- tion, part. Lessen, reduce, de- crease, abate, subside, shorten, dwarf, retrench.
Augment, amplify, in- crease, magnify, expand. Racket, clamor, noise, up- roar. Crash, explosion; si- lence. Dirty, dull, soiled, tar- nished, dim, obscure, somber.
Bright, burnished, ra- diant, glittering, gleaming, lu- minous. Immerse, plunge, inunda.te, soak, steep, drown, submerge.
Dry, drain, parch; air, ventilate, evaporate, vaporize. Negotiation, indi- rection, tact, artful manage- ment, contrivance, circumven- tion; embassage, ministry, am- bassadorship. Dismissal, conge, re- call; candor, naivete, ingenu- ousness; mismanagement, mal- administration; self-defeat. Prudent, wise, tact- ful, astute, politic, sagacious, judicious, discreet. Blundering, tactless, injudicious.
Unswerving, straight, rectilinear, undeviating. Meandering, crooked, roundabout, circuitous. Course, tendency, aim, bearing; oversight, man- agement, control, superinten- dence, conduct; order, com- mand; address, superscription. Deviation, aberration; miscontrol.
Straightly, immedi- ately, forthwith, soon, speed- ily, instantly, promptly, pres- ently, quickly, straightway, at once. Secondarily, by-and- by; remotely, obliquely, cir- cuitously. Requiem, elegy, lament, wake, threnody, coronach.
Anthem, Te Deum, Ju- bilate, pcean, jubilee, halleluiah. Filth, uncleanness, dung, foulness, meanness, filthiness, defilement. Cleanness, purity, ab- lution; innocence, spotlessness. The prefix dis- has usually a negative, sometimes an inten- sive, force.
Therefore, for words beginning with it look under the antonyms of the root words. When its force is intensive, however, they will be found un- der the synonyms of the root words. Only a few of derived significance are here given. Unfitness, inability, incompetence, incapacity, dis- qualification.
Merit, fitness, recom- mendation, qualification, capa- bility. Undeceive, set right, correct, enlighten, inform, rec- tify.
Deceive, delude, hood- wink. Frustrate, foil, de- feat, baffle, disconcert, mortify, vex, betray, tantalize. Fulfil, realize, satisfy, gratify, encourage, verify, sup- port. Misfortune, mishap, reverse, calamity, catastrophe. Blessing, benefit, good fortune, profit, gain, boon. Spend, expend, con- sume, waste, use, lay out, pay.
[ 82 ] dis] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [dis ANT. Save, economize, hoard, husband. Observe, discriminate, distinguish, perceive, see, des- cry, behold, espy, discover, pen- etrate, differentiate. Overlook, neglect, miss.
Discoverable, per- ceptible, visible, apparent, con- spicuous, palpable, plain, mani- fest, evident. Obscure, minute, in- visible, microscopic, impalpable. Sagacity, per- ception, discrimination, bright- ness, astuteness, insight, intel- ligence, perspicacity, penetra- tion, acuteness, judgment, in- genuity. Blindness, inattention, dulness, density. Discharge, v. Unburden, un- load; expel, eject; shoot, fire; release, exonerate, acquit, lib- erate, free; dismiss, discard, cashier; remove, destroy; per- form, execute, observe.
Confine, charge, load, burden, contain; detain, check, delay, stop; preserve; ignore. Follower, student, be- liever, pupil, learner, scholar, supporter, adherent, votary. Master, teacher, pro- fessor, leader, rabbi. Training, teaching, drill, exercise; control, regula- tion, subjection, government; punishment, correction, coer- cion, chastisement. Laxity, latitude, negli- gence; reward, encouragement; disorganization, mutiny, rebel- lion, confusion, disorder. Defeat, overpower, conquer; foil, disconcert.
Encourage, rally, aid, assist. Frustrate, balk, de- feat, thwart, baffle; discompose, embarrass, disturb, upset, per- plex, abash, confuse, bewilder. Assist, countenance, encourage, compose, calm, ap- pease, pacify, tranquilize. Inconsolable, sor- rowful, heant-broken, comfort- less, melancholy, desolate, for- lorn, sad. Joyous, cheerful, glad, merry, jovial, happy, blithe. Disagreement, dis- cord, dissonance, conflict, oppo- sition. Accordance, harmony, concord.
Find, detect, discern, ferret out, invent, expose, as- certain, descry, disclose, betray, indicate, manifest. Hide, conceal, cover, secrete, tury, suppress, with- hold. Discerning, wise, saga- cious, prudent, cautious, ju- dicious, considerate, circum- spect. Foolish, heedless, reck- less, silly, imprudent, undis- cerning, unrestrained. Dissonance, dis- cord, discordance, difference, variation, disagreement.
Agreement, harmony, correspondence. Acuteness, pen- etration, sagacity, discernment, shrewdness, insight.
Dulness, shortsighted- ness. Reasoning, argu- mentative; roving, wandering, rambling, desultory, inconse- quent. Orderly, coherent, con- tinuous; condensed, succinct, concise; strategic, Discuss. Debate, argue, reason, agitate, deliberate upon, con- sider. [ 83 ] dis] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [dis ANT.
Confound, obscure; as- sert, dogmatize. Contempt, scorn, dis- regard, haughtiness, arrogance. Reverence, respect, es- teem,, consider ateness, humil- ity. Infirmity, ailment, dis- temper, complaint, illness, sick- ness, malady, indisposition, un- soundness, affection. Health, strength, ro- bustness, soundness, sturdiness, vigor; convalescence; sanity, salubrity.
Distaste, loathing, dislike, repugnance, aversion, abhorrence. Partiality, desire, lik- ing, relish, fondness. Dark, gloomy, cheer- less, dull, dreary, melancholy, lonesome, somber, sad, doleful, funereal; horrible, terrible, frightful. Cheerful., bright, in- viting, cordial, gay, propitious, promising. Affright, terrify, ap- pal, alarm, intimidate, daunt.
Rally, inspirit, assure, encourage, hearten. Disintegrate, mu- tilate, separate, rend asunder, sever. Integrate, incorpo- rate; constitute, construct. Banish, discard, dis- charge, remove.
Recall, welcome. Depreciate, decry, undervalue, underrate; defame, reproach. Appreciate, overesti- mate, extol, praise, exaggerate. Drive away, disperse, dissipate, banish, scatter. Collect, summon, ac- cumulate.
Apportionment, allotment, distribution; admin- istration; exemption; system, scheme, plan, regime. Retention, restriction, reservation, injunction, prohi- bition; enforcement.
Dispel, scatter, sepa- rate; diffuse, spread, dissemi- nate. Gather, collect, con- centrate; recall, summon.
Expand, unfold, ex- tend, uncover, open, spread; ex- hibit, show, parade. Conceal, hide, wrap, dissemble, suppress. Arrangement, lo- cation, placing, grouping; man- agement, control, regulation, direction; tendency, inclina- tion, propensity; temper, char- acter, nature, humor; willing- ness; distribution. Confusion, inversion, disorder; mismanagement, lax- ity; antipathy, repulsion; ob- stinacy; mood; agglomeration, collection. Litigant, debater, arguer, controversialist, com- petitor, claimant.
Advocate, auxiliary, partner. Quarrel, wrangle; debate, argue, discuss, agitate, ventilate; impugn, deny, con- tradict, oppose, contest. Allow, concede, grant, forego, relinquish. Treatise, disser- tation, discourse, essay, discus- sion.
Effusion, tirade, dia- tribe, rhodomontade. Anatomize, scrutinize, analyze, explore, investigate, examine, sift. Integrate, organize, compound, grasp; comprehend* discern, diagnose. I 84 1 dis] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [dla Dissemble.
Conceal, disguise, cloak, hide, restrain, smother. Reveal, confess, mani- fest, expose, vaunt, profess. Differ, disagree, de- cline. Assent, consent, agree. Disquisition, dis- cussion, treatise.
Scatter, vanish, dis- perse, disappear, waste, squan- der. Hoard, save, gather, conserve. Separate, sever, dis- join, divide, part, sunder, dis- connect. Associate, join, affiliate.
Abandoned, corrupt, loose, profligate, reprobate, dis- sipated. Upright, honest, con- scientious, self-controlled. Remoteness, space, interval; absence, separation; reserve, coldness, stiffness. Proximity, contiguity, nearness, presence, neighbor- hood, contact. Dilate, extend, spread, stretch. Contract, narrow, con- strict, condense.
Drop, extract, separate; percolate, emanate, drip. Condense, retain; suck; hold. Separate, definite, dif- ferent, clear, plain, unmistak- able. Blurred, dim, indefi- nite, confused, conjoined, ob- scure.
Discern, perceive, tell, discriminate; differenti- ate; characterize, mark; sepa- rate, divide; signalize, make famous or celebrated. Confound, miss, con- fuse. Illustrious, fa- mous, celebrated, noted, emi- nent, marked, conspicuous, su- preme, extraordinary, consum- mate. Obscure, inconspicu- ous, hidden; infamous, notori- ous. Deformity, twist, perversion, falsification, mis- representation, sophistry, cor- ruption. Regularity, shapeli- ness, symmetry; right, truth, verification, rectification. Divert, perplex, con- fuse, disconcert, bewilder, con- found, derange, craze.
Unite, fix, compose, concentrate, collect. Confusion, perplex- ity, abstraction, disturbance, perturbation, agitation; inat- tention; absence, frenzy, mad- ness; alienation, aberration; delirium, mania, derangement, lunacy. Attention, composure, self-possession, tranquillity. Affliction, calamity, adversity, misery, perplexity, misfortune; agony, suffering, anguish; privation, destitution, poverty, indigence. Consolation, relief, as- suagement, alleviation; boon, blessing, pleasure. Dispense, scatter, allot, apportion, grant, appoint.
Restrict, retain, col- lect, gather, hold, reserve, keep. Region, tract, terri- tory, province, circuit, quarter. Agitate, shake, stir, disorder, confuse, derange; mo- lest, annoy, plague, trouble, vex, worry; interrupt, hinder. Soothe, quiet, assist, compose, pacify; arrange, or' der. Div] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [dor Diversion. Detour, deviation, divergence; recreation, amuse- ment, enjoyment, pastime. Directness, business, procedure, continuity, task, la- bor.
Vary, change, alter, modify; variegate, streak, spot. Settle, fix, stereotype, arrest.
Difference, dissimili- tude, variation, unlikeness, di- vergence, dissonance, heteroge- neousness, multiformity. Identity, similarity, uniformity, consonance, homo- geneousness, coincidence. Dismantle, strip, un- clothe, undress, unrobe, deprive. Clothe, invest, shroud, indue, encumber.
Sever, part, separate, disunite, sunder; alienate, es- trange; distribute, allot, ap- portion, assign, share, dispense. Unite, commingle, col- locate, congregate, convene. Magic, foretelling, augury, prophecy, presage, pre- diction. Investigation, study; information; analysis. Separate, part, sun- der, alienate, disunite.
Marry, wed, betroth, consort. Accomplish, achieve, bring to pass, complete, effect, realize, discharge, perpetuate, perform, commit, consummate, actual- ize; execute, finish, fulfil; work out, transact. Neglect, ruin, spoil, defeat, destroy, mar, miscarry, fail, frustrate, baffle, omit, come short. Manageable, amenable, compliant, gentle, tame, sub- missive, yielding, tractable, pli- able, obedient. Obstinate, firm, inflex- ible, stubborn, self-willed, wil- ful, determined, dogged, reso- lute, opinionated.
Tenet, dogma, opin- ion, belief, precept, principle, teaching, creed. Duty, practice, action, conduct, operations application. Arrogant, authorita- tive, imperious, domineering, positive, self-opinionated, doc- trinal, magisterial, dictatorial. Practical, active, mod- est, diffident, vacillating, con- siderate. Private, family, fa- miliar, homelike. Public, foreign, alien, strange. Home, abode, house, residence, mansion, dwelling.
World, wilderness; es- trangement, migration, travel, exile. Dominance, Domination.
Su- periority, lordship, mastery, sway, supremacy, command, as- cendancy, government. Servility, subjection, inferiority, weakness, minority, subordination. Lord, tyrannize, dic- tate, bully, swagger. Submit, yield, bow, de- fer, patronize, succumb; resist, contend.
Government, domi- nation, supremacy, sway, dom- inance, control, authority, do- main, territory, sovereignty. Submission, subjuga- tion, servitude. Condemnation, fate, sentence, judgment, destiny, verdict.
Liberation, respite, es- cape, acquittal, discharge. Sleeping, latent, in- ert, quiescent. [ 86 ] dou] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [dul ANT. Active, operative, vigi- lant, awake, alert. Distrust, skepticism, disbelief, suspicion, suspense, hesitation, incredulity, irreso- lution, misgiving, unbelief, per- plexity, uncertainty. Conviction, certainty, assurance; belief, confidence; determination, resolution, re- solve.
Below, beneath, down. Upwards, above, aloft. Draw, pull, haul, bring. Carry, push, propel, raise. Empty, exhaust, draw, strain, dry. Fill, supply, replenish, moisten, drench.
Haul, lead, pull, drag, lure, entice, attract, incline, in- duce. Repel, repulse, rebuff, alienate, estrange, reject.
Fear, terror, awe, ap- prehension, horror, alarm. Confidence, courage; familiarity. Reverie, fancy, vision, delusion, conceit, hallucination, romance, trance, vagary. Fact, reality, realiza- tion, verity, certainty, sub- stance. Dismal, gloomy, dark, lonesome, solitary, cheerless. Cheerful, bright, prom- ising, inviting. Clothing, garments, ap- parel, garb, array, uniform, at- tire, costume, raiment, habili- ments, vesture, robes, habit, vestments.
Nakedness, disarray, nudity, bareness, deshabille, ex- posure, undress. Direction, bearing, course; aim, purpose, inten- tion, scope, tendency, design; rush, impulse, current; heap, mass. Aimlessness, vague- ness, aberrancy, indefiniteness. Swallow, imbibe, quaff, drain, absorb, suck in. Pour, exude, disgorge, water, moisten. Impel, propel, compel, push, thrust, urge; repulse, re- pel, resist; ride. Draw, attract, invite, summon.
Whimsical, comical, ludi- crous, funny, ridiculous, odd, queer, facetious. Sober, solemn, tragic, funereal.
Languish, sink, decline, flag, pine, wither, fade, writ. Prosper, revive, rally, flourish, raise, luxuriate.
Sink, immerse, swamp, overwhelm, overflow, inundate, deluge, flood, overcome, over- power. Dry, drain, air, venti- late, expose. Arid, parched; thirsty, craving drink; barren, meager, dull, dreary, tedious, plain; se- vere, sarcastic, sharp, keen. Moist, fresh, juicy; lively, entertaining; fulsome, florid.
Proper, fitting, suitable, appropriate, becoming; owing, obligatory. Improper, unsuitable, independent; unfair, extrava- gant, deficient.
Heavy, stupid, unintelli- gent, apathetic, insensible, cal- lous, dead; inert, lifeless, in- active, slow, torpid; blunt, ob- tuse; gloomy, sad, dismal; dim, obscure; wearisome, dreary, te- dious. Bright, light, tpark- L 87 ] duzu] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS [eel ling, brilliant, quick, interest- ing, lively, keen, witty, cheery, inviting, entertaining. Speechless, mute, silent, still, inarticulate. Talkative, chatty, lo- quacious. Copy, counterpart, facsimile, imitation, likeness, replica, reproduction, double, transcript.
Original, pattern, pro- totype, archetype, model, Duplicity. Deceit, deception, circumvention, guile, artifice, hypocrisy, fraud, dishonesty. Candor, straightfor- wardness, frankness, sincerity, honesty. Continuance, term, period, protraction, prolonga- tion ( in time ).
Brevity, momentari- ness; infinity, eternity. Office, responsibility, ob- ligation, function, business, ac- countability, right, righteous- ness. Immunity, freedom, li- cense, exemption, dispensation. Live, reside, rest, stop, stay, abide, lodge, sojourn. Visit, migrate, liasten, flit, roam, depart, travel. Impatient, anxious, de- sirous, longing, yearning, ar- dent, enthusiastic, earnest, ani- mated, fervent, impetuous, ve- hement. Torpid, sluggish, slow, backward, belated, late, tardy.
Acquire, merit, win, get, gain, procure, deserve, achieve, obtain, realize. Waste, lose, spend, for- feit, squander. Eager, zealous, fer- vent; steady, intent, fixed; sin- cere, serious, true; important, momentous. Indifferent, irresolute, sportive, jesting, flippant. Facility, knack, readiness, expertness, easiness, satisfac- tion, contentment, comfort, re- pose, refreshment, relief.
Perplexity, irritation, annoyance, constraint, disquiet, trouble, vexation, difficulty, un- easiness, awkwardness, worry. Quiet, comfortable, tran- quil, compliant, facile, compla- cent, submissive; unaffected, natural, smooth; moderate, af- fluent. Disturbed, uncomfort- able, hard, difficult, anxious, ea- acting.
Retire, recede, abate, de- crease, subside, wane, sink. Flow, swell, increase, flood, inundate, deluge. Irregular, abnormal, uncommon, peculiar, singular, wayward, strange, aberrant, er- ratic, whimsical. Normal, conventional, common, usual, regular, cus- tomary.
Resonance, repetition, re- verberation, imitation, answer. Sound, voice, original, tone, noise, speech. Obscuration, dim- ming, obscurity, hiding, shroud- ing, concealment, vanishing, ex- tinction, obliteration, annihila- tion, destruction. Illumination, enlight- enment, revelation; perpetua- tion; radiation; unveiling, dia- oovery.
[ 88 eco] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS let Economics. Science of wealth, public or political economy; household management, house- hold economy, housewifery. Save, husband, re- trench, manage frugally, be fru- gal or prudent, practice econ- omy, avoid waste; develop re- sources, utilize. Waste, misuse, sacri- fice, be lavish, profuse, or ea>- travagant; squander, dissi- pate.
Thrift, thriftiness, frugality, providence, good hus- bandry; management, arrange- ment, regulation, administra- tion; plan, system, established order, dispensation. Prodigality, wasteful- ness, extravagance, lavishness. Transport, rapture, in- spiration, fervor, frenzy, emo- tion, delight, enthusiasm, hap- piness.
Coolness, dulness, en- nui, weariness, tedium, indif- ference. Border, margin, brink, rim, brim, verge; sharpness, keenness, intensity, animation, zest.
Center, interior; dul- ness, bluntness, flatness; inert- ness, inactivity. Eatable, esculent, whole- some, culinary. Poisonous, deleterious, harmful, dangerous, noxious, uneatable. Decree, command, order, proclamation, mandate, ordi- nance. Hoax, eanard; request, wish. Building, tenement, fab- ric, structure.
Ruin, heap, demoli- tion, destruction. Build up, enlighten, im- prove, stimulate, strengthen, nurture.
Defile, debase, mislead, misguide, pervert, corrupt. Revise, correct, prepare for the press, annotate, emend; bring out; conduct, manage. Distort, pervert, fal- sify, garble, mutilate. Discipline, teach, in- struct, train, nurture, breed, de- velop. Dwarf, stunt, hinder; pervert, corrupt. Training, teaching, tuition, instruction, schooling, discipline, cultivation, breed- ing, development, nurture, in- formation, knowledge, learning, reading, study.
Ignorance, illiteracy, nescience, blindness, darkness. Draw out, extract, elicit, evolve, produce. Adduce, cite, allege, quote, advance, name, mention; apply, insert, deposit, bestow. Obliterate, erase, blot out, destroy, cancel, eradicate, expunge. Restore, revive, delin- eate, imprint, portray, replace, reinstate, renew.
Result, consequence, event, issue; force, efficiency, validity, weight, power; pur- port, drift, tenor, meaning; fact, reality, truth; impression, appearance, ensemble; (pi.) chattels, goods, commodities, property, movables. Cause, motive, source^ incentive; origin. Cause, produce, acconv plish, change, achieve, create, execute, perform, realize, com- pass, effectuate, consummate, fulfil. Obviate, frustrate, vent, mar, hinder; deter, 5 S9 eff] SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS Effective. Adequate, competent, effectual, sufficient; potent, co- gent, efficacious, forcible, ener- getic, powerful; active, efficient, operative; conducive; service- able, able, talented. Weak, futile, nuga- tory, inconducive, inoperative, inadequate, impotent, incompe- tent, powerless.
Accomplish, effect, execute, achieve, secure, fulfil. Prevent, hinder, abol- ish, defeat, nullify, stifle, blight. Feminine, womanly, delicate; womanish, feeble, un- manly, timorous, enervated, soft, weak, emasculated. Strong, manly, mascu- line, virile, manlike, vigorous, hardy, robust. Boil, bubble, froth, foam, ferment, sparkle; express irrepressible emotion. Subside; acquiesce, re- frain, bear, brook, digest.
Barren, unfruitful; de- cayed, spent, exhausted, worn, wasted, decrepit. Vigorous, fertile, pro- lific, productive, exuberant, lux- uriant, rank. Effectual, effective, active, operative, powerful, ade- quate, cogent. Insufficient, inade- quate, ineffectual.
Over the course of several weeks, thousands of SoulTrackers nominated and then voted on the Greatest Soul Albums of the 2000s. The results were a great selection of essential albums for Soul Music lovers. You can click on the album covers below to listen to or purchase the CDs at Amazon.com. Use the comment section below to let us know what YOU think.
Eyrkah Badu - 12. Frank McComb - 13.
Luther Vandross - 14. Alicia Keys - 15. Robin Thicke - 16. D'Angelo - 17. Floetry - 18.
Mary J Blige - 19. Will Downing.