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Megaman X Mugen Chars

Now before I catch any flak over the quantity/quality thing, I just want people to keep in mind that this and Sonic are just initial releases, and will be worked on again in the future. Couldn't find an X on the net (aside from a Megaman clone) so I decided to make one myself. Oh, and for any Megaman fans wondering, I'm seriously considering making Zero next. EDIT: I've noticed a small problem with X. He turns invisible while he's being thrown.

Belly Dance Bvh Files For Open. I'll try to fix it soon. UPDATE: Megaman X version 2 is ready. Yeah i just Opened them and Saw that to Whats up with that? N-Mario How do you get a purple star? Lol i want one too lol. Anyways things i noticed Turned on Debug Mode and *Your are missing Some Required Sprites *And state 191 is changes to an invalid Action. *Small Portrait is all Messed up Opened him up in Fighter Factory and Saw that his Pallete is Messed up Bigtime Also dont like how megaman gains power after a couple sec.

More Megaman X Mugen Chars videos. Important Security Information. Only use MUGEN builds from your trusted sources, you shouldn't need any other executable. Do NOT use any executable you may find here. This Serie continue if you want the chars Suscribe me and a send you a link to download this and More.

Megaman X Mugen Chars

Of standing still Besides that he is not too bad just my personal thought about the poweradd. But if you fix that id say a keeper for me. And looking Forward to Zero.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHI- Actual Feedback: -Can't Duck. -QCF+2K = What the fuck? Invisible beam of death?

Fullscreen attacks are a no-no. -Tornado can near infinite with the constant poweradd. -X has nearly no comboes. You can't combo any standard attacks at all.

Since this is apperantly supposed to be an MvC style X, there should be MANY MORE COMBOS. The only thing I've been able to chain are basics followed by one or two shots, and those tornadoes. EDIT: And I can now chain two heavy kicks and two heavy punches. -Walk backwards is reversed walk forwards and looks absurd. -1: F'ed up portrait. 2: Too many CLSN boxes.

2 (or 3 max) is enough. -What is that doing up there? Note: Appears during QCF+2P. Got a lot to fix.

X was meant to be MvC style only in terms of appearance. Gameplay wise, I was aiming for something similar to the Megaman X games on the Super Nintendo and the Playstation. Sorry, I should have mentioned that earlier. This is also why he doesn't crouch (he couldn't until X6), but now I've noticed this makes defeating short characters (like the Armageddon worm) really frustrating. He also can't combo because, like in the X series, I placed the focus on his X Buster. X is meant to be the distance fighter canon-wise, and Zero is the one who gets up close. The invisibility is entirely my fault.

I was experimenting with the 'hurt' sprites, trying to eliminate the ones I thought were redundant. Turns out I deleted the necessary ones. I'm trying to put them back at the moment. I made all of the sprites myself, using a Megman CvS sprite sheet I found on Sprites Inc. I made them by using a Megaman X artwork from Wikipedia as a reference. The walking sprites were a problem from the start. MvC Megaman's walk looks ridiculous, so I tried to make a custom one.

Turned out terrible. The sprites I ended up using are just MvC Megaman's with two of the ending sprites removed. It was the best I could come up with. On that note, I'm thinking of having him turn around when he's walking away. It'd look more natural, and add to the X style theme I was going for. Colt Firearms Serial Numbers Search.

The portrait is messed up because I don't use palettes. It's using the Axel palette, and all my sprites are disconnected from it. As for the file naming, I kept them that way to acknowledge Easychar as the one who made the characters tht mine are based on. The poweradd does seem to make him too cheap, doesn't it? I'll think I'll remove it and try to implement a pausetime for X when his shots connect. Funny how obvious this stuff seems after it's pointed out. The collision boxes were automatically filled in by Fighter Factory.

Originally I used singular squares like my other characters, but when I discovered this tool, and saw the result, I felt the detection was more accurate. As for the full screen attack, that move is Giga Crush, a move he first gained in X2 that attacked everything on the screen.

It could only be done with a full power bar in the games, and that's what I tried to do here. I hope that answers everything. I'll get to work on him again soon, and try to fix all of these problems.

Thanks for the feedback. PS: If anyone would like me to upload my MvC X sprite sheet, let me know. I'd be happy to help other creators make their own X. UPDATE: Invisibility problem seems to be fixed.

I tested him on Sandman and Marvel Spider-man, and he appeared perfectly. However, when I tested him against my other Spider-man, he vanished for about half a second. Not sure if it's a fault of mine or the Spider-man. His walk away animation has him actually turn around now. The power add has been removed aswell.

I also removed that stray collision box. Still need to counter the infinites. UPDATE 2: It seems that since X no longer has an ever-increasing power bar, his projectiles are no longer infinite (unless of course you build up the entire bar yourself, but I doubt the match would last that long). I'll test him a bit more an if everything seems okay, I'll re-upload him. EDIT: While the infinites are solved, there arises another problem: the shots seem too weak now!

What do you think I should do? Either: A - Increase the damage of each shot. Or B - Reduce the power requirement for each shot. It depends on your interest. My X is designed to feel reminiscent of his games. I can't really comment on this other X because I've never seen it before.

About CvS Axel. I'm aware that he's very flawed (sorry Easychar).

But I've worked hard on building up from his original design. I've added extra sprites, animations, and coding, so if you play as one of my characters and then play as Axel (or Blaze or Shiva (I think he made a Bender too)), you'll see the difference.

My characters are much more advanced than Easychar's, and all he has really contributed has been a base for me to build upon extensively. When I started with Axel, he had pretty much the basic coding and little else. The most impressive thing about it was a semi-functional projectile. So I decided to improve him.

I learned a lot from studying other character's code, like pal fx, button assignments, animating, damage control, and so on. My point is, my characters have evolved from Axel. Please don't base your opinions about my characters on Axel, Blaze, etc, because they're not the same.