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Latest Updates News Of 7th Cpc For Autonomous Bodies

Implementation of 7th CPC to Autonomous Bodies – Confederation. Latest News on 7th CPC. Latest updates on retirement age of Central Government employees.

Latest Updates News Of 7th Cpc For Autonomous Bodies

Bhubaneswar, October 23: Government employees those who are working in autonomous bodies said that till date they have not yet received any benefit from the as the government is yet to give the approval for revision of pension of retired employees. The statement was first issued by a former Administrative Officer at NCERT, Bhubaneswar. Experts believe that the Central government is avoiding the issue or is it trying to make a balance between the benefits announced at different levels of employees to avoid pressure on the government exchequer. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mod Tools No Cd.

Some also believe that the government has a hidden agenda to deny true benefits to employees and ploy to fix ‘Autonomous bodies’. The Central government employees union had earlier asked the Finance Minister to release the Diwali bonus for employees of autonomous bodies before October 17. They had even warned that they would resort to protest if their demands were not fulfilled. Some also alleged that the government is having a step-motherly attitude towards these employees. “Disenchantment and despair” is brewing among such employees working in around 600 CABs including central universities, IITs, IIMs, Kendra Vidyalayas, Navodaya Vidyalayas and others. Three months ago, Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare (DOP&PW) Government of India, has clarified about the issue.

Meanwhile, the Union Government is yet to fix a date to resolve the long-standing issue of the employees.

7th CPC Pay Revision Order Issued for Autonomous Bodies Pay revision of employees of Quasi-Government Organizations, Autonomous Organizations, Statutory Bodies etc. Set up by and funded/controlled by the Central Government. F.No.1/1/2016-E.III(A) Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure New Delhi, 13th January, 2017 Office Memorandum Subject: Pay revision of employees of Quasi-Government Organizations, Autonomous Organizations, Statutory Bodies etc. Set up by and funded/controlled by the Central Government – Guidelines The employees working in the Quasi-government Organizations, Autonomous Organizations, Statutory Bodies etc. Set up and funded/controlled by the Central Government, are not Central Government employees and, therefore, the benefits implemented by Central Government in respect of Central Government employees as part of their service conditions, are not directly applicable to the employees working in such autonomous organizations.

The application of such benefits as given to Central Government employees in respect of employees of such autonomous organizations as well as the manner and conditions governing such application, including sharing of the additional financial implications arising thereon, requires specific approval of the Central Government. The autonomous organizations are expected to manage their affairs in such a fashion that their dependence on Central Government for financial support to meet the extra financial implications is minimal, as such autonomous organizations are expected to be financially Self-sufficient So as not to cause any extra burden on the Central Exchequer. In the above background, the question of extension of the revised pay scales in terms of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 as notified on 25.7.2016 in respect of Central Government employees based on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission, to the employees of the Quasi-government Organizations, Autonomous Organizations, Statutory Bodies, etc., Set up and funded/controlled by the Central Government, where pattern of emolument structure, i.e. (i) The conditions of service of employees of these organizations, especially those relating to hours of work, payment of OTA etc. Are exactly Similar to those in Case of the Central Government employees.

(ii) The revised pay structure shall be admissible to those employees who opt for the same in accordance with the extant Rules. (iii) Deductions on account of Provident Fund, Contributory Provident Fund or National Pension System, as may be applicable, will have to be made on the basis of the revised pay w.e.f. The date an employee opts to elect the revised pay structure. The revised pay scales contained in Parts B & part C of the Schedule of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2016, shall not be automatically applicable to the employees Of Autonomous Organizations. The concerned Administrative Ministry shall consider such cases keeping in view whether these pay scales are justified for the category of staff of Autonomous Organizations based on functional considerations, recruitment qualifications, as well as the applicable pre-revised pay scales. Based on such an examination by the concerned Administrative Ministry, appropriate proposals, if justified, would be submitted to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, through their Integrated Finance.

In case of those categories of employees whose pattern of emoluments structure, i.e., pay scales and allowances and conditions of service are not similar to those of the Central Government employees, a separate ‘Group of Officers’ in respect of each of the Autonomous Bodies may be constituted in the respective Ministry/Department. The Financial Adviser of the respective Ministry/Department will represent the Ministry of Finance on this Group.

The Group would examine the proposals for revision of pay scales etc. Taking into account the views, if any, expressed by the Staff representatives of the concerned organizations. It would be necessary to ensure that the final package of benefits proposed to be extended to the employees of these Autonomous Organizations etc. Is not more beneficial than that admissible to the corresponding categories of the Central Government employees. The final package recommended by the ‘Group of Officers’ will require the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance.