How to Install Ubuntu 1. Alongside With Windows 1. 7 and Ubuntu 1. Canonical with a life circle of 5 years support. This tutorial will guide you on how you can perform the. Summary: Since Virtualbox needs to install drivers, it always needs admin privileges. An installer can be compiled to require this, and many programs that need such privileges are (e.g. Networx, made by SoftPerfect). Virtualbox is not. If a user has UAC at its default setting (enabled, one notch down from the top), as most.
Proposal: Virtualbox be made to force elevation upon a normal double click, thereby guaranteeing that this will not be a problem for the forgetful. Note: I have not provided a log since this problem is one that's visible before setup begins to do anything more than show its initial screen. Also, this isn't specific to any particular version. It's been like this for any version for Windows that I can remember up through the current version. Please provide more information about your setup.
Which version of Windows are you using and did you use the official package from the VirtualBox website? Because it's indeed intended that the VirtualBox installer opens the UAC prompt so I wonder why it didn't work for you when it works here.
I just tried this locally (Windows 7 host, UAC default setting): I had an old version of 4.3.x installed and upgraded to 4.3.29. Started the installer as normal user. At some time, the UAC prompt is shown asking for confirmation if I want to install 'Oracle VM VirtualBox' on this computer. So from my perspective, everything works as desired. So what's different with your setup? Er, I didn't get a notification about a response here, explaining the delay.
I just happened to come back after someone else mentioned the issue. I was and still am testing in Win10 with the latest versions (currently 5.1.x). It puzzles me somewhat that you see (or at least saw) an automatic UAC prompt in Win7 given that it's the absence of a compile-time switch(*) that is causing UAC to be ignored, and we're using the same installer.
Perhaps this only matters to Win 8 and up, though I would have expected Vista and up. Dell Inspiron N5110 Cmos Battery Replacement.
At work, I am allowed to install software on my own as long as it doesn't touch the registry or require Administrator rights. I can install things like Total Commander, Eclipse, or Opera USB, for example. However, VirtualBox won't install because it needs Administrator rights. I am NOT looking for a way to get around the Administrator role (meaning a cheat to grab Administrator rights by a back door or such.) I am simply asking if there is a workaround for installing it without having to be Administrator. I suspect not, but I thought I'd ask. I've considered installing it on a different machine and then transferring the files, but I have no idea what it does in the registry and if that would even work. Certmgr Msc Command Line Install Certificate On Windows. Thanks and a hat tip.