012418by admin

Hy-jk02-m 5-axis Interface Board Manual

The wiring seems to be OK, I follow the instructions and no smoke. But for the LinuxCNC part I have a lot of douts, is it compatible? How do I configure the hardware? If anyone could help me I would aprecieted. My hardware is: - 5 Axis Breakout Board HY-JK02-M - Microstep Motor Drives 2M982. Jul 12, 2014 Placa HY-JK02-M 5-axis Marbio Maciel. 5 Axis CNC Breakout Board Interface Adapter FOR Stepper Motor Driver - Duration: 0:57.

Hi everybody, This is my first post, I'm newbie with LinuxCNC! I bought a 5 axis breakout board, model HY-JK02-M. Handy Safe Pro S60v3 Keygen Download. I couldn't know the model of the board until I receive it. It's a chinese one, very cheap but good for a start.

With the breakout board I receive the software Mach3 running on Windows but I would like to try under LinuxCNC. The wiring seems to be OK, I follow the instructions and no smoke. But for the LinuxCNC part I have a lot of douts, is it compatible? How do I configure the hardware? If anyone could help me I would aprecieted.

Mach3 Interface Board Bl-mach-v1.1 D304 Manual

My hardware is: - 5 Axis Breakout Board HY-JK02-M - Microstep Motor Drives 2M982 - Wantai Stepper Motor Nema 23 (WT57STH115-4204A), 425oz-in holding torque, 4.2A, with 2 Phase 4 Wires If anyone has a configuration file for LinuxCNC it will be great. Picture of the breakout board: [img size=310x310] [/img] Thanx. The engine move (I tried just with one X to start), but still have a lot of doubs and I would like to have an optimal configuration. If somebody could solve some of my doubts it will be great. The maximum velocity of the engine is 75, I think is to slow, is it?

If I change the 'Driver Microstepping' parameter from 2.0 to 1.0 I could get a 150 velocity but the engine has a lot of vibrations and that's not cool! Does this engine can go faster. What is it's maximal velocity? Is there others parameters that affect the velocity?

For the first try I configure the driver for 4. Warriors Orochi 3 Keygen there. 3A RMS current (is it right for 4.2 A/phase engine?) and 200 microsteps. I was thinking to use 4000 microsteps resolution, is it right for a milling? What it's recommended? Apart the 'Motor steps per revolution' are there other settings that I should change in parameters or electricaly. In the 'Step Time' and 'Step Space' parameter I use 2500 because I multiply the 'Pulse Low Level Time' of the driver (2.5 us) by 1000 to get it in ns.

I'm not realy sure about these parameters in the stepper configuration, what should I use for my hardware? Step Time: 2500 Step Space: 2500 Direction Hold: 10000 Direction Setup: 5000 4. I make the 'Test Base Period Jitter' and I get 20000 (a little bit less), but comparing with other results that I saw this is very high.

I use an old computer, Semptron 3100+ at 1.8Ghz, is it enought? In what does it affect?

Should I use a better PC or is it enought with this one? My card has connections for a B engine I didn't see B engine in LinuxCNC. We can't use B engine in LinuxCNC? For the milling machine I would like to use X1, X2 (slave),Y, Z and A for the lathe, is it possible? How can I do it?

I write down here my configurations to check and my hardware information. Hi 1) 75 is very high in a metric set up with small steppers you have to multiply by 60 to get the units per minute of movement, that will give you 4.5 metres per minute I would start at 25 - 30 for velocity and max 40 for acceleration and tune once you have it connected to a machine. Hi, First thank you very much for your help. I still had one doubt about the 3th question: 'In the 'Step Time' and 'Step Space' parameter I use 2500 because I multiply the 'Pulse Low Level Time' of the driver (2.5 us) by 1000 to get it in ns. I'm not realy sure about these parameters in the stepper configuration, what should I use for my hardware?'

When I get the 2500 Step Space, I compared the result in the same web page that you told me and that's how I get the other parameters: Step Time: 2500 Step Space: 2500 Direction Hold: 10000 Direction Setup: 5000 That comes from the 'Leadshine USA ->Digital EM503 50V 4.2A' model, that match the amperage 4.2A. But I'm not sure for my 2500 Step Time, neither if the model I took is comparable to my driver 2M982.

For example the voltages are differents. 24V for my driver and 50V for the Leadshine.

Do you know witch driver model is comparable to mine or how can find it. Regards, PS: If you want the wirring that I use for your card, here there are. ______ Driver 2M982 X Axis: GND ---->0V From 24V Power supply +V ---->24V From 24V Power supply PLS- ---->Pin XN of the X axis plugs in the 5 Axis Breakout Board HY-JK02-M DIR- ---->Pin XN of the X axis plugs in the 5 Axis Breakout Board HY-JK02-M ->All togethers.

Same for the other axis. ENA- ---->Pin XN of the X axis plugs in the 5 Axis Breakout Board HY-JK02-M PLS+ ---->Pin XS of the X axis plugs in the 5 Axis Breakout Board HY-JK02-M DIR+ ---->Pin XD of the X axis plugs in the 5 Axis Breakout Board HY-JK02-M ->Same for the other axis. ENA+ ---->Pin XE of the X axis plugs in the 5 Axis Breakout Board HY-JK02-M A+ ---->Black cable from the Wantai Motor WT57STH115-4204A A- ---->Green cable from the Wantai Motor WT57STH115-4204A B+ ---->Red cable from the Wantai Motor WT57STH115-4204A B- ---->Blue cable from the Wantai Motor WT57STH115-4204A ____ Don't forget to the 5V mini USB of the breakout board and that the little switch in on USB.