Flat To Fem Pdf Download
5 - FEM 9.754 (04.1988) Safety rules for automatic miniload storage and retrieval machines, free download on the PG web page FEM 9.831 (02.1995). ME623: Finite Element Methods in Engineering Mechanics Instructor: Sumit Basu Email. The Finite element method, vols 1 and 2, Butterworth Heinemann, 2000. FEM modelling of shoes insoles components for standing and walking simulation. Barbu Braun1,*, and Mihaela Baritz1. 1Transilvania University of Brasov, Department of Product Design, Mechatronics and Environment. Brasov, Romania. The paper presents a research stage in which a new method applied for.
'Hello Lucille. I would like to give you a update on my progress from trying your flat2fem program first of all I would like to let you you I am a male 44 years of age never drank or smoked and what you would call a closet cross dresser, you know just on weekends. While doing a search on breast development I came across you website. I figure I'd give it a try. That was back in October of 2006. Well here it is May 2007 and I'm at point where I can't get back to being my male self.
By this I mean I just had a yearly health check up and my doctor recommend that I start getting yearly mammograms. He didn't believe I could develop that much on herbs alone.
I could go on but the pictures speak volumes of my development. If you stick with the program you'll find the results you want and believe me it works.
And what they say is true having breast will effect your mind once you have them you'll only want them bigger I keep finding myself comparing my breast to real women thinking thoughts of mine are bigger or I wish mine were that big. Now I worrying about my weight, body shape having a better figure. Last note: Lucille is this part of some big plan where first you get to grow breast then learn to to walk, talk and have a more female face?
Your bonus material doesn't help it's leading me more down the road to becoming more female which I'm getting hooked like a drug because I haven't quit taking the herbs and I'm writing to so I can get more and I'm studying everything you sent like it's a college course and the only way to pass is becoming more female. Ez Grabber 2 Driver Download Windows 7. I'm also waiting on you to come up with a program to develop more natural curves. I guess we all have paths in the road of life to follow and for some reason my has lead me to you. How else who you explain my development in just 7 months. I'm just wondering how far will this road take me.
I thank you because your program is working very well for me and it's only the first seven months I've gone from flat2fem.' 'I just want to thank you for such an awesome program you developed. I've been on your program for only one week and I'm already seeing results. After the third day my breast started to tingle, with slight pain, but no soreness. Today started my eighth day and I noticed, when I went to do the 'Chi Massage', my breast had a little jiggle that they never had before.I felt like I was going to faint, I was in such awe.I'll send pictures of results as soon as I get a digital camera.hopefully this week.' 'Honestly Lucille, I am in seventh heaven. I never thought I could feel this good about myself.
It seems all of my life I have been doing something for someone else. THIS I did for me and now that it is finally a reality, I just feel so perfectly normal. I had to buy t-shirts in small, so that they would hold my breasts in when I out go in public. Even my shirts have to be double-flap pocketed and extra large to help keep people from staring. I have read everything I can find on so-called breast enhancers and I have used literally every pill and technique on the market. Perhaps all these years of wishing, a true miracle has happened!!!
But I am inclined to think it was you and steering me in the right direction.' 'I am a 55 year old male who always wanted to grow female breasts. Over the past 3 years, I tried many products advertised over the Internet and spent thousands of dollars but did not have any success.
I even tried female estrogen (premarin) for 6 months but this did not work either. One day while surfing the net, I happened to come across the flat2fem breast enlargement program and decided to give it a try and boy am I glad I did! I started the program in September 2006 and by December after 3 months of being on the program, I gained one full inch across my breasts! When I started, I measured 36' and now after 8 months on the program, I measure 37' across my breasts which I find amazing considering that I gained '0' inches during 3 years of using other different kinds of products. The flat2fem program really works and I must say, the 360 chi massage rotations are a must since these exercices made my breasts become firm and round.
Now, when I run, or work out on the treadmill, I can feel my breasts bounce and this gives me a real thrill! In addition, my nipples have become really sensitive and get erect at the slightest touch!
Just last week, I attended a Nora Jones Concert (my favorite artist) at the Massey Hall in Toronto wearing a women's top (my ex-wife's) white cotton/rayon blouse and you wouldn't believe the stares I got since my breasts were so prominent and my nipples so erect! My advise to all those skeptical men wishing to grow breasts, (I was once) try the flat2fem breast enlargement program, follow the instructions without deviating from the program and you will succeed! And don't forget, the breast massages are really important!' 'Hello Lucille. Thank you for this program for there are results at almost 4 weeks unlike other treatments.
Welcomed unexpected changes are filling out of the hips as its percieved by the fit of my pants.My butt is rounding out, with a widening, and the area from my groin to the top of the pelvis is filling in. Around the belly button is developing that lovely femine flow. My skin is becoming more smooth, soft, silky.The appearance of my face is rounding and softening. The quality of body hair is changing.
The quality is less coarse and the amount is reduced. Plus its regrowth seems to have slowed. As to the progress of my breasts there is already a layer of development from my inner to the outer and the areas inbetween.
The nipples are increasing in size with a surprising new sensation. This new sensation has quality more like water which pervades my whole being. Also, there is a peaceful joy with these growing transformations. It's as if I'm reclaiming a birth rite. Well, I've ramballed long enough.
Much Thanxz.' I purchased your Flat2Fab program last year. You might remember that I mentioned my boyfriend being all excited about this and how he wanted to try your program, too. I had no objections since he already had boobs that were bigger than mine! (Capable of filling a standard A cup.) I figured that at least one of us might as well see if we could get some really BIG increases.
Here is a present stage photo for you to take a peek. As you can see, his breasts make mine look absurd! Both of mine in their present condition couldn't match one of his!
He's happy, I might get a complex! I'll keep trying, but really appreciate the safe and natural approach you've taken and how nice you were to me when I first contacted you.'
'Since I began your program my breasts have grown. (from AA to B) They are still not as big as I would like them, but that takes time. As my breasts have grown, they are sore particularly around the nipples. I have noticed that my nipples are getting fuller with a noticable ring around them. I find my breasts a joy and talk to them every day. With nice holdable breasts I feel more complete, and plan to continue. Perhaps growth is slow because of my age, but my goal is a C cup.
Sorry I have no pictures. This lady thanks you for your help and encouragement.' 'I am a heterosexual male.
I have always felt that a part of me was trapped in my body (my feminine side), and that over time as I grew, so did that other part of me, at the same rate. I finally decided to set my feminine side free and grow breasts and have more feminine body.
Over Thanksgiving, I visited my parent's house. My mom and sister said they noticed my breasts had grown a lot. In fact mine are now larger then my mom's and sister's. I never never thought it could happen so fast. It may sound crazy, but this feels like a new spirit of freedom. My girlfriend supports my decision and she told me she is also working on enlarging her breasts, so we're doing this together.'
'To simply say that ' The Flat To Fem Program' is worth the price i paid for it is an understatement. It's unbelievably conscise in explaining, first of all, the way it is used, how, and why it is the successful program that it states to be plus Lucille and Alicia, et al, are there for you all through your quest to becoming the more perfect and happier you that you yearn to be. I, personally, started off with a 38 inch band size AND a 38 inch bustline.
For a regular male i guess that is about normal but for me it was woefully undersized for what i wanted to be. Granted, i didn't expect to become a 44D but i did want a defined bustline that i could wear a bra and empire tops, camisoles, halters with for a reason.
I started the program in December of 06 and noticed growth in about three weeks although not enough to make me discontinue the program but certainly enough to get me excited and hopeful for the future. I was not disappointed in my results as of today in late May 07.
I am now up to a bustline of 41 and i love the feel of my breasts wearing bras, etc., while walking, moving my arms, or lying on either side. Taking a shower and looking at my nude 'new bod' is sooo gratifying for all those hours of massaging, capsule swallowing and wrapping myself in cling wrap.
And the best part about all of this is that i'm still growing!!!! I have also felt an upsurge in energy that would, in itself, be worth the program. I think i'll take fenugreek, wild yam, red clover and saw palmettto the rest of my life just for the health benefits. In closing, let me say THANK YOU, LUCILLE for your arduous task of compiling all this information and sharing it with us all. Especially we 'special type guys' who would be stuck with fake, ugly-feeling breast forms the rest of our lives!!
I feel much, much closer to being the more real person i yearn to be because of you.' 'I am 61, although a pretty youthful 61. Most of my life I have been infatuated with the female breast, and not just from a lust point of view. Certainly, the breast plays a significant role in sex, but in addition to that I have just been captivated with the female breast as an absolute beautiful part of nature. That applies to all sizes and shapes. Really, can't take my eyes off of them--kind of like looking at a magnificent piece of art.
I don't recall how I came across your web site, but when I did I was compelled to try your system. After a lifetime of admiring the beauty of the feminine breast, it seemed unreal that maybe I could have feminine breasts of my own. I really didn't care how big, and given my age and living circumstances I figured I could not go too big. I think deep down I didn't expect anything to happen anyway. Well, I am about 5 1/2 months into your program and have grown a full 1/2 cup size. I am at least a AA cup.
In addition, my nipples and areolas are much more feminine than before. Your system absolutely does work, and I am enthralled with the results.' 'Dear Lucille: Your program has surpassed all my expectations. I'm now doing what I dreamed of for many years, filling out the cups of my bra with my own breasts. I knew the program was real when I experienced my first Growing Pain. I could feel my breasts developing, and I loved it. This program worked for me and I will stay on it till I reach my desired size.
50 lbs lighter and at least a B or C cup. I believe that anyone who is looking for REAL BREASTS should use this program.
Thank you so much Lucille for your support and help. By the grace of God and your program I now feel that I'm physically whole.' 'I very much appreciate you- Your research, materials, and practical advice. Thank you for your written materials and the CD. I received them on Thursday. As one who regrettably turned down transgender surgery at the urging of University of California prior to fully entering puberty, I am now actively pursuing going 'en femme'! I remember the confusion and excitement when my mother and housekeepers dressed me in my mother's hand me downs, pierced my ears, called me by a girl's nickname- I remember being able to pass for a girl- I remember running with the girls sharing their joys and dreams as they developed- and the sadness knowing that I couldn't.
But I also hated the unmerciful teasing. I balked then, afraid of surgery. How long have I desired to proceed! And now I am. 'You must have seen these stick-on breast enhancers 'all the movie stars wear for cleavage.' I have bought enough of these to build a silicone warship, but since I started your course, I HAVE BOOBS!!!! I measured and I gained almost 2 inches.
I bought a dress last night that has an elastic top and without a bra or padding, I have my own breasts. I have worn padded bras for years. Now I want to be braless.
I can feel them jiggle. The 2 inches is nothing compared to their weight. It is just fantastic. If I die tomorrow, I am now complete. I even talk to them like you said and call them the girls. I just hope my apartment isn't bugged or they might haul me off to a loony bin.
I really thought you were phony also like the rest (sorry), but you're not. Your plan is so simple and inexpensive.
I just wonder what I could have saved in the last 20 years. You do know what you are talking about and I am so glad to have met you. You are the one who has given me hope I could not have imagined.' 'I have been useing your program for 1 month and my breast have increased to an A cup and they fill my bra with out any help. The self esteem I have gained by theie size is wonderful I can't wait until they get to a B cup which is my goal. Its great to wear a bra and feel the support that I am getting.
My body feels better also it could be the change or the positive attitude. Over the years I have tried everything that was advertised in magazines and on TV nothing works like your program. I think the biggest thing with yours is the massaging. Keep Up The Good Work'.
'Hi Lucille I am happy to say yes, 'I SEE RESULTS'. Is that loud and clear. I am so excited and have seen my lovely adoring breast come alive. I cannot say enough about it. I have concocted a reciepe out of the capsules and have teas daily. A little sugar added and it is great. I must still maintain my healthy habits of energy and fuel to keep this body going.
The really great thing about the dosages and herbs suggested they are all natural. I am one completly against steriods or other forms of methods used to increase breast size but natural, anyday.' 'I had tried other breast enlargement programs with very limited success over years and many dollars (I was still essentially flat). I started the F2F program the first week of March 2007(I think) and have achieved noticable growth to date (May 24, 2007) and am now almost filling a 42A bra. The growth is visibly noticable in a T-shirt and it seems that every time I do the Chi massage my breasts feel a little fuller.
My male friend hadn't seen me since I started the program and was excited over the growth. My right breast is smaller and a somewhat different shape(always has been) so I am doubling the Chi massages on that breast and it is sloooowly catching up. I would recommend this program without reservation.
I am hoping for a 42B sometime this summer or early fall.' 'Lucille, I just wanted to thank you for the information which you have provide me. I am a fifty-seven year old ts-mf. I am very excited and encouraged by learning that there is a “More Natural” way to enhance my breasts, other than going on a hormone treatment program. One of the side effects I have noticed, is the ability to finally loose weight. I have been on the program for only eleven days, and I have already lost eleven pounds. Unbelieveable, isn’t it.
BUT the biggest benefit is the hope of larger, more proportioned, breasts and nipples. I really enjoy the breast tenderness, because, I believe, it signals that something important is going on under the sruface. I will try to keep you posted, as time progresses, however, I just wanted to write you a personal note right now to truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for offering your information to women like me. I look forward to the months ahead, in anticipation to see what the future may bring. It could be my imagination, but I do sense a difference already. I would also like to comment in the part of your book about “loving your breasts, and treating them as your friend, and doing something nice for them once in a while.
I don’t know if you believe in God, but I do believe that God does have a very special plan for the future in my new life, and I believe he put you into my life at this time to help onto this road. Again, a very special Thank You. May much love and a special future come your way, because you are indeed a caring person.' 'I don't recall exactly the date i purchased Flat To Femme, i do know i started taking the suggested herbs on January 15. My bust was 37 and a third inches, i had not measured myself since 1.15.07 until YOUR letter arrived, it had been about four months. In these first four months, my adherence to all the specifics have not been in full measure. I could have been doing F2F with far more diligence...
And i will be. Ms Alicia, Ms Lucille even though i'd not been with the tape measure since January, and even though i was missing some important details in the Program, i knew something was happening to my breasts.
And, i could feel a tingling, or growth, or swelling, or something. I enjoy this feeling...
And, it might seem odd, but has anyone ever reported an increased 'tingling feel' about an hour after taking the herbs? I swear i do. I wear a variety of brassiere sizes, depending on my activity. For work my choice is a training sports type, over-the-head/tank top affair. Often at home, when my forms are too much bother, another starter bra with light support. I have definitely noticed and felt a DELIGHTFUL tightness and shape that was not present before i began F2F.
Another sure way i saw F2F was increasing my bust size... I tan twice a week. I always wear the same bikini.
Not every tan, but frequently enough to make me notice, thin pink lines where white skin had become exposed, unless the suit's top shrank, or i'm somehow putting it on a fraction differently, which could be a factor only to a point. The bigger part of the explanation is of course... All this preamble aside, Your prompting caused me to measure =>39 inches exactly. This most encouraging, and i will be alot more diligent going forward as my inspiration is now coming from an additional source too.'
'Dearest Lucille, I can hardly express my gratitude at having the opportunity to come across your site many months ago, and then finally after much deliberation, making the leap of faith and starting your flat to fem program. Strangely, I have complete faith in you specifically because of what you said at the end of the testimonials about knowing what men feel about wanting feminine breasts. Thank you so much for your kindness and for your willingness to share with me what you worked so hard for, for you. Your own testimonial is such a powerful witness to the incredible program you have designed for all who love feeling feminine. I'm just now in my forth week, and so I'll send some photos along of my progress over that time period.
I can already see a small increase and I feel a tingling of my breasts as well as a tenderness around the nipples which are protruding quite nicely. All I know, is that I feel as feminine as can be:) Thank You So!!' 'First, I want to say 'thank you' again for your wonderful and God-sent program.
As a trasgendered person, I have been extremely pleased about the progress that I have made. Using the information provided, I saw results within the first few weeks and continue to feel and look more feminine with my new enhanced breasts! I have been telling my girlfriends about your program and encourage them to contact you. I will be sharing some photos so that you are able to follow my progress. Bless you for sharing your information and continuing support.' 'Dear Lucille, To you the truth, I did not believe you.
I only purchased your program hoping I would at least feel more like a girl. As a life long TV, I was more than ready to lose at little of my male edge. I did not believe or care if I ever grew any breasts. Well after about six months on your program, slow and steady, my breasts have been growing. Right after I started taking the herbs, I purchased a soft-cup B-cup bra. I put it on and pressed the cups flat.
Yesterday, I tried my bra on again, and this time the cups were almost filled by my own breasts. At this rate of growth, in another three to six months I will fully fill my B-cup bra with my real breasts. And that not the best part. My nipples are a bit longer and are now very sensitive. I can now get high just playing with nipples, wow. I never would have believed it but the feeling is - a big wow!'
Actually the newest herb pueraria mirifica is pretty darn powerful its like 1000 times stronger the red clover and 3000 times stronger then black cohosh. It's bioidentical to estrogen and when used in conjuction with natural progesterone creams from any health food store can really held develop you - I know thats all I have used. Years ago and thousands of posts in forums like this had me belivieving the same as you girls that herbs were very weak but pueraria seems to be the exception to the rule and is almost on par with hormones. I can send pics of my progress to whoever is interested just ask - new here so I don't know if I can post here as my chest actually has nice little breasts now. Janice, first off welcome to TW.
As for pueraria mirifica, please supply real documentation that these herbs do as you suggest. Also if these herbs are bioidentical to estrogen, then show the side-effects because estrogen does have side-effects. Maybe I should also point out that being bioidentical to estrogen is meaningless because there are numerous forms of estrogen with most being too weak to cause significant change beyond emptying out ones bank account. You will likely find no medical data on the safety or effectiveness of these herbs, instead you will find claims from everyone and their brother who sell the stuff.
Safety is the primary concern here and that is why we do not promote or make recommendations on products or dosages here at TW. Feel free to suggest where others can get documentation to aid them in making a proper choice.
Hugs, Marsha •. I am not a wiz at chemistry Cris but I think I can give it a pretty good shot.
All estrogenic means is 'like' estrogen Phenol is carbolic acid, similar to alcohol And Miroestrol is just the specific chemical from Pueraria mirifica that is 'estrogenic' So put together it just means an acidic subtance from Pueraria mirifica that has estrogenic properties. Basically phytoestrogen.
So it is not bio-identical to human estrogen, but instead mimics estrogen. Here is another way to express the validity of this plant.
That is a link for the Federal Trade Commission going after a company that sells this herb in the U.S. To substantiate their claims.
What is amazing about this stuff is it is also sold to enhance a males sex organ. Pretty cool stuff apparently since it works however the user wants.
Sounds like it would be great for SHEMALES, lol. More likely the cause of any breast growth was the progesterone cream but let me point out that too much progesterone is carcinogenic, causes cancer for those unfamiliar with the term. Hugs, Marsha •.
I've been wanting to reply to Cristine's post for awhile now but was a little unsure how to word things because of the way the last batch of posts were hidden. After rereading Cristine's post once again this morning the answer came to me. Just so everyone understands how I interpreted her post so there is no confusion, as I understand it Cristine is saying when everything else we buy comes with some form of history or documentation, then why would someone choose to put something into their body that comes with none? The answer is simple.
The same fear that causes someone to buy the overpriced merchandise from a seller that labels their products 'For Crossdressers' or something similar. It is the fear of discovery.
The assumption that these people will keep your secret a secret. God forbid you go to your general practitioner or a licensed psychologist, the word might get out and then what? Or maybe they might think you are crazy. Then of course the fear that the real stuff just might work too well, just like it is suppose to. Maybe the TG just wants boobs, you know, just something to maybe make things look a little more real when dressed, but once again, God forbid they work too well and people notice.
I think maybe we do that to buy time while we wrestle with how are we going to tell our friends and loved ones what is going on with us. In some cases you can say it is 'Just testing the waters.'
However in other cases, it is clear some are just wannabees. In my opinion you don't 'wannabee' a transsexual, instead if you are one, you find a legitimate way to live with it. The argument that the pharmaceutical companies don't want us to know that herbs work because they can't make money off of it is a ludicrous idea. The pharmaceutical companies are chemical companies and are in a far better position to manufacture and market herbs better than these fly by night internet sites.
The difference is simple, the pharmaceutical companies have a reputation of quality and effectiveness to maintain, SuperMagicalHerbs.com can just change it's name when negative info becomes overwhelming. Hugs, Marsha •. Marsha I agree, everything you said made sense. I would like to comment on your 'wannabee' statement.
Yes, if you are a transsexual you will find a way to live with it, and make the transition happen. However not everyone has an epiphany when they children that they are truly a girl, some of us are such a blend of pink and blue that we find it hard to choose one over the other. I admit there have been times I have looked for ways to tip the balance one way or the other and ‘playing’ with the herbals was a way I attempted to alter that balance. It didn’t work, physically, emotionally, or mentally – soooo I may not be a transsexual but I am definitely trans something. Ohhh maybe PAN would be better than trans, a union not blue or pink but maybe blink? – well something.
Anyway, back to the original thread – I agree with you, I don’t think the herbals would be strong enough to make a guarantied change without getting into dosages that are unhealthy or even dangerous. $0.02 Jeri •. Jeri, I like the way you spelled things out. I completely agree that it is not always black and white whether or not one is transsexual or anything else for that matter. That is part of what I meant with using herbals to buy time. I maybe only stated buying time until you can tell others what is going on with you, but I think it should also cover buying time for you to sort your own life out. However with that said, once serious about making the transition, I believe you need to bring in the 'so called experts' to help you.
Maybe they don't have all the answers but they can help you from the safety side of things. The frequency of doctor or psych visits is debatable based on one's comfort level with their knowledge of transition.
Maybe most importantly in my opinion is that you don't transition alone. I don't mean just have online support because what you may find there is a cheering section urging you to do things maybe even you are uncomfortable with. Also, I don't think the world necessarily needs to know, but obviously key people in your life such as your family and doctor need to know simply for the reason if anything happens to you, medical personnel need to know what medicines you have been taking.
Hugs, Marsha •. I haven’t tried it but I know all about it and I am confident about my answer to your question, which is a resounding NO. It is sheer quackery. If you wish to grow breasts, you need to seriously research, and then follow a regime of female hormone therapy. Some say being post-op helps, as I’m now 20 days post-op I hope so! If you want to imagine you are growing breasts, and wish to throw away lots of money, then try this system, or maybe have hypnotherapy, or eat soy bean and yam sandwiches for breakfast, or better still give me your money and I will tell you that your breasts are growing The cheapest and most effective way to grow breasts is by taking estradiol, a fraction of the cost of herbal “substitutes” and hundreds or thousands of times the strength and efficacy. Do you really want to grow breasts or do you just want to pretend to, or play around a bit?
It is a serious, life-changing decision. If you don’t wish to live as female full-time then for god’s sake just buy a gel bra, some of them look great.
Xx ____________________________________. I'm the last person realy to contribute to the hormones threads, I take proffessional help and prescriptions supplied on advice from my endo.
But, I do know a little about this particular plant derivitives. Pueraria Mirifica, Pueraria Tuberosa. It is an indemic plant from Northern Thailand, The products described are derived from the tuberous roots and there are two main varieties, The red root, which is crushed and stewed to make a tea, taken by Men in the belief that it enhances their libido and the size of their manhood. Contains high levels of aldosterone.
The other type is that of the white root containing high levels of Phytoestrogen can be highly carcegenic acelerating cancer. Reference Cornel University studies.
If you are ever inquisitive, not sure. Do some research if it does'nt show side effects and only promotes the good sides, leave well alone. Wikepedia states the claims are exagerated and unsubstantiated even they are asking for recognised trusted sources for verification Perhaps Marsha or Lucy can tell me what (estrogenic phenol miroestrol) is This link is quite old, but is as good today as it was when it was first put together ]Cristine xxXxx ____________________________________. I have my reasons Cris. The moderators discussed this at length at the time. This thread is about the Flat to Fem system, no posts have been hidden on this subject, and I hope those of us with an educated opinion about it have got our message across. The last few posts were about a different product.
Questions about herbal alternatives will always be asked, and hopefully answered. Recommendations for certain non-hormone products in the hormone forum will not go down well with the moderators. Xx ____________________________________.
Sorry Lucy, I am confused, I was certainly NOT recommending them, I was trying to point out out that, this particular product is advertised with no mention or warnings of side effects and the only valid counter claim and warning came from studies at Cornell University. I still maintain that products like this should carry factual and legitimate explanations of what they are, do, warning of any detrimental effects using these products may cause. Yet several people have expounded their experiences saying they had success with herbals, surely that is all encompassing, lumping all of them together.
I think one is morally bound to say somthing if they discover somthing that has been mentioned and they are not conversant with relevant information that is availabel Even deleted or rather hid, my link to a well researched article and guide to transitioning with all the explantations of relevent matters, hormoes, hair removal, GRS, etc. Cristine xxXxx ____________________________________. Cristine, sorry for any confusion, and I understand how frustrating it is when you spend time writing a post only for it to be hidden.
I am not suggesting that you are recommending anything. Someone else recommended a particular product, off-topic to this thread, which for very valid “other” reasons is taboo in our hormone forums. Other posts about it ensued, they have all been hidden.
If you need to know more please contact me privately. Your link is a very useful resource, so here it is: ]xx ____________________________________. I will have another go, not mentioning any brand names or particular products, This is only my personal opinion/experience, and should not be taken personally by anyone on this site. But I am aware that people join lots of sites, out of a self interest basis to soley promote products they are involved with. Les Invincibles Saison 1 Torrent Quebec. Anyone heard the term Pyramid selling? Put it this way, you buy eye liner, make up, from a reputable source, you know its been tested and evaluated, safe in the knowledge that its safe to use, if its endorsed for sensative skin, then you know the risks.
Common sense should tell anyone before buying medicines or using prescriptive drugs to read the instructions and take note of any possible side effects, if they don't have instructions or warnings, does'nt that make you a bit suspicous, anything you take in the way of herbal remedies, do some research, ie. Bella Donna could be described as a perfect lasting remedy for narcolepsy. Cristine ____________________________________.
Marsha, Great thinking. I never even thought that way, my knowledge is limited to one or two branded products and their reputedly, posibly adverse side effects and scientificaly unproved benefeits.
But as you say logically if they were that good, a long established reputation for excellent and positive results, The major pharmesutical companies would be all over these products, cheaper to manufacture, less research and production costs, bigger returns and profits, every shareholder would have their own little hot house turning them out by the bale load. Lets face it when it comes to turning a quick buck these companies are not know for being slow to take advantage of the magic bean theory. Cristine xxXxx ____________________________________.