Ethiopian History Books In Amharic Pdf
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RasTafari Books, Haile Selassie I Amharic Bible, Amharic Dictionary, Learn Amharic Videos, Lion of Judah Society of H.I.M. Ministries Online RASTAFARI BOOKS & SERVICES LOJ Book Shop Amharic & Other RasTafari Related Books, VCD's & H.I.M. Haile Selassie I Authorized Royal Amharic Bible ( Only a Few Left) Book Of The Holy, aka The Book of The Seven (7) Seals! Originally revealed in Ethiopia on the 23rd of July 1961 by THE FIRST HAILE SELASSIE, King of Kings of Ethiopia (Rev 5:5). 1961 Authorized 'Old' Amharic Bible is the official Authorized text of the Ancient Holy Scriptures received by Ethiopia in the Old Testament.
New Hard Cover Pages: 955 Language: Amharic Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 6.5 x 1.1 inches $100 donation (S&H INcluded) Rastafari Notes & H.I.M. Haile Selassie Amharic Bible. Rastafari Preliminary Notes on the H.I.M. Haile Selassie I [Amharic] Bible: An Introduction to the Book of the Seven Seals by Ras Iadonis Tafari & the Lion of Judah Society.
A brief introductory presentation of THE REVISED AMHARIC BIBLE OF H.I.M. HAILE SELASSIE I and its relevance to the Rastafarian movement, Ethiopian biblical and pre-Masoretic Hebrew studies. This Book discusses Judeo-Christianity in Ethiopia, the Bible, the Queen of Sheba, the Black Hebrews, the Lion of Judah, the monk named Abu Rumi and the history of translations prior to the Emperor’s Bible; reveals and explain why the H.I.M.
Haile Selassie I Amharic Bible is the Holy Writ for the Ethiopian-Hebrews, faithful Black Jews and Elect Rastafari in the New Ethiopian Millennium, the New Age. ***This edition has been published in the 50th Anniversary, or Jubilee Year of the very first printing and publication of the Emperor Haile Sellassie I’s Revised Amharic Bible, the Imperial Authorized Version of the Ethiopian Holy Bible.
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Author: Ras Iadonis Tafari Pages: 154 Language: English and Amharic Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $24.99 donation (S&H INcluded) Gospel Of H.I.M. Haile Selassie I: Book One. “Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you Free.” - ST. John 8:32 Now you can Know the truth about “Christ in His Kingly character” and the Eternal Good News of His Imperial Majesty, HAILE SELASSIE I. Learn the True Gospel of the Black Messiah: IYESUS KRISTOS. Find out the Truth about Ras Tafari, the Man and the Movement.
Ras Iadonis Tafari’s new series of Books and Pamphlets, in Ethiopic, Hebrew, Amharic and English, reveal the hidden history of the Black Jews, Ethiopian-Hebrews, Rastafari and the Diaspora of the “Lost [Black] Sheep of the House of Israel” in the Americas, Caribbean and at home in the African Zion, Ethiopia. Wendim Yadon/ Brother Iadonis’ detailed writings, unique lectures and illuminating pamphlets are a must for all Truth seekers of the “half of the story” left untold, till now, the New Age of the Ethiopian Millennium. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Author: Ras Iadonis Tafari Pages: 178 Language: English and Amharic Product Dimensions (inches): 4.3 wide × 6.9 tall $24.31 donation (S&H INcluded) Malaku E. Bayen Ethiopian Emissary to Black America. BAYEN: ETHIOPIAN EMISSARY TO BLACK AMERICA, originally written by William R. Scott, is hereby reprinted with additional notes, commentary, factual dates and times, and the overall life’s mission of H.I.M.
Haile Sellassie I’s cousin and personal physician, herein supplimented by the author and compiler with rare historical details, namely the founding and 75 year history of the Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated on August 25, 1937, in New York City, United States of America. All this, took place prior to the events of WWII, the second woe written of by St.
John in the Book of Revelation. “Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.” (Revelation 5:5) Herein, Ras Iadonis Tafari compiles, writes and publishes the hidden history and prophetic role of the Aframerican Diaspora, with names such as Rev. James Morris Webb and Dr. Gladstone Robinson highlighted and emphasized for a new generation.
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Author: Ras Iadonis Tafari: Based on William R. Scott Article Pages: 125 Language: English Product Dimensions (inches): 4.3 wide × 6.9 tall $21.50 donation (S&H INcluded) ETHIOPIC - The First Language: Book One. The most revealing way to begin to understand who or what Ras Tafari is, is to read and study the Selected Speeches of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie First. These speeches portray the breadth of the Emperor's vision. They detail the persistence, the determination and the unflagging drive with which he pursued the application of “modern Ethiopianism,” His spirit, His child.
The complete Ethiopian Liturgy of St. Dioscorus in English • The complete Ethiopian Liturgy of St. Dioscorus in English, Amharic and Geez. Read, Study and learn the Ethiopic Liturgy and Lord's prayer in the Ancient trilingual languages of the early first century Apostolic Church of the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts of the Apostles Chapter 8). This volume contains THE ETHIOPIAN ORTHODOX TEWAHEDO CHURCH PREPARATORY SERVICE, ANAPHORA OF THE APOSTLES AND ANAPHORA OF ST.
Ethiopian Orthodox Church, EOTC, Ethiopic church, Holy Kedassie, St. Dioscorus, Ethiopian Liturgy, in English, complete Ethiopian Liturgy, in Amharic, Geez, Ethiopic, Lord's prayer, preparatory service, apostles anaphora, Ethiopian Eunuch, Jah Rastafari. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 198 Language: Ge'ez, Amharic, English & English Phonetic Transcription (Side-by-Side) Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $19.38 donation (S&H INcluded) THE LITURGY BOOK OF THE ETHIOPIAN ORTHODOX TEWAHEDO CHURCH (DK Cover). The complete Ethiopian Liturgy of St. Dioscorus in English • The complete Ethiopian Liturgy of St. Dioscorus in English, Amharic and Geez.
Read, Study and learn the Ethiopic Liturgy and Lord's prayer in the Ancient trilingual languages of the early first century Apostolic Church of the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts of the Apostles Chapter 8). This volume contains THE ETHIOPIAN ORTHODOX TEWAHEDO CHURCH PREPARATORY SERVICE, ANAPHORA OF THE APOSTLES AND ANAPHORA OF ST.
Ethiopian Orthodox Church, EOTC, Ethiopic church, Holy Kedassie, St. Dioscorus, Ethiopian Liturgy, in English, complete Ethiopian Liturgy, in Amharic, Geez, Ethiopic, Lord's prayer, preparatory service, apostles anaphora, Ethiopian Eunuch, Jah Rastafari. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 198 Language: Ge'ez, Amharic, English & English Phonetic Transcription (Side-by-Side) Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $19.38 donation (S&H INcluded) The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Hymn Book – Choir Songs Volume No.
1 (Black Cover). Ancient Ethiopians have worshipped, feared, and praised God in their own way even before the faith of the Black Hebrews & Israelites was introduced, by the will of Yahweh, the True God of Israel. Where there is worship, there is the praise which is often expressed in musical tunes, psalms and hymns of thanks and praises. The art of religious music took shape in Ethiopia with the introduction of the Beta Israel (original Judaic faith of the Afro-Shemites) when Menyelek I came back from Jerusalem with the Ark of the Covenant and with it the Levites who accompanied the Ark of the Covenant. These Levites, whose major function was to preside over religious rites, brought hymn books, and musical instruments with them to Ethiopia. The Levites praised God with instruments before the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament times; the faithful Rastafarians of 'The Lion of Judah' are the true New Testament 'levites,' or prophetic priests, likened to the Ethiopian Debteras, yet - after the Order of Melchizedek.
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 166 Language: Ge'ez, Amharic, & some English Phonetic Transcription (Side-by-Side) Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $20.19 donation (S&H INcluded) The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Hymn Book – Choir Songs Volume No. 1 (Blue Cover). Ancient Ethiopians have worshipped, feared, and praised God in their own way even before the faith of the Black Hebrews & Israelites was introduced, by the will of Yahweh, the True God of Israel. Where there is worship, there is the praise which is often expressed in musical tunes, psalms and hymns of thanks and praises. The art of religious music took shape in Ethiopia with the introduction of the Beta Israel (original Judaic faith of the Afro-Shemites) when Menyelek I came back from Jerusalem with the Ark of the Covenant and with it the Levites who accompanied the Ark of the Covenant.
These Levites, whose major function was to preside over religious rites, brought hymn books, and musical instruments with them to Ethiopia. The Levites praised God with instruments before the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament times; the faithful Rastafarians of 'The Lion of Judah' are the true New Testament 'levites,' or prophetic priests, likened to the Ethiopian Debteras, yet - after the Order of Melchizedek. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 166 Language: Ge'ez, Amharic, & some English Phonetic Transcription (Side-by-Side) Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $20.19 donation (S&H INcluded) EOTC The Hymn Book & Rastafarian Mezmurat. Ancient Ethiopians have worshipped, feared, and praised God in their own way even before the faith of the Black Hebrews & Israelites was introduced, by the will of Yahweh, the True God of Israel. Where there is worship, there is the praise which is often expressed in musical tunes, psalms and hymns of thanks and praises.
The art of religious music took shape in Ethiopia with the introduction of the Beta Israel (original Judaic faith of the Afro-Shemites) when Menyelek I came back from Jerusalem with the Ark of the Covenant and with it the Levites who accompanied the Ark of the Covenant. These Levites, whose major function was to preside over religious rites, brought hymn books, and musical instruments with them to Ethiopia. The Levites praised God with instruments before the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament times; the faithful Rastafarians of 'The Lion of Judah' are the true New Testament 'levites,' or prophetic priests, likened to the Ethiopian Debteras, yet - after the Order of Melchizedek. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 166 Language: Ge'ez, Amharic, & some English Phonetic Transcription (Side-by-Side) Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $20.19 donation (S&H INcluded) ADDIS KIDAN – the Amharic New Testament Ethiopian Bible & English KJV; A Parallel Bible Version. The Amharic Proverbs of Solomon, published in this 1st edition by the Lion of Judah Society of His Imperial Majesty contains both the H.I.M. HAILE SELLASSIE I BIBLE, the 1954 A.M. [1961 A.D.] “Emperor’s Bible,” i.e.
The officially Authorized and Revised Amharic Bible, diligently compared, side by side with the KJV, the Authorized King James 1611 A.D. This Amharic-English Parallel Bible here is specifically designed for students and disciples of the Bible, in particular, the only two translated by any Sovereign ruler, namely the King James Version and the H.I.M. Haile Selassie I Revised Amharic Bible version. The Amharic Proverbs of Solomon with parallel bible format we are pleased to publish in this, the 400th Anniversary Year of the first printing and publication of the King James Version of the 1611 A.D. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 185 Language: Amharic & English (Side-by-Side) Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $30 donation (S&H INcluded) Song of Songs of Solomon; a Rastafarian play based upon the Amharic original. ETHIOPIAN DRAMA & LITERATURE/ Biblical Studies The Song of Songs of Solomon, A Rastafarian play based upon the Amharic original has been translated, interpreted and composed in this version by Ras Iadonis Tafari, A Raspearean of the Ethiopian Millennium. It is herein a 5 Act play and drama based upon soliloquies, antiphonies and monologues, all in a unique Rastafarian & Shakespearean Iyaric prose; along with the Amharic and Ethiopic based text as a literary complement.
The present production, in both its literal and allegorical meaning, demonstrates that erotic love (eros) and self-donating love (agape) presented in its beautiful melody of word, sound and power are, simply – the two halves of true love, which is both giving and receiving. In the Ethiopic, and also in the Haile Selassie I Revised Amharic Bible, this book is known as Mekhaliye Mekhaliy Ze-Selomon.
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Author: Ras Iadonis Tafari Pages: 91 Language: English and Amharic Product Dimensions (inches): 4.3 wide × 6.9 tall $20.51 donation (S&H INcluded) Mezmure Dawit:Amharic Psalms of David; Haile Selassie Bible Manuscript. Mezmure Dawit: Amharic Psalms of David; Haile Selassie Bible Manuscript (being a Facsimile of the Original MS) Containing the Amharic Manuscript, text and original formatting of the 1954 A.M. [1961 A.D.] “Emperor’s Bible,” i.e.
The officially Authorized and Revised Amharic Bible of H.I.M.HAILE SELLASSIE I. This volume in the series is intended to serve as a useful Amharic primer and reader for all the students of our Nibab Bet, or ‘House of Reading,’ the initial School of Ethiopic Tewahedo [Orthodox) Church, or better - good Amharic Literacy and learning. Therefore, is now published by the LOJS ministry of Education & Fine-Arts as a useful companion manuscript (MS) to our previous Parallel Bible version entitled the Amharic Psalms of King David – 1st Edition Revised and Annotated. Song of Songs of Solomon: The Rastafarian Amharic Play originally translated from H.I.M.
Haile Selassie I’s Authorized 1961 A.D. Revised Amharic Bible [RAB] and composed in the present plain text edition by H.H. Ras Iadonis Tafari, a Rastafarian 'Shakespearean' playwright. This 2nd Edition therefore is a more concise and direct, or as the Shakespeareans would describe it, a truly “Plain Text” version without additional material, i.e. Related preface, introduction and appendix notes already presented in the 1st Edition; of special interest to our fellow Rastafarians, Aframericans [African-Americans] and Ethiopians at home and abroad. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Author: Ras Iadonis Tafari Paperback: 124 pages Languages: English $10.95 donation (S&H INcluded) The Amharic Book Of Ruth.
The Amharic Book of Ruth: A translation & interpretation by H.H. Ras Iadonis Tafari, presented in this book is the initial summary of a cursory “Wisdom” study supplemented with commentary notes and preliminary interpretive composition drafted by the African-American author, translator and Raspearian playwright of the Amharic Song of Songs of Solomon, the SOSOS Play published recently for the H.I.M. Theatre Company. This book, written by the “Bard of Brooklyn,” contains the original Amharic text, the English translation and additional explanations of this Ethiopic-Hebraic etymology, ancient subject matters and many related MSS materials previously unpublished. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Author: Ras Iadonis Tafari Paperback: 156 pages Languages: English $10.95 donation (S&H INcluded) GEDLA ADAM: The Combat of Adam Against Satan; The Book of Adam & Eve translated by Rev. GEDLA ADAM: The Combat of Adam Against Satan; The [Ethiopic] Book of Adam and Eve, is also known as The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan is a Christian pseudepigraphical work found in Ge'ez. It was first translated from the Ge'ez Ethiopic version into German by August Dillmann.
It was first translated into English by S. Malan from the German of Ernest Trumpp. The first half of Malan's translation is included as the 'First Book of Adam and Eve' and the 'Second Book of Adam and Eve' in The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden. The Books mentioned below were added by Malan to his English translation; the Ethiopic is divided into sections of varying length, each dealing with a different subject. Books 1 and 2 begin immediately after the expulsion from the Garden of Eden, and end with the testament and translation of Enoch. Great emphasis is placed in Book 1 on Adam's sorrow and helplessness in the world outside the garden.
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 300 Language: English (Translated from the Ethiopic/Geez) Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $22.00 donation (S&H INcluded) GEDL Woys Gedel A Contending or Cliff. This book written in Amharic by a one named Memhir Getachew, critically explores, from an Ethiopian Protestant perspective, various ancient Mariologist, Saintly Homilies and original Ethiopian Kabbalistic and occult texts, most originally written in Ethiopic (Ge'ez) and translated in Amharic.
Many of these works may have been translated from Hebrew, Coptic, Syriac, Aramaic and even Greek versions, now lost in those languages and preserved in Ethiopic and Amharic. Memhir Getachew attempts, somewhat successfully, by comparing the Holy Bible themes to certain aspects of the Ethiopian Occult Religion & ancient Spirituality of this 3,000 year old Highland culture. Many of these strange and complex theological scrolls, like the 'Bandlet of Righteousness,' are still vigorously preserved in Ethiopia today in its occult uses by many Ethiopians Christians. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 248 Language: Amharic & English (Preface) Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $21.22 donation (S&H INcluded) Biblical Names In Amharic. Learn and discover Amharic Biblical names. Find your very own ANCIENT & BEAUTIFUL BIBLICAL NAMES from the Royal AMHARIC - 'King of Kings language' WITH ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS & NOTES, along with many rare, spiritual & meaningful names not found in other so-called Afro-centric or other Amharic Name Books to date. A well-researched, documented, edited and annotated preliminary volume by written and compiled by: Tehetena Girma-Asfaw & Ras Iadonis Tafari.
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Author: Ras Iadonis Tafari Paperback: 275 pages Languages: English & Amharic $25.63 donation (S&H INcluded) Biblical Antiquities of the Black (Hamitic) Race. “The Antiquities of the Black (Hamitic) Race” A 40 year old series first published in 1970s issue of Muhammad Speaks, was named Rafiyq Ahmed Abdul-Hamiyd (formerly known as Ralph Raymond Gaillard, Sr.) of the Black Press International.
The book entitled 'the Antiquities of the Black Race,' was compiled from Mr. Hamiyd's original manuscripts, research and notes for the present and future generations of Black people, at home and abroad. This present edition is the completed, annotated and final version, previously unpublished in full in one volume on the History of Black people in biblical times. He has written the series to expose some significant facts relating to some of the authentic roles that Ancient member nations' of the so-called 'Black Race' (i.e., the peoples of Africa and Asia) played in giving birth to civilizations, such as Ancient Egypt and Ethiopia, during - and before - the period of time covered in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Author: Rafiyq Ahmed Abdul-Hamiyd, Ralph Raymond Gaillard Sr., Ras Iadonis Tafari Paperback: 100 pages Languages: English $21.99 donation (S&H INcluded) The Queen of Sheba And Her Only Son Menyelek, complete translation of the Kebra Nagast by Sir E. Wallis Budge.
ETHIOPIAN LITERATURE / Biblical & African Studies The Queen of Sheba And Her Only Son Menyelek is a complete English translation of the famous Ethiopian work The Kebra Nagast - 'The Glory of the Kings of Ethiopia.' Compiled by a Ethiopian priest who translated into Ge'ez, the liturgical and holy language of the Ethiopic Church in the 6th century AD, from and based upon much older material, mainly in Coptic, the language of Ancient Egypt. The Kebra Nagast is a remarkable mixture or fusion of pre-Masoretic biblical text, Hebraic legends and African Judeo-Christian traditions; some historical and some of a mythic quality, derived from the Old Testament manuscripts and the later African Rabbinic writings and from Egyptian (both Kamo-Semitic and Hebraic-Christian), Arabian, Muhammadan and indigenous Ethiopian sources. The principle theme of the work is the descent of the Kings of Ethiopia from the union of Solomon, King of Israel, and the 'Queen of the South.' Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Author: Sir E. Wallis Budge Paperback: 420 pages Languages: English $33.80 donation (S&H INcluded) THE BOOK OF ENOCH, AS TRANSLATED FROM PROFESSOR DILLMANN’S ETHIOPIC TEXT, EDITED BY R.H.
CHARLES, M.A., C.1893. ETHIOPIC (GE’EZ) LITERATURE/ JUDEO-CHRISTIAN APOCRYPHA THE BOOK OF ENOCH, AS TRANSLATED FROM PROFESSOR DILLMANN’S ETHIOPIC TEXT, EDITED BY R.H. CHARLES, M.A., C.1893, There are a number of rare and recently recovered books and discovered documents, including the present volume published by The Lion of Judah Society of His Imperial Majesty; this ancient Ethiopic [GE'EZ] MS entitled, “METS’HAFE HENOK” is one of the most ancient and important of these rare documents. The Book of Enoch (also 1 Enoch) is an ancient Black Judaic religious work, traditionally ascribed to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah. It is not part of the biblical canon as used by Jews, apart from Beta Israel. It is regarded as canonical by the Ethiopian Orthodox [TEWAHEDO] Church and Eritrean Orthodox Church, but no other Christian group.
The Ethiopic Church, reckons 1 Enoch as an inspired document the Ethiopic text is the original one, written by Enoch himself the first to write letters, or Ethiopic. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Paperback: 441 pages Languages: English $24.32 donation (S&H INcluded) Ethiopic Grammar by August Dillmann; new preface by Ras Iadonis Tafari.
ETHIOPIC GRAMMAR By August Dillmann, translated by Carl Bezold; new preface by Ras Iadonis Tafari. The renewed interest taken in Ethiopic / Semitic studies in general within these recent years, and in particular the continued issue from the Press of numerous and important Ethiopic texts,— encourage the hope that an English edition of the leading Ethiopic Grammar may prove not wholly unwelcome to English-speaking students at the present time. Few competent judges will challenge the claim of Dillmann's “Grammar” to be thus described.
No doubt a long time has elapsed since its first publication, and much investigation has been applied to the language during the interval; but it may be questioned whether any of the essential principles laid down in Dillmann's work have been affected by these labours, otherwise than by way of confirmation, or whether any facts of really fundamental grammatical importance have been added to our knowledge. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Author: August Dillmann; new preface by Ras Iadonis Tafari Paperback: 646 pages Languages: English $49.95 donation (S&H INcluded) Israel's Debt To Egypt by Edward H. ISRAEL'S DEBT TO EGYPT By Edward H. Sugden, was originally published in 1928 by The Epworth Press in London & written in English. The New & Revised Edition published by the Lion of Judah Society (LOJS) contains additional commentary and illustrations, along Publisher's notes by Ras Iadonis Tafari.
The book explores the historical contacts between Egypt and Israel, especially the influence of Egypt on the religion of Israel, i.e. Language, literature; arts and crafts. Moses, the Lawgiver, was educated in Egypt and “was learned in all the wisdoms of the Egyptians.” Moses possessed an excellent knowledge of the Egyptian Religion. Wallis Budge says “the depth of his knowledge of Egyptian magico-religious ritual is proved by the closeness with which he followed it in constructing the Tabernacle, and in the regulations which he drew up concerning offerings, the equipment of the Tabernacle and the official dress of the priests.” Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Author: Edward H. Sugden Paperback: 214 pages Languages: English $19.90 donation (S&H INcluded) LEFAFA SEDEQ, The Bandlet of Righteousness; called An Ethiopic Book of the Dead. LEFAFA SEDEK, THE BANDLET OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. An Ethiopic Book of the Dead.
With sixty-seven plates. Ethiopic text and translation. London, 1929. Another Ethiopic Text edited or translated by SIR E.A. WALLIS BUDGE, KT. New Printing By the Lion of Judah Society based upon a unique manuscript from the Ras Iadonis Tafari Archive, privately printed for the Rastafari and Ethiopian-Hebrews, at home & abroad.
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Author: Sir E. Wallis Budge Paperback: 318 pages Languages: English & Amharic $32.27 donation (S&H INcluded) HEBREW HIEROGLYPHICS: Hebrew Characters Derived From The Hieroglyphics by Mr.
EGYPTOLOGY/ HEBREW STUDIES/ BIBLE John Lamb’s 1835 Hebrew Hieroglyphics contains and explores the original pictures applied to the interpretation of various words and passages in the sacred writings of the Hebrew Bible, and especially the history of the creation and the fall of man. Much has been learnt and discovered since Mr. Lamb first presented his findings and speculations; however, his work still remains relevant and adds to our understanding of one of the earliest and still most noteworthy, for its time and substance. Lamb successfully makes his point, by comparison after comparison, and adding Hebrew Scriptures to his interpretations of the Hieroglyphic Characters that is both relevant and profoundly insightful. We hope the reader and student of this subject will be inspired, as we have been, to follow-up on some or many of the initial claims made by the said Author. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Author: Mr.
Based upon the Carl Bezold, Kebra Nagast – Die Herrlichkeit der Konige (nach den Handschrift in Berlin, London, Oxford und Paris), Munchen, 1905. Special thanks to Michal Jebarek and the Institute of Near Eastern Studies, Charles University, Prague, and the Library of Ethiopian Texts. This volume in the series is intended to serve as a useful Amharic primer and reader for all the students of our Nibab Bet, or ‘House of Reading,’ the initial School of Ethiopic Tewahedo [Orthodox) Church. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Author: Gerald Massey Paperback: 176 pages Languages: Amharic $19.14 donation (S&H INcluded) BEREISHITH Hebrew Book of Genesis Torah Portion Vol.1. THE TORAH PORTIONS IN THE FIRST BOOK, CALLED BEREISHIT (Hebrew Genesis) are composed 12 portions, including the first portion, or self-named parsha of Bereishit • Noach • Lech-Lecha • Vayeira • Chayei Sarah • Toledot • Vayetze • Vayishlach • Vayeshev • Miketz • Vayigash • Vayechi. DISCLAIMER: The views presented in this volume are not our own and do not necessarily reflect the Ethiopian-Hebraic interpretation to the Old Testament, or Ethiopic Orit (Torah) in particular, but is being compiled into these five volumes: Bereishit, Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar, and Devarim (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) and printed separately, largely due to size per volume.
Nevertheless, this study, and these volumes have been compiled by the Lion of Judah Society, and are designed for the Brotherhood of the Ras Tafari disciples and Ethiopian-Hebrew faithful to get better acquainted with the primary and prevailing opinions on Judaism and the interpretations of the Hebrew Bible. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 631 Language: English Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $21.97 donation (S&H INcluded) SHEMOT Hebrew Book of Exodus Torah Portion Vol.2.
THE TORAH PORTIONS IN THE SECOND BOOK, CALLED SHEMOT (Hebrew Exodus) are composed 11 portions, including the first portion, or self-named parsha of Shemot •Va'eira • Bo • Beshalach • Yitro • Mishpatim • Terumah • Tetzaveh • Ki Tisa • Vayakhel • Pekudei. DISCLAIMER: The views presented in this volume are not our own and do not necessarily reflect the Ethiopian-Hebraic interpretation to the Old Testament, or Ethiopic Orit (Torah) in particular, but is being compiled into these five volumes: Bereishit, Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar, and Devarim (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) and printed separately, largely due to size per volume. Nevertheless, this study, and these volumes have been compiled by the Lion of Judah Society, and are designed for the Brotherhood of the Ras Tafari disciples and Ethiopian-Hebrew faithful to get better acquainted with the primary and prevailing opinions on Judaism and the interpretations of the Hebrew Bible.
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 572 Language: English Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $21.97 donation (S&H INcluded) VAYIKRA Hebrew Book of Leviticus Torah Portion Vol.3. THE TORAH PORTIONS IN THE THIRD BOOK, CALLED VAYIKRA (Hebrew Leviticus) are composed 10 portions, including the first portion, or self-named parsha of Vayikra • Tzav • Shemini • Tazria • Metzora • Acharei • Kedoshim • Emor • Behar • Bechukotai. DISCLAIMER: The views presented in this volume are not our own and do not necessarily reflect the Ethiopian-Hebraic interpretation to the Old Testament, or Ethiopic Orit (Torah) in particular, but is being compiled into these five volumes: Bereishit, Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar, and Devarim (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) and printed separately, largely due to size per volume. Nevertheless, this study, and these volumes have been compiled by the Lion of Judah Society, and are designed for the Brotherhood of the Rastafari disciples and Ethiopian-Hebrew faithful to get better acquainted with the primary and prevailing opinions on Judaism and the interpretations of the Hebrew Bible. Agfa Snapscan E20 Drivers Windows 7. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 468 Language: English Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $21.97 donation (S&H INcluded) BAMIDBAR Hebrew Book of Numbers Torah Portion Vol.4. THE TORAH PORTIONS IN THE FOURTH BOOK, CALLED BAMIDBAR (Hebrew Numbers) are composed 10 portions, including the first portion, or self-named parsha of Bamidbar • Naso • Behaalotecha • Shlach • Korach • Chukat • Balak • Pinchas • Matot • Masei.
DISCLAIMER: The views presented in this volume are not our own and do not necessarily reflect the Ethiopian-Hebraic interpretation to the Old Testament, or Ethiopic Orit (Torah) in particular, but is being compiled into these five volumes: Bereishit, Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar, and Devarim (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) and printed separately, largely due to size per volume. Nevertheless, this study, and these volumes have been compiled by the Lion of Judah Society, and are designed for the Brotherhood of the Rastafari disciples and Ethiopian-Hebrew faithful to get better acquainted with the primary and prevailing opinions on Judaism and the interpretations of the Hebrew Bible. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 467 Language: English Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $21.97 donation (S&H INcluded) DEVARIM Hebrew Book of Deuteronomy Torah Portion Vol.5. THE TORAH PORTIONS IN THE FIFTH BOOK, CALLED DEVARIM (Hebrew Deuteronomy) are composed 11 portions, including the first portion, or self-named parsha of Devarim • Va'etchanan • Eikev • Re'eh • Shoftim • Ki Teitzei • Ki Tavo • Nitzavim • Vayelech • Haazinu • V'Zot HaBerachah.
DISCLAIMER: The views presented in this volume are not our own and do not necessarily reflect the Ethiopian-Hebraic interpretation to the Old Testament, or Ethiopic Orit (Torah) in particular, but is being compiled into these five volumes: Bereishit, Shemot, Vayikra, Bamidbar, and Devarim (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) and printed separately, largely due to size per volume. Nevertheless, this study, and these volumes have been compiled by the Lion of Judah Society, and are designed for the Brotherhood of the Rastafari disciples and Ethiopian-Hebrew faithful to get better acquainted with the primary and prevailing opinions on Judaism and the interpretations of the Hebrew Bible. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 535 Language: English Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $22.73 donation (S&H INcluded) ETHIOPIC OCTATEUCH (ORIT); Veteris Testamenti Aethiopica V1: Sive Octateuchus Aethiopicus (1853) by August Dillmann. ETHIOPIAN LITERATURE/ ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS Series ETHIOPIC TORAH, known as Orit; also called Veteris Testamenti Aethiopica V1: Sive Octateuchus Aethiopicus (1853) (Latin Edition) [Paperback] We, the present edition publishers, find no better words to express what is contained herein, that to quote an excerpt of the utterance of H.I.M.
Haile Selassie I, our God-Father, the King of kings of Ethiopia: 'Ethiopia, an island of Christianity, is recorded in history as having received first the Old Testament, and then the New Testament earlier than most of the countries of the world. When, in Old Testament times, she received the Law, and when, in New Testament times, she received the Gospel, she ensured that the Scriptures were translated into the ancient language of Ge'ez. From those times to this, various books both of spiritual and material profit have periodically been compiled and written in Ge'ez. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 734 Language: Ethiopic and Geez (Hebrew) Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $32.51 donation (S&H INcluded) THE OCTATEUCH IN ETHIOPIC Study Book Vol.1; Part 1 & 2 Genesis to Leviticus. THE OCTATEUCH IN ETHIOPIC, ACCORDING TO THE TEXT OF THE PARIS CODEX, WITH THE VARIANTS OF FIVE OTHER MANUSCRIPTS Compiled and Edited By ENNO LITTMANN & Dr.
PART II EXODUS AND LEVITICUS; aka BIBLIOTHECA ABESSINICA STUDIES CONCERNING THE LANGUAGES, LITERATURE AND HISTORY OF ABYSSINIA EDITED BY Dr. LITTMANN 'the only really ancient codex that remains to us of the octateuch, a codex of the time of Yekuno Amlak, which certainly could give us very important variants' 'Ethiopia, an island of Christianity, is recorded in history as having received first the Old Testament, and then the New Testament earlier than most of the countries of the world. When, in Old Testament times, she received the Law, and when, in New Testament times, she received the Gospel, she ensured that the Scriptures were translated into the ancient language of Ge'ez. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 464 Language: Ethiopic and Geez (Hebrew) Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $25.46 donation (S&H INcluded) The Ethiopic Version Of The Apostolical Constitutions; Or, The Ethiopic Didascalia, Received In The Church Of Abyssinia [Ethiopia] by Thomas Pell 1796-1852 Platt. ETHIOPIC LITERATURE/ ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS This volume is herein entitled: “The Ethiopic Version Of The Apostolical Constitutions [Geez & English], or the ETHIOPIC DIDASCALIA, received by the Church of Abyssinia [or better, The Church of ETHIOPIA], with an English translation, edited and translated [in part] by Thomas Pell Platt (c.
1834)” is being herein reissued, reprinted and republished in the right faith, hopes and expectation of achieving the ultimate goal of disseminating our Divine Heritage, the Ancient Ethiopian culture, and the Root of Rastafari. *** Best studied along with latter translation entitled also the ETHIOPIC DIDASCALIA, The Apostolic Constitutions & Ethiopic Church Orders; As Translated by J.M. Also published by LOJ Society Press. The “ETHIOPIC DIDASCALIA,” contains the earliest and most faithful summary of the received precepts and earliest of Judeo-Christian traditions. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 198 Language: English and Geez (Ethiopic) Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $19.47 donation (S&H INcluded) EVANGELIA SACRA; the Four Gospels in Ethiopic & Amharic. This Book is the Ethiopic Gospel in the Ancient Ge'ez Language and Amharic, originally printed in the West in the late 19th century by Anglo and European ministries based upon indigenous Ethiopian Orthodox [Tewahdeo] Church manuscripts and archives & the Amharic translation provided by an Ethiopian Monk named Abu Rumi.
This work was later called 'EVANGELIA SACRA: DOMINI NOSTRI ET SALVATORIS, JESU CHRISTI; Aethiopice et Amharice'; herein being reprinted and re-published in a new edition by the Lion of Judah Society of His Imperial Majesty: Haile Sellassie First under the direction of H.H. Ras Iadonis Tafari.
Published by THE LION OF JUDAH SOCIETY, Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 714 Language: Ethiopic & Amharic Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $25.21 donation (S&H INcluded) ETHIOPIC DIDASCALIA, The Apostolic Constitutions & Ethiopic Church Orders; As Translated by J.M. “ETHIOPIC DIDASCALIA, translated from the Ethiopic [Ge’ez language] by J.M. Harden” called the Apostolic Constitutions, or Church Orders contain the earliest and most faithful summary of the received precepts and traditions since the Apostle Phillip baptized the Ethiopian-Hebrew Eunuch, as recorded in the ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, Chapter Eight, Verses 26 – 39.
The True Faith of the Ethiopic Church of Christ, that we know as the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, is based upon the called in the Common Greek (Koine) if the first century, the Didascalia is an invaluable resource for us, the called, faithful and chosen followers of the Father and the Son, being revealed in and through HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY HAILE SELLASSIE FIRST, the King of kings of Ethiopia and Our Lord and Blameless Creator, JESUS CHRIST. His Majesty reminds us all, that: “For my part, I glory in the Bible.” Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 262 Language: English [based on the Ethiopic] Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $25.43 donation (S&H INcluded) Dictionary of the Amharic language: in two parts: Amharic and English, and English and Amharic by Rev. Charles William Isenberg. Dictionary of the Amharic Language: In Two-Parts by Reverend Charles William Isenberg, revised in this new edition and re-published by the Lion of Judah Society with a New Preface, Publisher’s Notes and Foreword to the New Volume by our brother, H.H. Ras Iadonis Tafari, revealer of the H.I.M. Haile Selassie I Revised Amharic Bible, the 'Book of the Seven Seals' (Revelations of St. John, Chapter 5, Verse 5) since 1991 A.D.
To the Brotherhood of the Rastafari, at home and abroad. Reverend Charles William Isenberg had researched, investigated, compiled and wrote an outstanding Two-Part Volume and Amharic Dictionary in 1841, Rev. Isenberg’s work and labour of Christian love, mainly from a missionary perspective is it noteworthy, especially in his Amharic Dictionary, one of the first of its kind, that great attention, diligence and detailed references are made to both the Hebraic and Biblical correlations between the Hebrew, Ethiopic and archaic Amharic “pure language” (Zephaniah 3:9-10). Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 475 Language: Ethiopic-Amharic & English Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $29.63 donation (S&H INcluded) Amharic Computer-based Glossary. The Amharic Computer-Based Glossary that is presented in these pages is a compilation from various anonymous sources, on and offline. Due accreditation, however, must be given to the current techno-logically savvy New Ethiopian Millennium generation of young and old Amharic-speaking Ethiopians have diligently sought to master this modern society and digital multimedia through “Ethiopian spectacles,” and not be left behind in a rapidly changing and evolving age of globalization. Therefore, we generously thank all those Ethiopians, at home and abroad, those who may be professionals and the non-professionals alike who have continuously contributed ideas, words, expressions, phrases and advanced technological terms towards the aggregation of the contents of this Glossary compiled by Ras Iadonis Tafari.
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Author: Ras Iadonis Tafari Paperback: 226 pages Languages: English & Amharic $15.89 donation (S&H INcluded) THE CANNABIS MATRIX (The Seshat Appendix) – A Trilogy of Selected Essays of Ioannes, the Composer. The book entitled, “THE WITNESS OF THE STARS,” by Dr. Bullinger contains, from a Western Gentile branching of the Judeo-Christian perspective, in principle and in fact, one of the earliest, quite extensive for its 1893 original publication, (and now clearly a most faithful summary of the received precepts and traditions concerning the celestial witness), and a credible testimony to the “glorious Gospel of the Christ,” as it was known in Ancient times. These earliest beliefs and primordial faith and expectations were recorded and preserved from the mythological Inner-African Genesis of Humanity documented in the Denderah of the Egypts to latter-day Greek reinterpreted mythologies, all without doubt traced to Messianic hopes and aspirations of native and the primitive peoples of the world. There are many prophecies in the Bible whose proper interpretation depend on “The Witness of the Stars” in order to accurately be known. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 331 Language: English, Egyptian, Hebrew, Greek, Latin & Arabic Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $24.76 donation (S&H INcluded) The Church History of Ethiopia [1696 A.D.] by Michael Geddes. Michael Geddes’ The Church History of Ethiopia, 1696 A.D., is a rare book and true historical account, among other things, The Two Great Splendid Roman Missions into That Empire, i.e.
Judeo-Christian Ethiopia, being placed in their true Light. There are many narratives and stories of both the Church History of Ethiopia, past and present, true and false that have been circulated and given credence to, for better and for worse. However, this document testifies to, “a Church that was never at any time under the Papal Yoke.” This book chronicles and narrates, from a variety of then existing resources, compiled and presented by the Author, the former and then Antipapal Protestant Church of England, and certain of the Brotherhood, who had a “right understanding betwixt all Antipapal Churches, and thereby attempted to unite them all into one Body” against the Roman Apostasy. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 535 Language: English Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $29.53 donation (S&H INcluded) Ethiopic Legends of Our Lady Mary the Perpetual Virgin and Her Mother Hanna (1922) translated by Sir. Wallis Budge.
Ethiopic Legends of Our Lady Mary the Perpetual Virgin and Her Mother Hanna (1922) translated by Sir. Wallis Budge “Legends of Our Lady Mary the Perpetual Virgin and Her Mother Hanna (1922),” contains very many gems, of both spiritual and mystical content that is sadly missing in Gentile (or, European) Christianity. It treats both background and culture of the Ethiopian [Black] VIRGIN MARYAM, the Mother of the Saviour, and her mother, HANNA as well. Such subjects of Early Christianity have been almost entirely lost, and sadly perverted in the Western, or Romanish [“Catholic”] Church. Some scholars even have dismissed the veracity its living testimony, basically for one reason: because it is Ethiopian, and that means and meant “Black,” or “African.” “The Legends of Our Lady Mary the Perpetual Virgin,” is a groundation for all of us, but especially, and most emphatically – for Daughters of Zion, whom we call Our Sisters, and like Our Lady, to be honoured as holy mothers in RASTAFARI.
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 504 Language: English & Ethiopic Transliteration Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $26.51 donation (S&H INcluded) Ethiopic Legends of Our Lady Mary the Perpetual Virgin and Her Mother Hanna (1922) translated by Sir. Wallis Budge. Ethiopic Legends of Our Lady Mary the Perpetual Virgin and Her Mother Hanna (1922) translated by Sir. Wallis Budge “Legends of Our Lady Mary the Perpetual Virgin and Her Mother Hanna (1922),” contains very many gems, of both spiritual and mystical content that is sadly missing in Gentile (or, European) Christianity.
It treats both background and culture of the Ethiopian [Black] VIRGIN MARYAM, the Mother of the Saviour, and her mother, HANNA as well. Such subjects of Early Christianity have been almost entirely lost, and sadly perverted in the Western, or Romanish [“Catholic”] Church. Some scholars even have dismissed the veracity its living testimony, basically for one reason: because it is Ethiopian, and that means and meant “Black,” or “African.” “The Legends of Our Lady Mary the Perpetual Virgin,” is a groundation for all of us, but especially, and most emphatically – for Daughters of Zion, whom we call Our Sisters, and like Our Lady, to be honoured as holy mothers in RASTAFARI. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 504 Language: English & Ethiopic Transliteration Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $26.51 donation (S&H INcluded) Light and Truth By R.B. Lewis; Collected from THE BIBLE AND ANCIENT HISTORY AND MODERN HISTORY containing THE UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF THE COLORED AND THE INDIAN RACE, From THE CREATION OF THE WORLD TO THE PRESENT TIME (1844 A.D.). ANCIENT ETHIOPIAN & BIBLE HISTORY/ Aframerican Literature Light and truth; collected from the Bible and ancient and modern history, containing the universal history of the colored and the Indian race, from the creation of the world to the present time. Boston: Published by a Committee of Colored Gentlemen, Lewis, R.
B., (1836; 1844) “Light and Truth” is yet another priceless and invaluable resource for those of us, so called 'Black people' i.e. The ETHIOPIANS at Home and abroad. Lewis was a bold racial visionary and scholar of 'Our Divine Heritage' ahead of his time. This book provides proof of many of these truths, backed by the historical, archeological and biblical facts that R.B.
Lewis documented this present volume, 'LIGHT AND TRUTH,' that the true source of such ancient civilizations was Ethiopic and Ethiopian. For an 1844 book, by a Coloured Man, his testimony is worth being remembered and herein republished by The Lion of Judah Society for the Ethiopians, at home and abroad. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 437 Language: English Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $24.06 donation (S&H INcluded) Amharic Bible Dictionary; H.I.M. Haile Selassie I Version. NOW AVAILABLE IN PRINT (Outside of Ethiopia)!!!
The official “AMHARIC DICTIONARY OF THE HOLY BIBLE.' Originally compiled as a study companion to the 1961/2 A.D.
Authorized H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I Bible, called the “Emperor’s Bible,” (Book of the Seven Seals, cf. Revelation Chapter 5) and better known as, the Revised Amharic Bible, or “RAB” is now being published in this new Discipleship edition by The Lion of Judah [Bible] Society of His Imperial Majesty. 'WE IN ETHIOPIA have one of the oldest versions of the Bible, but however old the version may be,in whatever language it might be written, the Word remains the same, It transcends all boundaries of empires and all conceptions of race. It is eternal.' - Conquering Lion of The Tribe of Judah: H.I.M.
HAILE SELASSIE I, Elect of GOD, King of Kings of Ethiopia. Therefore our new publication of the text herein continues the further dissemination of our Ethiopian culture, based upon the aims of the Our Amharic Literacy Campaign. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 322 Language: Amharic Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $25.33 donation (S&H INcluded) Amharic Visual Dictionary. AMHARIC LANGUAGE/ SCIENCE & MODERN TECHNOLOGY This Book, the “Amharic Visual Dictionary,” is an ideal companion and compliment to the various dictionaries that are of a more religious, spiritual and biblical nature. The Contendings Of The Apostles: Being The Histories Of The Lives And Martyrdoms And Deaths Of The Twelve Apostles And Evangelists; The Ethiopic Texts Now First Edited From Manuscripts In The British Museum, With An English Translation by E.
Wallis (Ernest Alfred Wallis), Sir Budge - This NEW reprint now published by The Lion of Judah Society This book was originally published prior to 1923, and represents a reproduction of an important historical work, maintaining the same format as the original work. While some publishers have opted to apply OCR (optical character recognition) technology to the process, we believe this leads to sub-optimal results (frequent typographical errors, strange characters and confusing formatting) and does not adequately preserve the historical character of the original artifact. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 494 Language: English Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $25.11 donation (S&H INcluded) Aryan Origins & Kinship (Vol. 'ARYAN ORIGINS AND KINSHIP,' by William Hamilton Stewart, contains many blood diamonds, a wealth of precious gems, intellectual gold, silver and diamonds along with a view of certain ancient artifacts that in fact will prove our primary thesis contained elsewhere.
Thus, the “Aryan Origins and Kinship” by aforementioned author further verifies the fact, natural indeed, that the original Hebrew, i.e. The biblical Israelites are, and were – as the Roman Historian Tacitus has already witnessed, of the Ethiopicum Prolem, that is to say – “[of] the race of the Ethiopians.” Yet, the author, Mr. Stewart believes himself and other Europeans and Indo-Europeans to be ‘Aryans’ and Hamites. However, that is only ‘half the story’ of the so-called “White race” who may be considered Hamitic and thus “Hamites” in one sense, that is their descent from their patriarch “Canaan.” HAM, THE BLACK RACE WAS NOT CURSED! HAM'S SON - CANAAN IS THE FATHER OF THE WHITE & TRUE SO-CALLED 'ARYAN RACE'~! THE HEBREWS & ISRAELITES ARE BLACK!
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 111 Language: English Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $16.47 donation (S&H INcluded) THE ESSENE COMMUNITY. THE DRAMA OF THE COSMIC CYCLE, THE DISSOLVING OF THE OLD ORDER AND THE BIRTH OF THE NEW. Mention of the Essenes hopes of a New Age of glory leads us naturally to some comments on the special theological views of the Essenes that informed their understanding of history and gave to their community its peculiar institutions. The Essenes belong in the center of that movement (known as) apocalypticism. The late visionaries of the Old Testament, notably the author of Daniel, as well as later Baptist and Christian communities, discovered themselves to be living in the last days of the old age, or rather in the days when the old age was passing away and the Kingdom of God was dawning. According to apocalypticism the upsurge of evil powers in the world reflected the last defiant outbreak of cosmic Satanic powers.
Their communal life WAS A REENACTMENT OF THE EVENTS OF THE LAST TIMES, both the final days of the Old Age AND THE ERA OF ARMAGEDDON. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 103 Language: English Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $15.45 donation (S&H INcluded) Islam in Ethiopia’s History & 101 Cleared-up Contra Bible. ISLAM, JUDEO-CHRISTIANITY & ETHIOPIA IN THE BIBLE 'The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him.' (Proverbs 18:17) This series of books beginning with 'Islam in Ethiopia’s History & 101 Cleared-up Contradictions in the Bible' ADDRESSES, CORRECTS, REBUTS & FULLY REBUKES the common errors of the MOHAMMEDAN/So-called Islamic Scholars' and their False Charges of Contradiction in the Holy Bible in Amharic & English Appendix. The Bible is not simply one book compiled by one man as the Muslims claim for their Qur'an, but a compilation of, at least, 66 books, written by more than 40 authors, over a period of 1500 years!
This book shows that there are different ways to understand the Muslim and Mohammedan problem with their misinterpretation of the Biblical text. ***A MUST READ & STUDY FOR ALL CHRISTIANS, ESPECIALLY ETHIOPIAN [TEWAHEDO] CHRISTIANS, AT HOME & ABROAD, especially the Rastafarian Orthodox et al. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 190 Language: English & Ethiopic Transliteration Product Dimensions (inches): 5.5 wide × 8.5 tall $19.55 donation (S&H INcluded) Amharic Bible / New Translation [Note: This is NOT The H.I.M. Bible] The new translation edition was published in 1980.
This version is currently used by the E.O.T.C. And Evangelic Churches. This edition of the Holy Bible translated by the United Bible Society in the Amharic language of Ethiopia is a must-have for those seeking the Word in this common language. Beautiful binding, w/ an ornate Coptic-inspired cross on the cover, makes this a wonderful showpiece for the aesthetic (yet, it is best served, being read).
The verses are numbered by Amharic characters, as is common w/ Semitic texts, but the book is printed according to Western standards (left to right). New Vinyl Flexi-cover Bound Language: Amharic Product Dimensions: 7.8 x 5.5 x 1.2 inches $75 donation (S&H INcluded) Fallen Watchers By Jason Guenther. FALLEN WATCHERS BY JASON GUENTHER AN EXEGETICAL ANALYSIS ON THE CORRELATIONS BETWEEN BIBLICAL DEMONOLOGY AND CONTEMPORARY UFOLOGY The intention of this document is to show obvious 'truths' connecting the angels and demons of the bible, with the modern day anomalies known as 'Aliens', and their craft.
That the bible DOES speak about these anomalies, and will be shown to be shockingly true. I shall remain for the most part within the confines of the 1611 English version of the King James Bible, and Strong's Greek and Hebrew concordance, even though I don't subscribe to the 'King James Only' club.
I know, that ALL the translations that we have are rooted back to the SAME sources. The difference between our modern day versions of the bible is in the choice of adjectives used in the description of words from the original languages (Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Chaldean), and outright blatant 'liberties' taken by the translators. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 114 Language: English Product Dimensions (inches): 6 wide × 9 tall $32.59 donation (S&H INcluded) AMHARIC FOR FOREIGN BEGINNERS 6th Edition Available Now! Introduction to language and script, 12 situational lessons (shopping, food and drink, misunderstanding, transportation, dialogues, expressions, vocabulary, grammar, exercises and cultural considerations etc.), appendices with 700 added to vocabulary, verbs, nouns, and adjectives adverbs etc.
Author: Alem Eshetu (Assistant Professor) Papercover: 162 pages Publish Date: September 2007 Languages: Amharic, English $40 donation (S&H INcluded) Foreign Service Institute Amharic Basic Course Text Book - Volume 1, Units 1-50. This is the premier language course for learning Amharic. The underlying method of this text course is guided imitation, and the aim is the ability to respond effectively in everyday scenarios. The ultimate goal of this Amharic course is to speak Amharic accurately and easily through vocabulary building, conversational dialogs, and grammar sections. The course provides for the assimilation of all basic forms and patterns of the Amharic language by the guided imitation, memorization, and manipulation of a large number of sentences and by practice of common everyday situations. The course includes a printed text book.
This is one of the courses produced for US Foreign Service personnel based on courses produced during World War II by the American Council of Learned Societies when the US needed materials that would teach languages to soldiers fast. It is remarkable that students of Amharic have such an excellent course available for such a relatively rarely-studied language. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 520 Language: English with Amharic/Ethiopic Transcription Product Dimensions (inches): 8.5 wide x 11 tall $45.80 donation (S&H INcluded) Foreign Service Institute Amharic Basic Course Text Book - Volume 2, Units 51-60. This is the premier language course for learning Amharic.
The underlying method of this text course is guided imitation, and the aim is the ability to respond effectively in everyday scenarios. The ultimate goal of this Amharic course is to speak Amharic accurately and easily through vocabulary building, conversational dialogs, and grammar sections. The course provides for the assimilation of all basic forms and patterns of the Amharic language by the guided imitation, memorization, and manipulation of a large number of sentences and by practice of common everyday situations.
The course includes a printed text book. This is one of the courses produced for US Foreign Service personnel based on courses produced during World War II by the American Council of Learned Societies when the US needed materials that would teach languages to soldiers fast.
It is remarkable that students of Amharic have such an excellent course available for such a relatively rarely-studied language. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 558 Language: English with Amharic/Ethiopic Transcription Product Dimensions (inches): 8.5 wide x 11 tall $46.56 donation (S&H INcluded) Amharic Writing Practice Workbook by The LOJ Society.
Learn Amharic, fun & easy! Learn to read and write the Ethiopian Language. For children of all ages and even adults. Practice Amharic handwriting for kids, by learning each letter of the Ethiopian Alphabet called the Fidel. Easy and simple lessons to teach children, teachers and even their parents can learn AMHARIC.
It’s Very Easy: Each letter is written within a character spacer line. Writing lines guide the height, width and length of each Amharic letter. Practice your writing skills.
There are many ways to practice and have fun. Ideal study tool for home-schooling, pre-K and even cultural day-care programs. Also an African-based multicultural tool and resource for Ethiopians at home and abroad. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 272 Language: Amharic Product Dimensions (inches): 8.5 wide x 11 tall $22.84 donation (S&H INcluded) Learn the Amharic Alphabet Book! Available Now!
Kids respond more when learning is fun! • This book has instructions in Amharic and English language.
Each alphabet comes with a picture that starts with the same letter and the pronunciation is written in English. • The book also includes interesting cultural coloring pages, tracing and letter recognition in color. • Your child will gain the most when you talk together as you do the activities. • The book is made up of 151 pages - it focuses on the first 33 Amharic Fidel (alphabet). *Plus it has tear out pages for copy & practice!
$35.00 donation (S&H INcluded) Amharic & Bible Home Schooling Booklet With Audio CD Learn Our Pure Language Royal Amharic: The First of our Amharic Bible-based Homeschooling Booklets series. (*Audio CD Lessons Available! See below) Each Amharic lesson is carefully and clearly designed bringing together the basics in order to simplify the learning of our language.
Simply begin by reading, listening and learning the sounds. Further study of the proper pronunciation of each letter and word step-by-step, and you will begin speaking the Royal Amharic sooner than you thought previously possible.
AND, after all IT’S EASY – VERY EASY!
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Background [ ] It has been the working language of courts, language of trade and everyday communications, the military, and the since the late 12th century and remains the of today. As of the 2007 census, Amharic is spoken by 21.6 million native speakers in Ethiopia and 4 million secondary speakers in Ethiopia. Additionally, 3 million emigrants outside of Ethiopia speak the language. [ ] Most of the communities in Ethiopia and Israel speak Amharic. [ ] In Washington DC, Amharic became one of the six non-English languages in the Language Access Act of 2004, which allows government services and education in Amharic. Furthermore, Amharic is considered a holy language by the religion and is widely used among its followers worldwide. It is the most widely spoken language in the.
Phonology [ ] Consonants m n ɲ voiceless p t k ʔ voiced b d ɡ pʼ tʼ qʼ voiceless t͡ʃ voiced d͡ʒ t͡sʼ t͡ʃʼ voiceless ɸ s ʃ h voiced β* z ʒ l j w r * – Only in The Amharic correspond to the ', usually transcribed with a below the letter. The consonant and vowel tables give these symbols in parentheses where they differ from the standard symbols. This section needs to be updated.
Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (July 2014) Amharic is supported on most major distributions, including Fedora and Ubuntu. The Amharic script is included in, Nyala font is included on Windows 7 (see video) and Vista (Amharic ) to display and edit using the Amharic Script. In February 2010, Microsoft released its operating system in Amharic, enabling Amharic speakers to use its operating system in their language. Has added Amharic to its which allows typing Amharic Script online without an Amharic Keyboard.
Since 2004 Wikipedia has Amharic language Wiki that uses Ethiopic. In 2015 an Ethiopic rendering method for computers using a keystroke for the default and a maximum of two keystrokes for the rest of the glyphs was granted a patent by the U.S. See also [ ] • References [ ].