Convert Evtx File To Text
You can use the graphical event viewer GUI, and 'Save-as', to export the file in EVTX, XML, TXT or CSV Format. You can use wevtutil.exe at the command line to accomplish pretty much the same, but in a scriptable fashion. Wevtutil.exe can export the entire log. It also supports an XPath filter that allows.
Convert Windows Event Log files to plain text For a recent project I had to convert Windows Event Log files from a Windows machine to a plain text file. To accomplish this I used the tools from Andreas Schuster It is a set of Perl files that you can run against the Event Log files. Install EvtxParser EvtxParser is written in Perl. So obviously, you need Perl.
On Ubuntu you need the extra packages libdatetime-perl and libcarp-assert-perl. Sudo apt-get install libdatetime-perl libcarp-assert-perl You also need to install two extra CPAN packages: perl -MCPAN -e shell install Digest::CRC install Data::Hexify Download EvtxParser: wget unzip This will result in a directory Parse-Evtx-x.x.x. The next step is to compile and install. Cd Parse-Evtx-1.1.1 perl Makefile.PL make sudo make install On this machine, I have all the custom installed Perl code located in one specific location. Running EvtxParser resulted in an error. Can't locate Parse/ in @INC (you may need to install the Parse::Evtx module) (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.18.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.18 /usr/share/perl/5.18 /usr/local/lib/site_perl.) at./ line 51. To solve this I have to set the PERL5LIB which will add the path to find the necessary libraries to the @INC variable.
Export PERL5LIB=/usr/local/perl5sources/lib/perl5/ EvtxParser components EvtxParser consists of these tools • evtxdump. Datacolor Paint Maker Software Download on this page. pl: transform an event log file into textual XML • determines information about a Windows XML EventViewer Log • display the XML templates that are defined in a log file Where do you find the Windows Event Log files? The Event Log files are located in a directory C: Windows System32 winevt Logs and they contain files like Application.evtx, Microsoft-Windows-Dhcp-Client%4Admin.evtx, Microsoft-Windows-UAC%4Operational.evtx, Either you have to mount the Windows partition in your Linux host running EvtxParser or copy them manually. EvtxParser output The output of running against the System log looks like this./ /var/www/WinLogs/Logs/System.evtx head -n 40 6011 4 0 0x000000 1 System 37L4247F27-25 [0] 37L4247F27-25 [1] WIN-N4F92N5R9U7 6009 4 0 0x000000 2 System 37L4247F27-25 [0] 6.01.
[1] 7601 [2] Service Pack 1 [3] Multiprocessor Free [4] 17514.