Coach Purse Real Or Fake Serial Number
Men's Bags and Wallets Top Picks. Counterfeit Education. Coach DOES NOT authenticate merchandise or determine whether serial numbers match actual Coach. How to Buy Authentic Coach on Ebay. The easiest way to tell whether a Coach purse is fake or real is by the. Do all coach bags have the serial number somewhere.
I love Coach bags, period. I eat, sleep and breathe them.
They are my kryptonite. I have a hard time resisting anything Coach! I have been selling Coach items on Ebay and have been doing so for over six years. Like I said, I am a Coachaholic! The quality of these bags is irresistible. They are fashionable, a little sassy, and at times just down right classy! And often times the best deals on authentic Coach bags are found on Ebay.
Yet not all these 'authentic' bags are real. So how can you tell a real authentic Coach purse from a fake? Below I discuss five foolproof ways to determine whether a Coach purse is real. The first way to tell if a Coach bag is real is to look for the Coach leather creed. Every Coach bag has a serial number; it's as simple as that. Inside most Coach purses is a leather patch, known as a Coach creed, which shows a serial number that corresponds to the name and type of Coach purse you are looking. Large to medium-sized to large size Coach bags will always have a Coach leather patch with a serial number inside the bag.
Some of the smaller bags (such as top-handle bags or clutches) don't have the patch, but they will still have a serial number, and they can be verified. The serial number will be listed on the sales tag. If the sales tag for a small bag is not included in the auction or sale because the bag is pre-owned, then please take this into consideration before bidding or buying.
On a Coach creed, you should see a letter, then four numerals, then a dash, and then more numbers: five numbers for newer bags, three or four for older vintage bags (pre-1990). The last five numerals are the style of the purse. For example, a large white leather Coach Ergo bag has 12235 as its last five digits (see picture). You can take this number and type it into your search bar, either on Ebay or the Internet, with the word 'Coach' in front of it, and search it. If your search results come back with similar pictures or descriptions of Coach purses then you know the bag is real. Also, this number can be verified by any Coach store.
So if in doubt, pick up the phone and call! Coach hangtags are NOT sales tags, but small leather keyfobs adorning the outside of a Coach purse. They are ALWAYS leather and embossed with the word 'Coach'. The only way a real authentic Coach purse would come with a metal hangtag is if it was a limited edition. The metal hangtag would always be accompanied by one or two leather hangtags, or crystal studded. If you see a purse with a metal hangtag only (often gold-colored), it is fake, or at the very least its authenticity should be questioned! Authentic Coach sales tags are always white.
They will list the MSRP price of the purse and the style number that I discussed above under Foolproof Tip 1 (Coach creed), as well as an abbreviated description of the style of purse. For example 'Med Mad Met Hip' is Medium Madison Metallic Hippie. Fake sales tags are always red or brown with a white outside border, and these fake tags will be attached to the fake metal hangtag rather than to the hardware or to the inside of the Coach purse. By the way, Coach bags do not come with Coach booklets, only a small business-card-like Coach care card.
This tip obviously will not work on leather Coach purses; for them you need to use the earlier tips. But when it comes to Coach purses made from the 'signature C' jacquard material, it's pretty easy to tell whether they are fake or real. The C's in the material will always line up straight down the center of the purse, so if you were to cut the purse in half from top to bottom, through the middle of the bag, each side would have its own C. This pattern will continue throughout the purse and along the bottom of the bag. On fake Coach purses, the C's are usually not lined up and they are often off-center from the middle of the bag. Also, if they are genuine, these bags with the 'signature C' material on the outside have solid inner satin linings. If the inside liner has the 'signature C' design, the purse is not genuine.
Questions or comments? Leave them below! Feel free to contact me via Hubpages with any question, or with pictures, should you be thinking about purchasing a Coach bag from Ebay but are still unsure. I would be more than happy to help you verify its authenticity.
Hi can you please tell me if Coach F36366 (Authentic Coach London Womens Designer Tan Brown Leather Carryall Bag [F36366]) is genuine? Item: 61 It looks like a business called and called sarah-hobbs-handbags (402 Feedback score: 402) I live in the UK and want to buy my mum a multi compartment zipped handbag and this one looks quite nice 3 separate zipped compartments, decent size, and can be hand held or put across her body (which is easier for her at the mo as she has to use a walking stick as she has had a problem with her leg for a couple of weeks. I have set myself a budget of £200 (so it is just within) as I have already spent over that on some of her other Christmas presents (already LOL! Better to start early and you only have one mum! Oooops I deviating off the subject sorry) So any help is confirming whether this is genuine would be much appreciated x •. I just got 13 Coach vintage leather bags from my mom's church, they have asked me to sell them on Ebay to help them raise money for their charities. Anyways, I have been able to authenticate several of them.
There are a few I can not find however. All have the Creed and serial no. Here is a list of the ones I can not find L9D-4180 981-8212 183-0445 059-1728 027-3102 0943-322 005-7234 I can send pictures also. All of these bags have the correct Creed with the serial number on it and they also all have an attached leather hang tag in the same color as the bag.
Thank you for any help, Susan •. Hello, i am very sure this COACH diaper bag i purchased on Mercari is fake as evidenced by the following, can you help me? The creed matches the type of bag however the year is 2014 and the word reflect doesnt have the s and apparently they started to use the word reflects as opposed to reflect in 2008? I cannot see any real coach online that say reflect after 2008, or in my own bags.
The bag feels like plastic but claims to be leather (chelsea diaper bag) no cloth tag inside with country of where it was made, only a see through plastic tiny one sticking out of side saying made in Vietnam. The creed doesnt state where it was made, and also at the bottom, right before the letter and numbers begin, where the No is, the No has a period after it up next to the o and isnt underlined. There is one spot on the bottom back seam where the piping is it overlaps as though it is pieced together.
The zippers do say YKK and the lining is fairly nice, •. Hi Jennifer, Thanks for the comment! You are right, if you want a genuine article then you are better off going direct to the manufacturer's outlet. Coach are expensive but for designer bags they are generally much less expensive than the others such as Louis Vuitton and the quality is good. Buying online is a minefield. I wrote this page quite a while back so things may have changed since I wrote it but I hope that the information helps some people nevertheless. Thanks again for taking the time to comment, I hope readers will read your comment too!
Hi I don't know if you're still taking questions/comments, I'm pretty sure all my Coach bags are fake anyway (after having, briefly, a real LV & a real Gucci it gets easier to spot low quality anything; I always look at the leather handles, if they're nice and soft and supple, that's an indicator of quality: I have had amazingly nice/expensive knock-offs perfect in every detail but with stiff cheap feeling handles). I just wanted to mention that I'd been perusing the Coach website recently trying to verify if two pairs of glasses I had were authentic, and I read THEIR authentication tips. Simply buy at a Coach store or one of the authorized retailers they have listed (you'd have to double check but I think coach was listed as NOT having to do with them, I don't remember).
They also said that they DO NOT VERIFY items by serial number via phone, or authenticate items in stores. Their theory is that if you shop where you should you won't need to worry about buying a fake. I do understand that they need to combat black market knock-offs, and so discourage online aftermarket sales which are totally outside of their control. They can't rightly verify by serial # alone, as you have mentioned, and they can't have their upscale retail stores overrun with people lined up with- mostly- fake bags for their salespeople to inspect. But they are denying economic & consumer reality. Most people can't afford to walk into a Coach store and shell out $300, $600, $1,000+ on a luxury accessory.
So many people turn to places like eBay to realize what had been out of reach. They are 1st time owners and so don't often realize what the genuine article looks & feels like. They also don't realize that 'amazing deal' they got is utterly unrealistic. Why would someone sell for $25 what they could get $100+ for? There certainly are RARE exceptions. But it's like the people on eBay who leave negative feedback about the 'cheap quality' whatever they just bought.for $1. One of the ladies previously asked your opinion on a purse she was considering from a garage sale site.
Then said she had been ripped off already buying from a garage sale site was tired of it. With $175 I believe you could actually go into a Coach store and find something, sidestepping the whole question of authenticity. But I f you are hell bent on getting a 'deal', well you get what you pay for. Sorry for how long this got; I just really wanted your input on Coach's official stance on refusing to authenticate items.
A lady on line through a garage sale site is selling authentic coach purse for $100.00 The serial # is NO 9. It doesn't have the hole punch looking stamp on the leather tag on the inside.
It also says it's made in the Philippines. The outside is the signature c tan pattern, with a pink border around the top and pink handles.
It also has no ykk zipper. I got stung a couple of years ago when I bought my daughter one for her birthday. She ended up trying to sell it, and then we found out it was fake.
I spent $175.00 dollars for it. So now I'm very weary of buying on-line through garage sale sites.
Can you help me. I'm trying to find one for my daughter 18th birthday •. I have been a 100% rated ebay buyer for several years. Recently decided to sell 3 of my Coach items. The second item I listed was a like new Coach bag that I purchased a couple of years ago on ebay but really is not my style. To me it meets every authenticity test.
Well a couple of days after she received the bag the buy sent a message saying she took it to a Coach store and they said it was fake. I immediately agreed to a refund upon return of the bag. The reason being there are not 4 complete 'C's on the bottom panel. It is a satchel type bag. I have owned a number of Coach bags and I really believe this bag to be authentic. I won't risk listing it again but I sure would like to verify its authenticity.
Can you help please?
Finding the Serial Number The general rule of thumb when it comes to bags, both new and vintage, and their serial numbers is simply that there are few hard and fast rules. That said, most Coach bags have a number on them. If you look inside a purse, you'll usually see a 'creed,' a small rectangular sewn-on leather patch. At the bottom will usually appear the word 'No.,' (the abbreviation for 'number,') plus an embossed and possibly also inked number. A word of caution: Even though most purses have a serial number, the absence or presence of one isn't always a sign of the bag's authenticity, because at certain times in the company's history, bags didn't have serial numbers. Keep in mind that just because the bag has a serial number doesn't mean it can't be a fake; counterfeiters often use legitimate serial numbers on their bags, too.
History of Coach Serial Numbers There have been some changes over time in. Early Years Coach in 1941, and the company's earlier bags didn't have serial numbers. Those first appeared in Coach purses in the 1970s. At that time, the serial number was three digits long followed by a dash and four more numbers in the format xxx-xxxx. This was a true serial number, unique to that particular bag, and didn't contain the style number.
1980s Serial Numbers In the 1980s, the serial number was four numbers followed by a dash and three digits: xxxx-xxx. This number still didn't signify anything; it was just a unique number for that bag.
Bags Made in 1994 to Mid 2000s Then this all changed. Starting in 1994, the number on the creed isn't technically a serial number. The company and Coach aficionados refer to it as the style number. In bags made since then, this number, which is still widely called a serial number, includes production codes. The number can tell you a lot, including: • The month and year the bag was made • Where it was made • The style number In other words, the serial number was now made up of production codes, before the dash, and style number, afterward. This is the point at which letters started to be used, too, for example. Late 2014 Tag • In the mid 2000s, the serial number was usually four digits with a dash and four more digits.
The last four were the style number. For example: 8060-9790 (according to Sacs Magnifique ). • Around 2006, the style number became five numbers, and the production numbers were four and then five digits, for a total of 10 numbers, such as: M032-P14706 and B1182-16808 (examples from to ). • In late 2014, Coach stopped putting the serial number on the creed altogether and instead placed it on a tiny white tag, usually sewn into a seam in a bottom corner inside the bag or inside an interior pocket.
An example of this (according to ) is G1493-F21227. Today, occasionally a special edition Coach bag may have a serial number stamped on the creed. For the most part, though, bags have just a five-digit style number on the little white tag. Adding Letters to the Serial Number Sometimes Coach puts a letter at the beginning of the serial number to indicate where the bag was originally sold.
The letter typically appears after the hyphen in the serial number. Merlin Season 3 Sinhala Subtitles Download Tv. According to the from Real Authentication, the letters include. Coach does not offer authentication services, and according to their website, will not authenticate handbags or other merchandise, nor will they determine whether serial numbers match actual Coach items.
They encourage customers to only buy from authorized Coach retailer to ensure they are purchasing an authentic bag. There are some other ways you can try to authenticate your bag, however. Image Search A quick, though imperfect, way to authenticate any bag that you think dates from 1994 or later is to enter the serial number into your browser's search bar, then click on 'Images.'
This will bring up photos of bags. In some cases, you may quickly be able to see that your bag is completely different from the ones your search calls up. In that case, you likely have a fake on your hands. (Keep in mind that even if images of your bag do pop up, it doesn't necessarily mean your purse is real.) If the serial number has numbers only, no letters, it's from before 1994; it's a number unique to that particular bag and an image search may not be much help. Handbag Community Authentication Help Another way to find out what the serial number in your Coach bags has to tell you is to turn to online handbag communities.
Coach enthusiasts are serious about serial numbers and may have near-encyclopedic knowledge of them. They're usually happy to tell you about your bag's serial number and, if asked, to help authenticate your new or vintage bag. You can find them and ask for their help by visiting: •, in particular its thread specific to Coach, can be helpful to those looking to verify a serial number and authenticate a bag. To get help, you'll need to register to become a member of the forum. This is a free service, and designated Authenticator members will respond to your post, but you'll need to include detailed information.
For auction listings, you must include item, listing number, seller, and any comments about the bag or item. For all other items, you'll need to include the item name if known, link if available, and photos of the item, including a clear, readable image of the creed stamp and serial number, along with the bag's measurements for older or vintage Coach items. •: You can post requests for handbag help on this board, and you may find other members that are very familiar with Coach bags that are willing to help. Give as much detail about the bag as possible, and include photos if you have them along with your specific questions or concerns regarding the serial number. You can also search for past posts on this topic that have been 'Solved' that may help you. In both of these cases, it's important to post questions and requests for help with tact and expressions of gratitude, since authenticators, while knowledgeable, are neither professional nor compensated.
Paid Handbag Authentication Services In addition, there are businesses whose sole or primary purpose is to authenticate vintage handbags for a small fee, either solely with photographs or, as an option, in person. They include.
•: This service has a large list of brands that it will authenticate, including Coach. The company utilizes experts well-versed in designer merchandise to verify the authenticity of bags and other items. The authentication statements from the company are recognized by PayPal and credit card companies, and they are able to provide Significantly Not as Described (SNAD) certificates individuals may use in claims cases.
They offer both in-house authentication for those local to the San Diego area, and they also offer photo authentication that can be done via file sharing or by photo upload. •: Founded by a group of handbag experts, Real Authentication offers authentication services for Coach bags along with a host of other designer names, and they have helped over 100, 000 consumers with their merchandise. The company offers photo authentication services via their contact form online and email, as well as by text. They guarantee their authentications. Both of these websites have services starting at roughly $10 or $20, with the option of adding additional services, such as expedited services, various certificates, and an opinion about estimated value. Information Needed for Authentication With both the forums and the business websites, it's important to follow a few general rules if you want to authenticate your bag.
For instance: • Read the rules carefully. Your request may be denied or ignored if you don't follow the rules. • Include the desired number, types, and quality of photographs. Since authenticators are relying on photographs, these need to fit the desired specifications.
• Don't forget to include as much information as possible about the bag, such as style number and name, place and date of purchase, link to the purse listing, plus any other details you think would be useful or questions you may have. A Clue to a Handbag's History It's easy to look right past the little patch of leather with numbers on the inside of your bag. But once you notice it, and do a little research, you may realize you have a window into how old your bag is and where it's from. In fact, it's a bit of history hanging right on your arm.
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