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By CablesAndCrack. A collection of Marvel and DC crossover smuts. Listen, Black Widow said nervously, that kiss BlackWidow v4.40 by CHiCNCREAM 3 Kb Black Alarm Clock Black and White Keygen NEW 17 Kb Black book. V3.2.3.9 1 Kb BlindWrite 6 S N Virtual DJ v7.0 PRO Crack – KicaSS.torrent, 36.2 Mb in 4 files, Added to Applications Windows on, Hash ID Immediate departure at the next Hohmann window to Mars. Something happened to them out on the edge of the deep black, and they. Librarian, and mechanic, waking ancient machinery and cracking alien codes.
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Marvel Studios just released their new movie, Ant-Man, thereby cementing that they can do whatever the fuck they want. If they can make a $130 million film about Paul Rudd turning tiny and commanding an insect army without going bankrupt, they can probably make one about any Marvel character ever. Uh, as long as it's a dude.
Because clearly, the most impressive superpower in the universe isn't strength or invulnerability; it's having a dong. Now, there are a number of obvious reasons that Marvel would shy away from releasing movies with female protagonists (there's, after ), but here's the thing: All those reasons are bullshit.
Anyone who thinks women don't like comics must be living in the '40s -- the 1840s, that is, because even way back in 1944,. According to one study,. If you don't believe me, you can take the word of Marvel's editor-in-chief, who said, 'If you go to conventions and comic book stores, more and more female readers are emerging.' So please, let's put behind the sexist notion that only men can get sweaty as they stand in lines and gawk at cosplayers.
But despite that, and despite the fact that, Marvel's movies have never been big hits with the ladies. So far, the ones that have managed to attract the largest female audiences are -- that is, two movies that had superheroines in them. Marvel Studios Reminder that ScarJo's (non-Marvel) destroyed last year. The, Kevin Feige, said in an interview how he 'hopes' they will be able to make more female-led films 'sooner rather than later.' We can picture him sitting in his giant office every day, hoping away that someone will let him do it.
Unfortunately, his company is 'managing more franchises than most people have,' so he doesn't have time. The schedule of movies up and appeared in front of him one day, and obviously, no one wanted all those movies to star men, but they do, and now there isn't any time. Marvel Studios These guys happened to stop by that day. Coldfusionx (ics Cyanogenmod 9 On Ideos (u8150 Download here. Read Next Feige also made it very clear that the lack of female protagonists had nothing to do with other comic book movies starring women not doing well in the past, since that would be a rather dumb argument. Unfortunately, this wasn't so clear to the, Ike Perlmutter, who listed off three female-oriented movies that bombed in a leaked email to the CEO of Sony, presumably to prove that they shouldn't move forward on any films that have leads with ovaries. His examples were the 2005 Elektra (whose title he spelled wrong), the 2004 Catwoman (with ), and the freaking 1984 Supergirl.
You know who was popular in 1984?. Maybe we shouldn't concern ourselves with what those people thought.
Television Meanwhile, guess who DC is giving a show to this fall, before Black Widow even has a script. Go on, guess. 3 They Go Out Of Their Way To Exclude Black Widow In All Merchandising Hasbro Like I said, The Avengers and Guardians Of The Galaxy are Marvel's biggest hits with women because they have ensemble casts that include female superheroes in central roles -- something the ladies in the audience value even more than Thor's abs, apparently. There are probably countless young girls who left those movies wanting to be Black Widow or Gamora. Unfortunately, as far as Marvel is concerned, those girls should stick to Barbies and ponies. As Cracked, Black Widow is like the redheaded stepchild of the Avengers when it comes to stuff you can actually buy. She gets lots of screen time in the movies, which is good, but any kid who wants a toy of her is better off making one out of Play-Doh.
It's so bad that even Mark 'chillest guy to ever play the Hulk' Ruffalo called Marvel out: He was promptly replaced with Edward Norton Eric Bana SMART LOOKING ACTOR for his insolence. There's that does nothing but point out how Black Widow is nowhere to be found on Avenger's merchandise. We could see some executive getting away with saying that boys wouldn't play with a girl action figure, even though that is obviously bullshit (and what about the girls who want those action figures?), but here are some other things that Black Widow's presence would apparently ruin: Christmas. Your body's ability to heal itself. While no one really associates the Avengers with eating (besides shawarma vendors), Marvel is keen on getting into the food business. And to rip that purse out of moms' poor, overworked hands than by plastering Captain America and friends all over? Who doesn't want their kid to grow into an alcoholic or a radioactive rage monster?
Disney knows that mothers are so desperate to get their kids to eat healthy that they will make a deal with the devil. If little Johnny will only eat an apple when it comes pre-sliced, has a giant picture of Iron Man, and costs five times as much as a regular fucking apple, so be it. At least he won't be constipated for the next year. 1 Gender Roles Somehow Transcend Space And Time Marvel Studios And if it seems insulting that the people in charge are abusing outdated gender roles to make money, well.
You've seen the movies, right? That shit is all over the place.
According to the Marvel universe, institutionalized sexism against women exists everywhere, at all times, and in all situations. It doesn't matter how many super serums the world you invented has; if you don't have women being treated like crap, then it won't be believable, man.
Marvel Studios 'I mean, it's cool and all, but if it doesn't need a women's shelter, what's the point, you know?' In Guardians Of The Galaxy, the unbelievably badass Gamora still has to deal with being called a, even by her allies. It turns out that way out in outer space, people happen to be idiots about that, too. Meanwhile, over in Asgard, you better believe that Lady Sif looks at Jane like she. Despite the fact that one is a deity and the other is a human, they have to have some kind of catfight over a guy going on because they are ostensibly female -- otherwise, how will the audience understand how realistic this world of Norse gods is? It expands outside the movies, too.
Fans and even have called Black Widow 'a slut' because they assume she's hooked up with a couple of the Avengers. Meanwhile, Tony Stark proudly introduces himself as a playboy and no one bats an eye. Marvel Studios This is obviously a legitimate business meeting. Scarlet Witch and Gamora both start off as villains, because women still have that whole 'Eve' thing bringing us down.
The ladies have to start off bad and then be tamed by the men in their lives. And if you are not convinced yet, look at how they built up Black Widow's backstory for numerous movies, only for us to find out that it all comes down to the fact that she can no longer have children. Because, y'know, everyone knows that women who Kathy wrote a very funny book called FUNERALS TO DIE FOR and you can buy it. Or follow her on,, and. Be sure to follow us on and where you can catch all our video content, such as and other videos you won't see on the site!
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