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At89c52 Programmer

AT89C51 AT89C51@PLCC44 AT89C51@TQFP44 AT89C52 AT89C52@PLCC44 AT89C52@TQFP44 AT89C51-5 AT89C51-5@PLCC44 AT89C51-5@TQFP44 AT89C52-5 AT89C52-5@PLCC44 AT89C52-5@TQFP44 AT89S52 AT89S52@PLCC44 AT89S52@TQFP44 AT89S53 AT89S53@PLCC44.

About the programmer This simple microcontroller programmer can progam most of the 89 like Atmel's AT89S51, AT89S52, AT89S53, AT89S8252, AT89S8253 including the Atmel AVR series of microcontroller, it does not support 89C series. It simply consists of an ATMega8 and a couple of passive components. The programmer uses a firmware-only USB driver, no special USB controller is needed. Siemens Gigaset Se551 Firmware Update more.

Features • Works under multiple platforms. Linux, Mac OS X and Windows are tested. • No special controllers or smd components are needed. • Programming speed is up to 5kBytes/sec. • SCK option to support targets with low clock speed (. Step 4 says:- you have to first burn the firmware (that you have downloaded in setp 1) into the atmega8 mcu to act like a programmer.this firmware enables the programmer device to communicate with the computer usb port and the target chip you gonna program for your own use.

At89c52 Programmer

Only after doing this you can program other mcu by this programmer. The atmega8 as you purchased is not programmed any firmware. It's blank actually. So after step 4 only your programmer is ready to use now you can connect it to your 8051 mcu to program your firmware into the 8051 mcu if still have any question please feel free to ask. Hi have to burn the firmware and fuse bits into programmer's atmega8 if not then first you have to do this with the help of some kind of programmer if you have access to some other programmer then it's fine use that for burning programmer's firmware, if not then you can make the serial port programmer then burn the firmware to the atmega8 first and then plug into the usbasp board why are you using ponyprog,does poneprog support usbasp? And it's usb programmer,it does not connect to COM port please use porogisp which is available for download from my blog led are not glowing means that you did' burn the programmer's fimware.

1) Can u help me out with that X2 connection, what exactly is it showing?? As u said X2 is a connecter, should those pins be left open?? Does it mean '1' is shorted with '2', '3' with '4', '5' with '6', '7' with '8' and '9' with '10'. Plz explain in detail.

2) Also what is VCCINT? 3) How should the default JUMPER postions be??? 4) Can i use a Standard Female USB A type connector?

I would be glad if u edit the circuit with a connector which you used in PCB or by skiping the connector. Please reply as soon as possible to faiz.ahmed321@gmail.com. Hi Faiz i use just a burg strip you can use any connector you want or just directly solder wires. Vccint is pin from where the programmer board supply voltage to the target board (if required by the user).

Jp1 is open or close if you want the programmer to supply voltage to the target. Jp2 is open if you are using the programmer or jp2 is close if you want the programmer firmware to be changed jp3 is open in normal condition but if the target is at slow clock the jp3 is use to force the programmer to slowly(with slow sck) program the target chip. Hey Gaurav, i made the circuit properly and followed all the steps as shown clearly on this site.

I m using progisp for programming AT89S52. I have selected usbasp and AT89S52 in progisp and have loaded the hex file. When I click erase or auto button it says no programmer detected. In device manager it is showing USBasp with the correct icon.

Is der any way to check connection of programmer. The hardware is completely ok as same hardware with different firmware IC is working for atmega16. I am using keil to make hex file.

Do I have to make any changes while creating hex file. Thanks and Regards, Ankur Saxena. I have follow all step carefully to make this programmer.

I have burned fireware successfully. And this programmer work fine with AVR like atmega8,16 etc. But it not working with at89s52. An error massage display every time when i hit erase and auto button this massage is 'CHIP ENABLE PROGRAM ERROR'. I have made this connection between Programmer and At89s52. MOSI=>PIN6 MISO=>PIN7 SCK =>PIN8 RST =>PIN9 VCC =>PIN40 GND =>PIN20 crystal of 11.0592 MHz is connected with PIN 18 & 19 with 22p capacitor with GND. Please give me correct connection details of 8052 and programmer.

Hi Gaurav Chaudhary.! Thank you for reply. I have burned firmware as you provided in above post.and i have write correct fuse bit Low=0xFF and high=0xC9. I m using progisp 1.72. Its working fine on atmega8.

But not working on AT89s52. My connection between AT89s52 and Programmer is MOSI=>PIN6 MISO=>PIN7 SCK =>PIN8 RST =>PIN9 VCC =>PIN40 GND =>PIN20 And jumper J3 is also closed in programmer for slow SCK. I m getting error massage 'CHIP ENABLE PROGRAM ERROR' when ever i pressed erase and auto button. I have already selected the CHIP as AT89S52. Please Provide me Correct firmware for atmega based USBASP.I also need C code of AVR+AT89 series usbasp prgrammer.

I am the avr beginner. Would you pleas do me a favor? Because i have built this circuit following the step to configure the fuse into the atmega8 already. But it doesn't work. I use the programing software named 'progisp'.i can program atmega16 with this. Yet when i want to program 89s51 with this, always shows 'chip enable program error occur' do you know what's up? I have hear about it that is because the reset delay time is not enough.if you can modify it, it should be ok.

For s51xx chip, after setting RST high, put some more delay for being more stable. After RST(high) is stable, keep going next commands. Reversely for mega series chip, after clear RST low, put some more delay for being more stable. After RST(low) is stable, keep going next commands. Would you please try to modify the source code and complier it, then get the hex file for us?

I really want this programmer to be able to program 89s** and mega series. Because i only can program atmega16 with this, but 89s series. Thanks a lot~~. No, Its not detecting as USBasp.

When I connect this programmer with my laptop, it says USB not recognized. One more thing after burning fuse bits, Red led is not glowing & not at all able to erase the controller nor burn.

I thing now controller got damaged. That's why I asked you the purpose of burning the fuse bits. Is it necessary to burn the fuse bits?

If I don't burn what will happen? One more thing when install the driver it says driver is successfully installed & it installed as Unknown Device not USBasp. Behringer Di100 Service Manual. First of all, i would like to thank you for what you are doing for the community:) i have some questions regarding the circuit of the programmer. Does the jumper J1 need to be switched on (circuit closed) when burning hex onto target?

If yes, should it be turned on before connecting target, after connecting target, before connecting the programmer to usb, after connecting or what? What is the use of pins RXD and TXD in the 10-pin IDC connector? According to my limited knowledge, some microcontrollers can be programmed with 6 pin IDC connector as well, implying there is no RXD and TXD pins.

4.Can 89S (89S51,89S52 etc) series be programmed with only 6 pin IDC connector? (not using the RXD TXD pins) sorry for my lack of knowledge, please answer my questions. Eagerly waiting for your reply. Rxd txd pins are not used for programming the target in ISP mode only MOSI MISO SCK RESET power and ground pin are required. Please google usbasp zif socket if you wanted to make zif socket, i advice not to go for zif, zif socket are not very useful these days, you need very few pins to program the target and almost all of the mcu support ICSP, and it's smd word now, so i believe zif socket have a very little use.

Lot other things are there. Even if you are breadboarding some thing then with zif socket you have to every time plug off the target from breadboard and plug in to zif socket, no good. If you just have ICSP then directly connect the ICSP wire to breadboard, you will save time, no hassle, no pin damage in the process. Hello Gaurav, out of my curiosity, i am planing to develop few embedded projects; so started looking for different projects to start with, but then realized for any chip based project i would need the chip programmer!!! With limited knowledge of hardware, can i develop this chip programmer by following your instructions? I also have few questions in my mind like, 1) can we have a programmer which can flash all the available chips (like Atmel AVR, pic.)!!! 2) how to flash the firmware in to the programming ic, for the first time?

I mean can we get the pre-programmed ic? Please guide me on this, Thanks, Anuradha. 1) there are many universal programmer available for purchase on ebay dot com which will program quite a many of microcontroller from many manufacturer. But as the number of supported device and manufacturer grow then tend to get a bit costly. A cheap which will support few avr few PIC and few ST parts would be around 25-30 USD but a big programmer which support hundreds of microcontroller manufacturer then are quite costly like max up to 200 USD. Price vary according to device support but i don't' recommend you to get one of those universal programmer, they are not good for various reasons.

As an hobbyist you have 2-3 different good programmer for different vendor. 2) there are many ways to achieve first programming. You could buy programmed chip from some online shop. If you could find source what you are looking for. Or few sites what they do when you purchase a microcontroller IC from them they will ask you to provide some hex file so that they will program it first before shipping. Or may be on few programming service provider site you have to ship your micro to them they will ship you back programmed of course they gonna charge for it but charge is as low as INR 200 2. You ask you college or some friend in the industry.

Or you can ask me i can send you preprogrammed mcu or you send me your mcu i will send it back to you programmed. Hello Gaurav, while searching for the, so called, universal programmers, i came across 2 products. Can you please tell me the difference between these two, 1) 2) the detailed description is available for the 2nd product but no such details for the first one. Waiting for the reply, thanks, Anuradha.

So you gonna need a real hardware programmer with a associated software, i have posted two microchip PIC microcontroller programmers one serial and one USB you can use any one you like. Refer to these two link serial port based, needed software and hardware is mentioned on the page itself.

USB port based, needed software and hardware is mentioned on the page itself. I have tried to connect in ubuntu 12.04 and here also i am getting error. Sir, I have a Arduino UNO R3 China made clone (ATmega328P with ATmega16U2) board.

Can I upload the firmware via this Arduino? If yes, the please provide some instruction. This will save me from finding a machine with serial port. ATMega328 is cheaper than ATMega8 in some stores in Calcutta, so I need ATMega328 instead of ATMega8, can I use ATMega328? I also need on-board voltage regulator equipped power supply like my UNO R3 so please give me the detail of power supply. ProgISP is good but unavailable on linux, how can I use this programmer in linux? Is this programmer STK500 compatible?

How can I use it to upload Arduino UNO R3 compatible codes right from the arduino IDE?