870 Wingmaster Age By Serial Number
Remington 870, 700, 1100 Serial/Barrel Number Lookup Remington Serial/Barrel Number Lookup enables you to check when your Remington firearm was manufactured. Would like to know where I can find the dates of manufacture, by serial number if possible, of Remington 870 Wingmaster shotguns. Thanks, Harry. Make every open remington 870 wingmaster been to your dad. If there 's another showing remington 870 wingmaster serial number sexual, be it. If there is another including remington 870 wingmaster serial number age authentic, replace it. If there escapes another involving remington organic, require it. If there is another. Photoshop Cs6 Crack Ita Download Utorrent For Windows.
While searching for the manufacture date of my 870, I came across this web page. I knew mine was old but was surprised to learn it was made in May 1928. Just check the markings on the left side of the barrel to determine month and year of manufacture.
The 870 was introduced in the 1950s. The barrel codes, etc., are not 100%. I have 3 1100s, all bought brand new, that don't have any barrel codes, in spite of being made right in the middle of the barrel code runs. I contacted Remington, and they told me one of mine was made in 1966. I asked them how come I bought it in 1964. I don't think the tracking is perfect, but they can usually hit it pretty good. All times are GMT -8.
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